Премијер Борисов ће се састати 6. августа са председником Србије Борисом Тадићем

Бугарски премијер Бојко Борисов ће се састати 6. августа у Варни са председником Србије Борисом Тадићем који ће боравити у једнодневној посети Бугарској. На билатералним разговорима ће бити размотрени политички и економски односи две земље и могућности за њихово унапређење. Разговорима ће присуствовати и потпредседник владе Цветан Цветанов и министар спољних послова Николај Младенов.


Serbian President Boris Tadic is arriving to Bulgaria for high-profile talks with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.

Tadic will be arriving to Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Varna on Friday, August 6. He will be welcomed at the airport by Borisov as well as by Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov and Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov.

The Serbian President and the Bulgarian PM will give a short news briefing at the Varna Airport, and will then set out to the Evksinograd (Euxinograd) Palace, a historical residence of the Bulgarian government on the Black Sea coast north of Varna, which is where the high-profile bilateral talks will be held.

According to the official announcements, the major topic of the meeting between Borisov and Tadic will be “the political and economic relations between the two states and the possibilities for expanding the results of the traditionally good bilateral connections.” No further details have been provided.

The last meeting between Borisov and Tadic was in April 2010 when the Bulgarian PM visited Belgrade. Back then the governments of Bulgaria and Serbia agreed to speed up the completion of the Sofia-Nis Highway.

Recent statements of Bulgarian Economy Minister Traicho Traikov have indicated that Serbia is interested in participating in the project for the construction of Bulgaria’s second nuclear power plant at Belene, and was ready to invest in it a sum amounting to 1% of the total cost of the project.


Tadić putuje u Bugarsku
6. avgust 2010. | 07:17 | Izvor: Tanjug Beograd -- Predsednik Srbije Boris Tadić sastaje se danas u Varni, u Bugarskoj, s predsednikom bugarske Vlade Bojkom Borisovim.

Predsednik Tadić i premijer Borisov razgovaraće o bilateralnim odnosima, saopštila je Pres služba predsednika Srbije.

Susretu će prisustvovati i vicepremijer i ministar unutrašnjih poslova Bugarske Cvetan Cvetanov i ministar inostranih poslova Nikolaj Mladenov.

Prethodno, Borisov je boravio u Breogradu krajem aprila, gde je, osim s Tadićem, razgovarao i sa predsednikom Vlade Srbije Mirkom Cvetkovićem i ministrima u Vladi Srbije.

Tada je potpisan Sporazum između dve vlade o osnivanju i funkcionisanju zajedničkog kontakt centra za saradnju policije i carine.

Pored zajedničke borbe protiv organizovanog kriminala, jedna od glavnih tema sastanaka bila je i saradnja u oblasti energetike i izgradnji hidrocentrale na Dunavu i gasnoj liniji koja bi povezivala dve zemlje.

Bugarski premijer je tada rekao i da je sa sa srpskim domaćinima u Beogradu dogovorio izgradnju autoputa Sofija - Niš do 1. maja 2012. godine.

Премијер Бугарске Бојко Борисов разговарао са председником Србије Борисом Тадићем
У посету бугарском црноморском граду Варна стигао је председник Србије Борис Тадић. Након неформалног сусрета са премијером Бојком Борисовим у ВИП сали аеродрома у Варни гост је у присуству представника штампе изразио захвалност на пуној подршци коју Бугарска пружа пријему Србије у чланство ЕУ као и другим подухватима српске државе. За време посете председник Србије и премијер Бугарске ће разговарати о актуелним проблемима организованог криминала, друмској инфраструктури и енергетици. Поводом високе посете нашој морској метрополи тамо бораве и министар унутрашњих послова Цветан Цветанов као и министар иностраних послова Николај Младенов.

Tadic: Serbia to Back Bulgaria's Belene Nuclear Power Plant
Serbian President Boris Tadic has arrived to Bulgaria’s Varna for high-level bilateral talks with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.

Tadic was welcomed by Borisov Friday night at the Varna Airport where the two state leaders gave a news briefing before heading for the residence of the Bulgarian government on the Black Sea coast, the Evksinograd (Euxinograd) Palace.

The Serbian President has made it clear that the Serbian investments in the future second Bulgarian nuclear power plant at Belene will be a major topic of the bilateral talks with Borisov.

Recent statements of Bulgarian Economy Minister Traicho Traikov have indicated that Serbia is interested in participating in the project for the construction of Bulgaria’s second nuclear power plant at Belene, and was ready to invest in it a sum amounting to 1% of the total cost of the project.

“We are also going to talk with the Bulgarian Prime Minister about the Serbian investments in the Belene NPP. The energy problem is important not just for our two states but for the entire region,” stated the President of Serbia.

He and Borisov revealed that a joint project to develop and promote ski tourism in the Stara Planina (i.e. Balkan) Mountain, which is a border mountain between Bulgaria and Serbia in its westernmost part, is also on the table.

Tadic has emphasized that the two countries are working intensively on the construction of the Sofia-Nis Highway, and as whole on the joint section of Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 10 (from Istanbul to Vienna/Central Europe). He said the construction of highway section in Northern Serbia to the Hungarian border will start before the end of 2010, and that the entire route of Corridor No. 10 on Serbian soil will be completed in 2012.

“We have promised to one another to fight together organized crime in our countries and in the Balkans. This is a joint struggle because international crime knows no borders,” declared the President of Serbia in Varna.

Tadic did mention Serbia’s gratitude for Bulgaria for its full support for the former’s EU accession, and with respect to other issues.

“We have a constant dialogue with Bulgaria, and we are discussing all problems in the economic spheres,” he stated.

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister pointed out that he had personally informed Boris Tadic about the “road map” agreement that the Bulgarian government signed with Russia in July for the construction of the South Stream gas transit pipeline, a project that Borisov believes is of crucial importance for Serbia.

“President Tadic is one of the most highly-valued Serbian politicians, in whom Bulgaria and Europe see Serbia’s future. We know how hard it is for you to balance the present situation but we believe in your succes,” Borisov told Tadic before journalists in Varna.

Bulgaria’s Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov and Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov will also be participating in the high-level bilateral talks with Tadic.

In a statement Thursday, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce has urged strategic economic partnership with Bulgaria.

The last meeting between Borisov and Tadic was in April 2010 when the Bulgarian PM visited Belgrade. Back then the governments of Bulgaria and Serbia agreed to speed up the completion of the Sofia-Nis Highway.
Serbia Vows to Take Part in Bulgaria's Nuclear Plant Project

Serbia will participate in the project to build a second Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the Bulgarian Danube town of Belene, Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, announced Saturday.

Borisov spoke after the conclusion of his talks with Serbian President, Boris Tadic, in the Black Sea city of Varna late Friday.

The energy projects have been high on the agenda and the two have discussed the percentage and the amount of share capital of Serbia’s participation, Borisov said, stressing on the importance of these parameters.

“These numbers are crucial. Because the previous, socialist-led coalition cabinet, used another one of their tricks and manipulations in the Belene project. They say the contract for the two units amounts to EUR 4 B, but never mention the inflation factor and the Russian demand to update the amount by adding another EUR 2.8 B. Plus the EUR 500 M for the consultant, plus the needed infrastructure, plus the interest rate on an eventual loan – the price will end up being EUR 6-7 B, not EUR 4 B,” the PM is quoted saying.

Borisov further pointed out he had received from Tadic a firm “yes” on Serbia taking part in the Bulgarian NPP, but the numbers will be finalized after a European strategic investor is found.

Bulgaria, Serbia Agree on South Stream Gas Line Route


The Russian South Stream gas pipeline will pass through the town of Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria’s Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, announced Saturday.

Borisov spoke in an interview for the largest private TV Channel bTV, after the conclusion of his talks with Serbian President, Boris Tadic, late Friday.

The energy projects have been high on the agenda and the two have agreed on the route of the gas line.

The Bulgarian PM informs the desire of the Serbian side had been for the line to pass through Dimitrovgrad and, after consulting with energy experts, he had accepted the proposal.

“For Serbia Dimitorvgrad is the most convenient route, and for us it does not matter so much because the line will pass through Sofia anyway. I am glad we could satisfy the request and help out neighbors,” Borisov said.

