

For how much longer will dawns be veiled with silence?!
And my pact with sorrow extended indefinitely...
A glimmer ray of hope often comes and goes now
Leaving me breathless hereon, lying on the freezing floor.
With smothered echoes of your charming voice
Talking of our first encounter in a magical April rain.

Demons in the corners can now feast on my inner being!
I have no defense this time, I gave you all I had left,
To take with you, my love, and I even fake a smile every time...
But you won't hear me scream, I will not let you.
Empty darkness of my soul can still take some more pain.
I long, and I suffer... Cursing my fate and loving it at the same time...

A thousand miles OR a step, away from happiness I stand, watching, helpless...
Ni nebo nije visoko samo ako verujes...
Svi mi gradimo nas mali kosmos koji ce jednog dana da nam pruzi dom i zakloni od kise suza,patnje i boli.
Nestace tama,praznina,lazni osmesi...
Ostace nam lepa secanja na neke nezaboravne trenutke,desice se jos bezbroj lepsih stvari koje ce potisnuti sve ono lose....
Samo ako verujes...:zag::cmok2:

Divna je pesma...
