Best quotes!

What's the *point*?


What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies, when he can't have babies?

It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.

It's symbolic of his struggle against reality.

( Life of Brian )
Here's a Bible verse I think about sometimes. Manytimes. It goes:

And I heard the voice of Lord saying: Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?

And... I said: Here am I , send me!

Send me.

Book of Isaiah, Chapter six.

( Fury )
Thomas Shelby 1.jpg
They do say, Mrs M, that verbal insults hurt more than physical pain. They are, of course, wrong, as you will soon discover when I stick this toasting fork into your head.


Odličan :ok:.

Moj omiljeni -

Edmund: Ah, good morning, Mrs Miggins.

Miggins: Bonjour, monsieur.

Edmund: What?

Miggins: Bonjour, monsieur — it’s French.

Edmund: So is eating frogs, cruelty to geese and urinating in the street,
but that’s no reason to inflict it on the rest of us.

Black Adder the Third (TV Series)
Nob and Nobility
Brian: There would be other loves. Even great loves. But she was right, only one remained perfect.

Arielle: Maybe there are some people you marry and people you love.

Arlene: I think that there are two forces on Earth you never want to be fighting. One is Mother Nature.The other is love.

Life is a collection of moments. The idea is to have as many good ones as you can.

5 to 7 relationship
Go on. Mock me. Laugh! That was not Mozart laughing, Father. That was God. That was God laughing at me through that obscene giggle. Go on, Signore. Laugh. Show my mediocrity for all to see. One day I will laugh at you. Before i leave this earth i will laugh at you.

Major Henry Terrill: What do you want, Hannassey?

Rufus Hannassey: I'm just payin' back the call you and your men made on my home this mornin'. Sorry I wasn't there to give you the proper welcome.

Major Henry Terrill: Let him speak his piece.

Rufus Hannassey: Take it easy, boy. I've got me somethin' to say: it's about thirty years overdue. This is a mighty fine house, Major Terrill: a gentleman's house. Those are mighty fine clothes your wearin'. Well, maybe you've got some of these folks fooled, but you ain't got me fooled, not by a damn sight! The Hannassey's know and admire a real gentleman when they see one, and they recognize a high tone skunk when they smell one. Now, I'm not here complainin' about twenty of your brave men who beat three of my boys 'til they couldn't stand. Maybe they had it comin'. Anyways, they're full growed and can take their lickin's. And I'm not here complainin' because I know that you're tryin' to buy the Big Muddy to keep my cows from water. Though it galls me sore to see the granddaughter of a genuine gentleman like Glenn Maragon under this roof. I'll tell you why I'm here, Major Terrill! When you come a-ridin' roughshod over my land scarin' the kids and the women folks, when you invade my home, like you was the law or God Almighty, then I say to you, I've seen every kind of critter God ever made, and I ain't never seen a meaner, lower, more stinkin', yellow, hyprocrite than you! Now you can swallow up a lot of folks and make 'em like it, but you ain't swallowin' me. I'm stuck in your craw, Henry Terrill, and you can't spit me out! You hear me now! You rode into my place and beat my men for the last time and I give you warnin'. You set foot in Blanco Canyon once more and this country's gonna run red with blood 'til there ain't one of us left! Now I don't hold mine so precious, so if you want to start, here, start now! What's the matter? Can't you shoot a man a-facin' ya? I'll make it easy fer ya. Here's my back.

The Big Country
Генијална улога Val Kilmer-а...


Samo ja nisam verovao kada sam pročitao triviu za film. Originalno je Morisona trebao da glumi Billy Idol, ali se ovaj polomio u motocikličkoj nesreći neposredno pred snimanje ( zato ga i vidimo u filmu na štakama ). Te sam mišljenja da je "intervenisala" neka "viša sila" i poslala nam Kilmera koji nam je zauzvrat dao jedan od najboljih biopic-a ikad snimljenih :cool:.
