Restoran na kraju vaseljene....MATRIX...

Tvrdiš pazar,a?
Dobro,šta košta ne pitam za cenu:hahaha:
Evo ja ću ti za dž dam jedan recept...
staviš šećer u kafu dragom kog neizmerno voliš
a ako pije gorku ti se sakri negde iza ćoška
ako slučajno šoljica poleti u tvom pravcu da imaš zaklon:D..sve jedno
kad gucne onu slatku kafu..tvoj je:lol:
Јок.. ако завитла шољицу, мој је...:evil: одмах зовем упомоћ..
скупљам своје играчкице и нећу више да се играм с њим..:ljutko:

:tajna: Не тврдим бре пазар, него се плашим да ће ово прочитати...
Јок.. ако завитла шољицу, мој је...:evil: одмах зовем упомоћ..
скупљам своје играчкице и нећу више да се играм с њим..:ljutko:

:tajna: Не тврдим бре пазар, него се плашим да ће ово прочитати...

Drži ga dalje odavde:lol:
Ja mog ne puštam ni blizu.

"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization."

Agent Smith, Matrix


Kad bi svaka želja bila zadovoljena odmah kad se pojavi, kako bi ljudi ispunili
svoje živote, kako bi im prolazilo vreme? Zamislite da se ova vrsta preseli na
Utopiju gde sve raste od sebe i ćurani lete okolo pečeni, gdje se ljubavnici
pronalaze bez čekanja i s lakoćom zadržavaju jedno drugo: na takvom mestu
neki bi ljudi umrli od dosade ili se obesili, neki bi se borili i medjusobno ubijali,
i tako bi sami sebi stvorili više patnji nego što im priroda pruža sada.

Arthur Schopenhauer


Da li bol definiše ljude? :think:


oh, nevermind that...

šta ima, kako e :)
Poslednja izmena:
šta znam i ja :)

mada bukowski reče vako:

Kad sam bio klinac, bušili su mi lice, da uklone akne. Fizički bol te ojača. Jedan ljekar je ušao u osbu i rekao: „Nikada nijesam vidio da neko tako hladnokrvno ide pod iglu.“ To nije hrabrost – ako pretrpiš dosta fizičkog bola, oguglaš – to je samo proces, privikavanje.
Na psihički bol se ne možeš priviknuti. Bježi od njega.
šta znam i ja :)

mada bukowski reče vako:

Kad sam bio klinac, bušili su mi lice, da uklone akne. Fizički bol te ojača. Jedan ljekar je ušao u osbu i rekao: „Nikada nijesam vidio da neko tako hladnokrvno ide pod iglu.“ To nije hrabrost – ako pretrpiš dosta fizičkog bola, oguglaš – to je samo proces, privikavanje.
Na psihički bol se ne možeš priviknuti. Bježi od njega.

Rainer Maria Rilke
The First Elegy

Who, if I cried, would hear me among the angelic
Orders? And even if one of them suddenly
pressed me against his heart, I should fade in the strength of his
stronger existence. For Beauty’s nothing
but beginning of Terror we’re still just able to bear,
and why we adore it so is because it serenely
disdains to destroy us. Each single angel is terrible.
And so I keep down my heart, and swallow the call-note
of depth-dark sobbing. Alas, who is there
we can make use of? Not angels, not men;
and already the knowing brutes are aware
that we don’t feel very securely at home
within our interpreted world. There remains, perhaps,
some tree on a slope, to be looked at day after day,
there remains for us yesterday’s walk and the cupboard-love loyalty
of a habit that liked us and stayed and never gave notice.
Oh, and there’s Night, there’s Night, when wind full of cosmic space
feeds on our faces: for whom would she not remain,
longed for, mild disenchantress, painfully there
for the lonely heart to achieve? Is she lighter for her lovers?
Alas, with each other they only conceal their lot!
Don’t you know yet?—Fling the emptiness out of your arms
into the spaces we breathe—maybe that the birds
will feel the extended air in more intimate flight.
