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Za Adobe photoshop cs knjiga se zove Adobe Photoshop CS Classroom in a Book.Nasao sam je na sajtu www.adobepress.com ali se placa.Ja sam nekako ,da kazem "hakerisao" taj sajt i skinuo celu knjigu u PDF formatu.wow!Inace skinuo sam celokupna uputstva za photoshop,flash i dreamweaver u PDF ali sam potrosio 30 sati interneta dok nisam to nasao i skinuo.
ZA Flash i Dreamweaver- www.macromedia.com na engleskom
Malopre sam skinuo PDF
za dreamweaver na srpskom- http://internet.fon.bg.ac.yu/vezbe/iteh/DreamweaverMX.zip

Nadam se da ce pomoci
501 Web Site Secrets - Ebook

Shows Internet users how to get the most out of Internet searches, portals, and commerce sites
Covers using Google to solve mathematical equations, making search engines safe for kids, harnessing the full power of Yahoo!, and getting the best bargains on shopping sites
Explains how to search for street addresses and phone numbers, stock quotes and other financial information, MP3s and other digital music, computer programs and utilities, medical information, legal information, genealogical information, job listings, and more
Reveals the secrets behind directory sites, indexing, and search result rankings

