Call of Cthulhu

Duh Sekire

Nedavno sam shvatio kako je Sokrat bio u pravu, ako je on umiruci saznao da tek tada nista ne zna. Ispada da tek kad nesto saznas, saznas i koliko nisi znao.
Tako sam na poslednjem Beoconu (konvencija SF ljubitelja) imao prilike da prisustvujem prikazu rada meni nepoznatog americkog pisca H.P. Lovecrafta. Predavac je vec opasno kasnio, posle akademskih 15 minuta dao sam mu jos 5 jer sam video da steluju kao muzicku podlogu Dead Can Dance, pa jos 5 kad je postavio prvu sliku - fotografiju s kraja pretproslog veka koja je delovala nekako mracnjacki. I onda su najzad zapoceli...
Prica o teskom detinjstvu pisca (otac oboleo od sifilisa sto ga je odvelo u ludnicu, majka kasnije takodje pukla, on sam u detinjstvu imao nervne slomove skoro svake godine) me je tek malo zaintrigirala. Nisam mislio dugo da ostanem, dok nisu poceli o njegovim delima. Ono sto me je opredelilo da jos duze ostanem je njegovo NIHILISTICKO vidjenje svemira u kome su vanzemaljska bica ogromne moci potpuno neantropomorfna i lisena bilo kakvih ljudskih moralnih vrednosti (dobra ili zla). I ono glavno - ime njihovog glavnog boga je Cthulhu (Lovecraft predlaze da se izgovara kroz kasljanje). To me je automatski podsetilo na instrumental Metallice "Call of Ktulu". Bilo je to davno - 1992/93 kada sam najvise slusao Metallicu. Sada bih verovatno takav pojam izguglovao jer mi deluje dovoljno egzoticno, medjutim tada nije bilo toliko interneta.

Sam Cthulhu je ogroman stvor sa glavom hobotnice i telom zmaja (priblizno receno). Za njega se ne moze reci da je dobri ili zli bog - jer on je pre svega indiferentan prema smrtnim ljudskim bicima. Zasto bi ona uopste bila vredna njegovog plana ili zavere?!?

Cthulhu is sometimes regarded as "evil", but this is not how he is depicted in "The Call of Cthulhu" and other works. Instead, he is portrayed as amoral, with an ethic that transcends conventional notions of good and evil. Cthulhu's amorality might be compared to what S. T. Joshi and David E. Schultz call the "anti-mythology" of Lovecraft's fiction[7]. In most mythologies, man's significance in the universe is validated by his connection to divine agents with similar moral values. Lovecraft shattered this conceit by basing his stories on the "premise that common human laws and interests and emotions have no validity or significance in the vast cosmos-at-large... To achieve the essence of real externality, whether of space or time or dimension, one must forget that such things as organic life, good and evil, love and hate, and all such local attributes of a negligible and temporary race called mankind, have any existence at all... [W]hen we cross the line to the boundless and hideous unknown—the shadow haunted Outside—we must remember to leave our humanity and terrestrialism at the threshold."[8] Cthulhu's nature seems to be consistent with this view.

Cthulhu is closely identified with this quote from the Necronomicon:

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons, even death may die."

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Jos jedna pesma Metallice inspirisana ovim bozanstvom, jedan od najboljih tekstova - "The Thing That Should Not Be":

The heavy metal band Metallica wrote two songs about Cthulhu: "The Call of Ktulu" (partially written by former Metallica guitarist Dave Mustaine), recorded on the 1984 album Ride the Lightning, and "The Thing That Should Not Be", appearing on the 1986 album Master of Puppets. The band's late bassist Cliff Burton was an avid fan of H. P. Lovecraft.
