Dual boot


Buduća legenda
chini mi se da je bila tema sa ovim nazivom, ali ne mogu da je nadjem..uostalom, samo tri strane,,, izgleda da je tu nesto obrisano..problem je cest, pa reko: bilo bi dobro da se jos nesto tu doda..
covek je, posle reinstalacije windowsa me, imao problema sa dual bootom..poslednji savet na temi je bio da problem resi komandama: fixmbr i fixboot, iz recovery konzole windowsa xp..

naravno, ovo fixboot vazi samo ako boot.ini postoji...ali, ako ste bili prinudjeni da formatirate particiju gde je bio windows me/98 – izbrisali ste i boot.ini i jos neke fajlove neophodne za bootovanje sistema(ntldr, ntdetect)...ukoliko niste napravili emergency repear disk (win 2000) i niste sigurni u radu sa repear kozolom, ili, iz nekog razloga, vam nikako ne polazi za rukom da podignete oba sistema, evo jednostavnog nacina koji sigurno “pali”:

(preuzeto sa ms sajta)

If Setup Is Unable to Locate Windows 2000
If you do not have a Windows 2000 Emergency Repair Disk, and Setup cannot locate the Windows 2000 installation, perform the following Windows 2000 installation:
1. Start Windows 2000 Setup.
2. On the Setup will install Windows 2000 on partition page, select Leave the current file system intact (no changes), and then press ENTER.
3. Press ESC to install Windows 2000 to a new folder.
4. In the Select the folder in which the files should be copied box, type \TempWin, and then press ENTER.

Setup installs a new copy of Windows 2000.
5. Log on to the new copy of Windows 2000.
6. Start a command prompt.
7. At the command prompt, type drive:, where drive is the boot drive of the computer, and then press ENTER. For example, type C:, and then press ENTER.
8. Type ATTRIB -H -R -S BOOT.INI, and then press ENTER.
9. Type EDIT BOOT.INI, and then press ENTER.

Edit.com opens a BOOT.INI file similar to the following:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\TEMPWIN="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
C:\ = "Microsoft Windows"

10. Replace all instances of TEMPWIN with WINNT. The BOOT.INI file should appear similar to the following:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
C:\ = "Microsoft Windows"

11. Press ALT+F, and then press S.
12. Press ALT+F, and then press X.
13. Type ATTRIB +H +R +S BOOT.INI, and then press ENTER.
14. Type EXIT.
15. Restart the computer.
16. When the boot menu appears, select Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.
17. Use Windows Explorer to delete the TEMPWIN folder and the All Users.TEMPWIN folder.

dakle, fora je jednostavna,,,paralelno sa postojecom instalacijom windows 2000/ xp, u neki privremeni folder, uradite novu instalaciju koja ce sluziti da napravi novi boot zapis i fajlove neophodne za butovanje...posto je privremena instalacija na istoj particiji kao ova sto nam je potrebna, dovoljno je da izeditujemo boot.ini fajl i da umesto ovog privremenog damo zeljeni path (za win 2000 upisemo winnt, za xp – windows)
