Dva gadna problema...


Zainteresovan član
A gadni su jer ne mogu da skontam zasto se desavaju :( Ako bi neko mogao da mi pomogne bio bih mu stvarno zahvalan:
Prvi:pre par dana sam imao neke probleme sa kompom koje sam navodno resio.Kazem navodno jer sada kad god startujem komp pre nego se pojavi desk iskoci poruka: windows/sys32/tools/delfolders.exe cannot find,use search option to find it... ne bas tako ali u osnovi to je to...
Drugi:pri instalaciji simsa2 na 23 procenta instalacije se pojavi poruka: control/control1 cannot be copyed to your hdd...
Posto sam uzeo i drugi instalacioni cd (cd br1) od drugog ortaka misleci da onaj prvi disk nije ok a javio se isti problem pomislio sam da su ova dva problema povezana...
Hvala unapred...
To je trojanac
Start > Run > ukucaj regedit pa idi na HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru\ (5603 i 5604)pa nadji gde je registrovan DelFolder.exe i izbrisi
Izbaci ga iz Startup-a: Desni klik na Start > Properties > izaberi Classis (ako je XP) > Advanced Start menu Folder
Start > All programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information > Software Environment > Startup programs i vidi sta tu ima.
Andre:prvi deo sam odradio i stvarno sam ga nasao i izbrisao i cim sada zavrsim sa odgovorom idem da restartujem komp da isprobam.
U drugom delu sam odradio sve kako si mi rekao ali ga tamo nije bilo ako si na to mislio...
Можда лупам али...
пошто Win тражи delfolder.exe а не delfolder.exe.pf, ти лепо обриши овај наставак .pf, сачувај такав фајл па рестартуј комп.
(Мада Андреа ретко греши (никад), па ово и није баш препоручљиво ако је у питању тројанац :) )
Можда лупам али...
пошто Win тражи delfolder.exe а не delfolder.exe.pf, ти лепо обриши овај наставак .pf, сачувај такав фајл па рестартуј комп.
(Мада Андреа ретко греши (никад), па ово и није баш препоручљиво ако је у питању тројанац :) )
Hvala druze,to sam vec isprobao :?
Ma ne mogu da verujem pored sve zastite koju imam i koju redovno apdejtujem da je neki shIt prosao :evil:
Ako je 16 bitni program moze ti i srusiti sistem!
Dos? Jeste :( Mislis da je u tome problem? Pa kako da ga se otarasim? :?
DOS imas svakako, cim si instalisao Windows. Ustvari imas CMD.EXE koji ce startovati DOS. Taj dos nije 16-bitni, kao nekadasnji DOS sistemi. Nema potrebe da ga se otarasis :)
Sto se tice 16-bitnih programa, koji bi da rade pod DOS-om (ili Windowsom), oni naravno teoretski mogu da ti zablokiraju sistem, ili prouzrokuju resetovanje, ali ne tako cesto. Osim ako su pisani da striktno "gadjaju" odredjene memorijske oblasti koje Windows 32-bitni sistem koristi za sasvim nesto drugo nego stari DOS.
Nisam se jos u praksi sreo sa 16-bitnim programom koji ce da "srusi sistem", u smislu da ga tako osteti da se mora sve reinstalisati. Ako ti igranje tog "swoss" u principu ne pravi probleme, po meni tu ne lezi problem.

Nakon malo googlanja, evo jednog interesantne diskusije, saljem sve, cisto da se dobije slika sta i kako su ljudi problem na njihovoj strani resili:

Dear friend, greeting to all of you.
Here i send you this message with my following problem.
It turns out that my computer broke down a couple of weeks ago and i had to replace the mainboard thinking it wouldt be a peace of cake.
NOT !!
Now everytime i start my computer a error message appears on the screen saying: c:\windows\system32\tools\delfolders.exe.
I´ve tried everything possible (as long i didn´t/don´t have to re-install my system all over again)
Some said it is the NVIDIA, some said it is my graphic card and some said it is an old virus.
On the discussion forums people came with alot of alternatives like installing XP Service Pack 1, REGEDIT outclick everything which has got to do with "DELFOLDERS.EXE." and installing some problem called REGESTRY MECHANIC or TUNE UP UTILITIES. but non of this worked.
For some strange reason i can´t restore or delete this thing, and it really gets to me.

HI there everybody :) i just solved the same problem you all had. It was so easy that i nearly died. And i'm just a little smarter then a normal computer dummy.
Well, this is how i did it:
i read all you advanced computer discussions, downloaded the hijackthis, did not work :( the file just came back after reboot, so i spent 4-5 hours reading, and trying to understand how to disable a hkey file hehe.
Then i gave up and started reading internet sites again. I found a german page, very simple written on old traditional german :)
They said that you have to copy the file Delfolders.exe to the c:\windows\system32\tools\ map and that you can download the file on a japan internet page :) OR just copy it from the motherboard CD you should have to your computer.
So i inserted the CD and found the file :) and copyed it to the folder.
Hehe hope this will help some peoples, the files icon has a loot japan writing on it.
If you don't have the CD i don't know what to do.

Ya, finding Delfolders.exe would have been my first choice. The problem is that a Yahoo and Google search didn’t hit on the executable just some threads. I also looked on my motherboard’s CD for it since I’m sure that’s where it came from with no luck. Delfolders must be imbedded in one of the other executables I ran from my motherboard’s CD. From the name, it sounds like the delfolders.exe has some “cleanup” responsibilities in it that run after an installation\reboot.
There are a couple of things going on here. Either the Delfolders ran and the original program is written poorly that it didn’t delete itself, or the program abnormally terminated before it could delete the rest of the program that was calling for delfolders.exe.
I wonder if delfolders.exe is some sort of standard tool that a programmer can use to build into their scripts. It seems there are other people out there that have this problem, but they didn’t get it in the same way I did. Once again, being a “lite” programmer, I have never heard of delfolders.exe, unless it is popular only overseas and not in the <st1:country-region w:st="on">US</st1:country-region> \ <st1:place w:st="on">North America</st1:place>. Like I said in my previous post, the program that was creating my problem was in my startup folder. It stood out like a sore thumb because the icon for the exe had Chinese or Japanese writing all over it. (sorry, can’t tell the difference).


I have a Syntax S635MP Motherboard that seemed to yield this error code on booting. It occurred after I ran the automatic driver install on the utility CD that did not quite install properly. Probably a corrupted install. Anyway copying the DelFolders.exe from the Drivers Mother Board CD seems to solve the problem.

Hey Kit, thanks for the start at least, i seached my mainboard cd, but i found it under it's original name "Delfolders", it was also found in "My Documents and Settings" folder, i pasted and copied to where bootup was looking for it and problem solved, i did have to add search hidden files to find it though...thanks a bunch..

I had the same problem, but I read the posts and it was really easy to fix. Copying it from the motherboard disc. Thanx guys (Y)

Hey you computer norms! it's so simple. y don't you just copy the file over from another computer and paste it under the correct folder in your computer! Amazingly it works!

This is how I cured the c:\windows\system32\tools\delfolders.exe. problem.
I simply opened note pad and typed blah and saved it as (delfolders.exe) and then saved
it to (c:\windows\system32\tools\delfolders.exe.) And it worked

The last reply of creating a file named "Delfolders.exe" appears to work. I had the same problem after installing WinXP Pro. I am not sure if it was the ECS motherboard drivers (more than likely) or the NVidia drivers from NVidia. I am sure the program which was calling the delfolders.exe program was checking for the existence of the file or program, but notr for the successful completion. There may be some folders or folders which should have been cleaned up by the program but are still on disk.
The problem did not appear on the same system when Win 2003 Server was installed. The only difference was that the motherboard sound drivers drivers were not installed from the installation disk.

I have found that the program is part of the setup and installation of the motherboard drivers for the ECS (Elite Group) motherbaord. If you have recently installed a new motherbaord from a this manufacturer or other TW makers the problem is probably related to their installation. I would guess that many use the same installation programs from a common developer. Get out the original installation CD that came with your motherbaord and look for a folder that is called Tools (or search the CD for DelFolders.exe). There you should find the DelFolders.exe program.
You can copy it to the /Windows/Systems32/Tools folder.

I resolve this problem easy. There is hidden folder in Mainboard CD named "install". In this folder is another named "tools". There is this exe named DelFolders.exe. Just copy it and paste it on c:\windows\system32\tools if your windows is instaled on default folder.

Hello people !
I can confirm that the discussed problem a problem of all Elitegroup motherboards.
I have one of this for P4 and integrated ("all in one"). Disregarding the fact that it was impossible to install all the drivers at once, the installation is very buggy. I guess you also have the problem with the sound driver that comes after all the others.
Try to check one driver at atime when the automatic install from the mainboard-CD starts. Then work everything nice.
All your answers are right and usefull.
I mean it is a little scandal that 16bit install-programs are in use for a system that is (pseudo?) 32bit. Is not it?

Izvinjavam se zbog dugog posta, ali zanimljiva diskusija i moguce resenje. Javi da li ti je ovo nesto pomoglo
...a sta se desava ako 16 bitni program promeni neki systemski dll :)
Iskljuci sve programe iz Startup-a:
Start > Run > ukucaj msconfig i otvori jezicak Startup. Kad iskljucis sve programe resetuj i vidi da li opet dobijas istu poruku. Ukljucuj jedan po jedan i zapamti kod kog programa ce se poruka ponovo javiti. Vrlo je moguce da je nesto promenilo defolders.exe posto kazes da je u nastavku bio i dodatak .pf(instaliralo se na njegovo mesto a pravi defolders.exe prebacilo negde drugo). Reinstaliraj taj program.
...a sta se desava ako 16 bitni program promeni neki systemski dll :)
Pa dobro, svaki program moze da izmeni neki DLL, pa i 16-bitni ali i 32-bitni :)
Govorimo o tome da li 16-bitni program moze, samim tim sto je pravljen za 16-bitno okruzenje, da pravi problem. Takvih je malo, osim ako ne startujemo neki 16-bitni program koji na low level nivou cacka po sistemu iz nekih razloga (specificno pisan za sistem). Ili ako taj program ocekuje na odredjenim memorijskim lokacijama nesto sto zapravo i ne postoji.
Na primer, nekada davno sam programirao za Tseng graficke kartice, koje su koristile specificne memorijske lokacije za iscrtavanje grafike, takav program bi danas sigurno blokirao sve zivo, ukljucujuci i mikrotalasnu pecnicu i peglu :)
Sto se tice problema koji drugar ima, skoro je sigurno da kopiranjem ispravnog EXE fajla, problem ce biti resen. Inace taj fajl, procitah negde, nije uopste neophodan da se startuje pri dizanju windowsa. Moze se koristiti samo kad zatreba, nisam se dalje upustao ali se pominje i da se neki spayware ili virusi nakace na njega, izmene ga i zbog toga on verovatno ima i extenziju "pif" kao dodatak. Najbolje ga pregaziti nekim svezim EXE.
Izvinjavam se zbog dugog posta, ali zanimljiva diskusija i moguce resenje. Javi da li ti je ovo nesto pomoglo
I te kako mi je pomoglo! :D
Stvarno postoji u e/instal/tools/delfolders (mboard cd)... Samo sam ga iskopirao u c/win/sys32/tools i to je to!Hvala ti puno Code!
Andre bro,hvala i tebi sto si se maltretirao ovih dana samnom!Imacu ja sigurno jos problema za resiti :wink:
I te kako mi je pomoglo! :D
Stvarno postoji u e/instal/tools/delfolders (mboard cd)... Samo sam ga iskopirao u c/win/sys32/tools i to je to!Hvala ti puno Code!
Andre bro,hvala i tebi sto si se maltretirao ovih dana samnom!Imacu ja sigurno jos problema za resiti :wink:
Drago mi je sto si resio problem. Ipak, moram te kritikovati - mogao si i sam da malo "procunjas" internetom :) Doduse, ako imas sporu vezu, opravdano si bio "odsutan" sa googlovanja :)
Stvarno je steta i greota, sto mnogo ljudi ovde nema mogucnost da neograniceno pretrazuje internet, mnogo stvari bi se resilo i saznali bi mnogo vise nego lomatajuci se preko dial-up linija i brzinama od 33600 :(
Al' ajde, kad moze pomoc ce stici.
Svako dobro!
Ama, Andreavk je dama, devojka, ŽENSKO :!:

Elem, SVI su juce dobili mail od sezama vezan za "to" chudo, ali.....

