

Aktivan član
Ako ima nekog ko igra ovu igru trenutno zamolila bih ga za jednu uslugu...
Negde na pocetku igrice desilo mi se da nije hteo da se pusti jedan video snimak, vec me je izbacivalo iz igrie prijavljujuci mi gresku, ali sam to uspela da prevazidjem kliknuvsi na ESC. Medjutim, sad sam malo odmakla u igrici i ponovo imam isti problem, ali sad nece da se resi ovako, pa mi je pala na pamet ideja da ako bi neko bio toliko ljubazan da mu posaljem moj SAVE GAME, a on treba samo da klikne glavnom aktoru da ode na spavanje i da saceka da se zavrsi video snimak, pa da snimi i posalje mi taj SAVE GAME...
Ako je neko voljan da ucini to za mene neka mi posalje PP da bih mu poslala moju e-mail adresu...
PLEASE! :worth:
An error has occured...
An error has occured. The program cannot be executed. We'd like to apologise for the
inconvenience. Should the error occur repeatedly, please send in the error report and
contact Tech Support. Tech Support contact information can be obtained from the manual
of your game copy.
Error information:
Error in function cCougarImage::InitBink
Video stream init failed: Not a Bink file.
File: .\source\class_image.cpp, Line: 274
Report transfer:
An internet connection is required for the transfer of the report. Additional system
information will be collected, to help analyse the problem. If you don't feel comfortable with
this, do not send the report. After the transfer, a report ID number will be displayed. Keep
this number handy when contacting Tech Support.
