Хистори оф СербиЈа


Buduća legenda
There are several theories on the origin of the Serbs. One possible theory suggests that Serbs are mix of pre-Slavic Illyrian tribes and Slavs. Another theory suggests that Serbs are descendants of a tribe known as the Lugii. These Lugii lived in central Europe, around the same area that the present-day Lusitan Sorbs of Germany live in.

According to the Iranian theory, the original Serboi were a Sarmatian (Iranian) tribe, who lived in the northern Caucasus and Eastern Europe. The earliest historical records of these Sarmatian Serboi date from the 1st century, in the works of the historian Tacitus (ca. 50 AD) and the geographer Pliny (Plinius) (69-75 AD).

In the second century, the famous Greek scientist Ptolemy in his Geography associates the Serbian name with the Sarmatian tribes of the North Caucasus and Lower Volga, just as his predecessors.

Byzantine sources report that part of the Serbs migrated southward in the late sixth century and eventually overwhelmed the lands that now make up southern Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Dalmatia. In this region, Serbs mixed with other Slavic tribes (which settled there in the sixth century) and with descendants of the indigenous peoples of the Balkans: Illyrians, Dacians and "Tribals".


Ако ћемо да се *урчимо...
Дакле Краљ Артур, Ланселот и остала балавурдија:

King Arthur is a film first released in the United States on June 28, 2004, dubbed as "The Untold True Story That Inspired The Legend" by Touchstone Pictures.

The makers of the film claim to present a historically accurate version of the Arthurian legends, supposedly inspired by new archaeological findings. The accuracy of these claims is subject to debate, but the film is unusual in representing Arthur as a Roman soldier rather than a medieval knight.

A historical approach to the Arthurian legends had already been showcased in film once - in Arthur of the Britons, a 1972-1973 British TV series, and King Arthur, The Young Warlord, a movie-length compilation of some of its episodes.
Arthur, known as Artorius from his name Artorius Castus (Clive Owen), is portrayed as a Roman cavalry officer and commander, the son of a Roman father and a Celtic mother, who leads a military force of Sarmatian cavalry in Britain at the close of the Roman occupation in 467 A.D. He and his men guard Hadrian's Wall against the "Woads", a Celtic people who resist Roman rule, roughly based on the historical Picts, led by their mysterious leader Merlin. He is not the first Arthur - over the years, many of his ancestors have manned the Wall, leading Sarmatian auxiliaries.
Дакле ов теорија побеђује Аднанову, пошто су краљ Артур и Ланселот били- Срби....

П.С. ово нисам ја писао, већ су филм правили Американци заснован на историјским податцима, а иначе да вас обавестим да је Београд био Келтски град и да у мом родном месту у Банату има археолошких налазишта Сарматских гробова.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Inače super tema...baš interesantna za mnoge ovde, a za mene zaista jeste...nadam se da će autor nastaviti..! :wink:
`оће вала, све док ме не свежу у лудачку кошуљу са Чедом и Бебом!

мада сам се стварно изненадио.
Настављам се на филм "Артур", пошто су сви они у ствари Сармати, запрепастио сам се који је Ланселотов и осталих бојни поклич:

Тако су викали за јуриш :lol:
`оће вала, све док ме не свежу у лудачку кошуљу са Чедом и Бебом!

мада сам се стварно изненадио.
Настављам се на филм "Артур", пошто су сви они у ствари Сармати, запрепастио сам се који је Ланселотов и осталих бојни поклич:

Тако су викали за јуриш :lol:

Za njih dvojicu se prave specijalke...mis'im, ludačke košulje...ne sreće se takvo nešto često, čak ni na psihijatriji... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Evo večeras repriza filma u 01h na U92...ćemo da gledamo tu...khm...istoriju... :lol: :lol:
ma na vrh brega... i ovo je mnogo za neke ovde, zamisli kad bi se ushlo malko dublje... :)

Aaaaaaa... :shock:

El' to ono što će onaj južnjak99 da dodje da vidi kako izgleda kod srpskih muških, mis'im...kod njiHa im za to treba lupa i pinceta..? :oops: :oops: :roll:

p.s. IzvinjaJem se za bRezobrazluke š'o mi promiču pred očima...ups...i stidim i sramim...odo u ćošak do početka filma... :oops: :confused:
Мислиш претварање Српског "Б"у Грчко "М" па уместо Сармати испада... :razz:

ma... vish ima neshto shto vodi ovaj svet, kako god ga zvali... vernici bog, ateisti sila ili vec kako zhele.. i uvek kada onaj bad guy misli da je neshto postigao, desi se svetlo, otkrovenje... rodi se neki genije il' se pronadje neshto na obali mrtvog mora, kod vinche.... i opet ista igranka jovo nanovo. reche neko... nisu zvezde za choveka... nije ni ovo sale, samo mozhe da zbuni i isprovicira i izazove anatagonizam medju ljudima i narodima.... ko zna kad ce ljudi biti duhovno zreli za neke istine koje se danas smatraju teorijama zavere...
