
:idea: Da li je vreme da promenimo zanimanje? Dosad smo bili herojski i vojnicki narod,ali nismo uspeli da ostvarimo ni jedan nacionalni interes jos od kraja 19. veka. Albanci nisu bili poznati po junackoj proslosti,vec vise po umetnosti pravljenja djakonija od brasna,ali su ipak uspeli postepeno da ostvare svoj nacionalni interes koji sanjaju jos od propasti kraljice Teute i pada ilirske drzave pod rimsku vlast. Malo po malo, vekna po vakna, beba po beba, hasis po hasis i skoro da je ostvaren cilj bez krvavih gaca. Da li je mozda vreme da pocnemo da mesimo hleb i pravimo decu,a drugi da nas zamene sto se tice herojstva?
Zivorade zito ti spalimo! Pa ko te placa? Ovo je jos jedna tema kojom provociras posten srpski svet. Imas li ti imalo obraza ili si Sorosov placenik koji kupi informacije i prenosi ih nevladinim organizacijama i Katasi Kandic?
U Timofejevoj emisiji, pre mesec dana gostovao je kao narodni heroj puk.Vojske SCG, Dani Zoltan, reforma mu dala preuranjenu penziju, otvorio pekaru, pravi kore a sprema se i za poslasticarski posao, inace njegova jedinica PVO je 99.oborila nevidljivog.
Timofejev bas ima heroje,,,,,,,,,,
To je pos'o! Zasucimo rukave pa na rad,a posle rada navali na snajku, pa ces vidis rezultate. A ne ovako, samo pricamo a nista ne delamo, razvlacimo kucinu i kupimo trice. Kucina se tegli, a ***** sve manji, srce u petama a dezerter u glavi. Hocemo kintu,ali bez rabote. Slabo to ide...
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

All around in my home town
They’re trying to track me down.
They say they want to bring me in guilty
For the killing of a deputy,
For the life of a deputy.
But I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.
I shot the sheriff, and they say it is a capital offense.

Sheriff john brown always hated me;
For what I don’t know.
Every time that I plant a seed
He said, kill it before it grows.
He said, kill it before it grows.
I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.
I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.

Freedom came my way one day
And I started out of town.
All of a sudden I see sheriff john brown
Aiming to shoot me down.
So I shot, I shot him down.
I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

Reflexes got the better of me
And what is to be must be.
Every day the bucket goes to the well,
But one day the bottom will drop out,
Yes, one day the bottom will drop out.
But I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no

Ма може и in а bakery, што да не имају саксије.... :rolleyes:
Држ'мо се ми онога што знамо.


