vasa reakcija.

Kad bi alieni sletjeli ja bi reko:pilot babo,Amadeus Rambooooo....
Ozbiljno,dok bi mi obični takoreći normalni skontali da su došli oni bi
Patrik(SJEBERG) nas ostale...
Ako su bezobrazni,ako su :per: onda sonda u doope...
Gej populacija bi se tome obradovala(muška,mislim)...
AKo su dobronamjerni,onda bi ih naši naučnici okušali PROUČAVATI...
Pa bi nam opet džebali kewu...
Dakle,propali smo.
Jeste li zadovoljni vi što se svega plašite?
Čitajte Mešu Selimovića(ovna, gowna, živjet? ring a bell?)
Vidi ovog kako masta da je supermen.
Prvo trebas pokenuti svoje iz fotelje, a to nije bas lako, a za to vreme reptili otese Dusku, Milicu i ostale dame.

Drzite se vi nekog ovakvog kao na snimku , pustite Sala. ;)

Ma da, neka se drze tebe..ti si zensko mezimce foruma, pesnik i filozof..jedva bi docekao to skloniste, da svojim damama recitujes Po-a i pokazuje tetama misice..:).:) a jos si, jbte i bodi bildercic..
Lozis se na starije zene, a? Priznaj, nece ti niko nista..

A mom du.petu je bas lepo u fotelji, moji sportski dani su daleko iza mene. Zato sam i presao u Mocne Rendzere.. :)

I da, zaboravio sam napomenuti da bi im i ukrao novcnike, dok hrcu pijani.
Ko ih ebe.. :)
Poslednja izmena:
Otkud ti ideja da bi bilo organizacije? Mozda bi bilo rasula, sto mene najvise plasi, tj. vise se plasim ljudi u takvoj situaciji nego bilo cega. Ta paranoja moze da se otme kontroli. evo je...organizacija...ili je ipak....paranoja...:zcepanje:


"3. After concluding that the discovery appears to be credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and after informing other parties to this declaration, the discoverer should inform observers throughout the world through the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams of the International Astronomical Union, and should inform the Secretary General of the United Nations in accordance with Article XI of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Bodies. Because of their demonstrated interest in and expertise concerning the question of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer should simultaneously inform the following international institutions of the discovery and should provide them with all pertinent data and recorded information concerning the evidence: the International Telecommunication Union, the Committee on Space Research, of the International Council of Scientific Unions, the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute of Space Law, Commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union and Commission J of the International Radio Science Union.

4. A confirmed detection of extraterrestrial intelligence should be disseminated promptly, openly, and widely through scientific channels and public media, observing the procedures in this declaration. The discoverer should have the privilege of making the first public announcement."
Poslednja izmena: evo je...organizacija...ili je ipak....paranoja...:zcepanje:


"3. After concluding that the discovery appears to be credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and after informing other parties to this declaration, the discoverer should inform observers throughout the world through the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams of the International Astronomical Union, and should inform the Secretary General of the United Nations in accordance with Article XI of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Bodies. Because of their demonstrated interest in and expertise concerning the question of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer should simultaneously inform the following international institutions of the discovery and should provide them with all pertinent data and recorded information concerning the evidence: the International Telecommunication Union, the Committee on Space Research, of the International Council of Scientific Unions, the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute of Space Law, Commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union and Commission J of the International Radio Science Union.

4. A confirmed detection of extraterrestrial intelligence should be disseminated promptly, openly, and widely through scientific channels and public media, observing the procedures in this declaration. The discoverer should have the privilege of making the first public announcement."

Ludilo. Aj ti to objasni masi od nekoliko miliona ljudi koji misle da je dosao sudnji dan ,npr. i krece se kroz neko naseljeno mesto i rusi sve pred sobom.

Sta znaci ovo : After concluding that the discovery appears to be credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence ???
Ludilo. Aj ti to objasni masi od nekoliko miliona ljudi koji misle da je dosao sudnji dan ,npr. i krece se kroz neko naseljeno mesto i rusi sve pred sobom.

sto ja tebi to da objasnjavam...kad je to tvoj domen...:mrgreen:

a ovo gorepomenuto je...paaaa...dogovorena procedura...
inace, koliko ocekujemo neki spektakularan "prvi kontakt" vec
skromni, nesto u tom fazonu...+ se tako nesto vec...dogodilo...mozda...:zper:
An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council Sunday failed to agree to a joint statement regarding North Korea’s rocket launch over the weekend. The United States, Japan, South Korea and the European Union accused the North Korean regime of breaching UN resolutions that ban the country from carrying out ballistic missile activity and called for a strong and unified response.

Ima samo da prste protokoli na sve strane.
An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council Sunday failed to agree to a joint statement regarding North Korea’s rocket launch over the weekend. The United States, Japan, South Korea and the European Union accused the North Korean regime of breaching UN resolutions that ban the country from carrying out ballistic missile activity and called for a strong and unified response.

Ima samo da prste protokoli na sve strane.

lajes na pogresno drvo Arione...procitaj tekst na linku...:lol:
Poenta je da nema organizacije i protokola koji moze da predvidi reakcije velikog broja ljudi.

reakcije na sta...? :lol:

koliko znam
pretrazivanje "neba" se obavlja vec dugo...
samo, rezultati, kojih...ipak ima, nisu i jos dugo nece biti tako...spektakularni...
e, sad...kako u ovo uklopiti vas "gusterski univerzum" i "oni su medju nama"...napade...neam ne zanima me...:lol:

sto se "organizacije" tice...ti si prvi...posezao za scenarijima...
a ovo sto sad pricas... ja pricam od pocetka...
kao sto tvrdim i da nema zabrinjavati se... :sad2:

