Baba Vanga-Slepa Bugarska Prorocica

Да ли верујете да ће се остварити пророчанство о 3. светском рату 2010

  • да

  • не

Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
Ja rekoh da je tad bilo drugacije,i da je danas drugo vreme.

Naravno, zamisli te Amere koji kada ostanu bez tehnologije, podrske iz komandnih centara i ostalih gluposti, mogu samo da se zavuku pod kamen i da cekaju da se rat zavrsi... Kada bi isli u Gerila rat, ili neki hand 2 hand ne bi imali dovoljno sanduka da sahrane mrtve... Zaboravio si sta je bilo u Somaliji kada im je tadasnji zivaj drao kozu i ostavljao skuvane ostatke ispred kasarni...
Mnogi su znali za tornjeve 2001.

Illuminati Card Game iz 1995. godine:
Poslednja izmena:
Hocu da kazem,da li bi mi imalo ok vojsku za rat? Ja mislim da ne bi smo imali i da bi mi bili prvi na udaru od zemalja sa slabom vojskom.

Prve na udaru su zemlje u kojima napadaci vide najveci interes. Ne znam sta mi imamo toliko da pruzimo da bi nas zaposedali. Mozda prolaz kroz evropu do male azije, ali ako vec dodje do sledeceg rata bice zbog vode ili nafte gde nikako ne pronalazim nas.
Prve na udaru su zemlje u kojima napadaci vide najveci interes. Ne znam sta mi imamo toliko da pruzimo da bi nas zaposedali. Mozda prolaz kroz evropu do male azije, ali ako vec dodje do sledeceg rata bice zbog vode ili nafte gde nikako ne pronalazim nas.

Ok,i te zemlje,ali i zemlje sa slabom vojskom. Zauzmu teritoriju i pocinju da cede njene prednosti.
Uvek sam govorio,kad dodje rat,zemlje koje nemaju vojsku prve ginu. Osvajac uzima narod te drzave kao svoju vojsku. Exploatise je. Bice uvek otpora,ali...

Sta da radimo mi,kojima se ukida vojska,a kad se ukine imacemo svega 5.000 vojnika i sa tom cifrom ne moze se odbraniti jedan grad,a kamoli odbaciti napadac.

isto bi ti bilo i da imash 100 000 ljudi
ne vodi se rat danas brojevima, nego tehnologijom. Shta nama Srbima vredi i da imamo 100 000 sposobnih mushkaraca kad mi nemamo chime da ih opremimo, nemamo tenkova, aviona, protivavionska odbrana mozhe da obori josh samo one za zaprashivanje itd.
Ameru je svejedno, on ce pustiti 100 aviona i oni ce nas izbombardovati da necemo moci da se sastavimo.
Shto se tiche teme, mislim da je vec neko rekao, kad izgovorish milion gluposti, verovatnoca je da ce se neke ostvariti. To shto ste vi krenuli da se frljate sa procentima pogodjenih prorochanstva, pa ako cemo tako prvo dajte listu svih prorochanstva pa listu onih koja su se ispunila. Naravno, da to sve bude legitimno. Onda cemo da prichamo.
isto bi ti bilo i da imash 100 000 ljudi
ne vodi se rat danas brojevima, nego tehnologijom. Shta nama Srbima vredi i da imamo 100 000 sposobnih mushkaraca kad mi nemamo chime da ih opremimo, nemamo tenkova, aviona, protivavionska odbrana mozhe da obori josh samo one za zaprashivanje itd.
Ameru je svejedno, on ce pustiti 100 aviona i oni ce nas izbombardovati da necemo moci da se sastavimo.
Shto se tiche teme, mislim da je vec neko rekao, kad izgovorish milion gluposti, verovatnoca je da ce se neke ostvariti. To shto ste vi krenuli da se frljate sa procentima pogodjenih prorochanstva, pa ako cemo tako prvo dajte listu svih prorochanstva pa listu onih koja su se ispunila. Naravno, da to sve bude legitimno. Onda cemo da prichamo.

poenta je u tome da svi imaju neka prorocanstva koja tek treba da se dese... a niko ne spominje ono sto je bakuta omasila u proslosti...
isto bi ti bilo i da imash 100 000 ljudi
ne vodi se rat danas brojevima, nego tehnologijom. Shta nama Srbima vredi i da imamo 100 000 sposobnih mushkaraca kad mi nemamo chime da ih opremimo, nemamo tenkova, aviona, protivavionska odbrana mozhe da obori josh samo one za zaprashivanje itd.
Ameru je svejedno, on ce pustiti 100 aviona i oni ce nas izbombardovati da necemo moci da se sastavimo.
Shto se tiche teme, mislim da je vec neko rekao, kad izgovorish milion gluposti, verovatnoca je da ce se neke ostvariti. To shto ste vi krenuli da se frljate sa procentima pogodjenih prorochanstva, pa ako cemo tako prvo dajte listu svih prorochanstva pa listu onih koja su se ispunila. Naravno, da to sve bude legitimno. Onda cemo da prichamo.

Upravo tako,borbena sredstva nisam iskljucio iz vida,mada ih nisam pomenuo. Ali znam cime se vodi rat.

Uvek govorim,kad bi rusi usli sa 10 tenkova u nasu drzavu da nas porobe,ne bi mnogo proslo a mi bi smo vec bili na kolenima. Sigurno preterujem,ali sta mi da radimo sa 150 tenkova u celoj drzavi?

Baba Vanga

"Predvidjela" je svega 2 stvari.

September 11
In 1989 she predicted the World Trade Center disaster in the following statement:
"Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing."
"Brethren" is believed to refer to the "Twin" Towers or the "Brothers". "Steel Birds" are obviously the jets. The part about the bush is believed to refer to President Bush.

Russian Disaster
In 1980, she even predicted:
"At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it."
Kursk was the name of a large city in Russia, also the site of the largest tank battle of WWII. Nobody could understand how the city would be covered by water but the meaning was clear on August 12, 2000, when the Russian submarine, Kursk, named after the city, suffered an explosion and left the survivors for dead at the bottom of the ocean. I remember this news story well. The Russian government did nothing to try and rescue the survivors while the British and Norwegian rescue attempts failed. Baba Vanga was even able to predict the month and a 50% chance of the year this would happen.

A onda se osokolila pa "predvidjela" sta ce biti u narednih 3 hiljade godina :lol:

Evo prorocanstava za dogadjaje koji "slijede". 5079. godina!!!!! :lol:

2010: World War 3 begins in November 2010. Starting as a regular war, it will progress to a nuclear and chemical war. Vanga says the war will be finished by October 2014.

2011: As a result of the war, radioactive showers will destroy almost all life in the Northern Hemisphere. The remaining Europeans will face an even further threat from the Muslims who will use chemical weapons to finish them off.

2014: As another result of the chemicals and nuclear weapons during the war, most of the world population will have skin cancer and other skin diseases.

2016: Europe is nearly uninhabited.

2018: China will become the new superpower. The exploiters will become the exploited.

2023: The Earth's orbit will change.

2025: Europe is still very underpopulated.

2028: A new energy source will be found. Hunger is overcome. A manned space flight will leave for Venus.

2033: The world water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt.

2043: Economy is good. The Muslims will run Europe.

2046: All bodily organs can be reproduced, becoming the easiest and most popular method of treatment.

2066: The U.S. uses a new climate-changing weapon on Muslim controlled Rome.

2076: Communism takes over.

2084: Nature is reborn.(??)

2088: A new disease makes you grow old in seconds.

2097: The Fast-Aging Disease is cured.

2100: Man-made sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet.

2111: People become robots. Probably like androids.

2123: Wars between small countries. The big countries stay out of it.

2125: Signals from Space will be received in Hungary. (People will be reminded of Baba Vanga - probably due to her alien subjects)

2130: With the help of the aliens, civilizations will live underwater.

2164: Animals turn half-human.

2167: A new religion.

2170: Major drought.

2183: A colony on Mars will become a nuclear power and ask for independance from Earth. (Like the U.S. asked from England.)

2187: 2 large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.

2195: The sea colonies will have energy and food.

2196: Asians and Europeans will be completely mixed.

2201: Temperatures drop as the sun's thermonuclear processes slow down.

2221: In the search for extra-terrestrial life, humans will come in contact with something terrible.

2256: A spaceship will bring a new disease to Earth.

2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.

2271: Physics laws will be changed.

2273: White, black and yellow races will form 1 new race.

2279: Power will be obtained from nothing. (Possibly a vacuum or a black hole.)

2288: Possible time travel and alien contact.

2291: The sun grows cooler. Attempts will be made to make it hot again.

2296: Strong explosions in the sun. The forces of gravity will change. Old space stations and satellites will fall.

2299: In France, a resistance movement will rise against Islam.

2302: Important laws and secrets of the universe are revealed.

2304: Secrets of the Moon are also revealed.

2341: Something terrible will approach Earth from Space.

2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in drought.

2371: World hunger.

2378: A new and fast-growing race.

2480: 2 artificial (man-made) suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark.

3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.

3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.

3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.

And just when I thought this long look into a possible future by Baba Vanga was finished, I found a whole bunch of reposts of even more dates on many blogs and forums. Not sure where they originated from either. These next ones are copied since all the sites are the same - these aren't in my words, that is.

3803: A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people - they mutate.

3805: The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.

3815: The war is over.

3854: The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.

3871: New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.

3874: New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.

3878: along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.

4302: New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.

4302: The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.

4304: Found a way to win any disease.

4308: Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.

4509: Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.

4599: People achieve immortality.

4674: The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.

5076: A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.

5078: The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.

5079: End of the World.

Of course, only time will tell on how accurate Baba Vanga really was and we won't be around in this lifetime to see the long-into-the-future prophecies. If the first few predictions come true over the next few years, then we'll be in for a seriously rough ride.

I'll finish this with Baba Vanga's own words:

"Never take on the fools. They are not so dangerous as they seem, do not try to change them. Morons can do you more harm. They can do something that will cause quite a stir among all the people."
Ja kada sam pročitao prvi put njena proročanstva nisam celu noć spavao.Sada sam shvatio da je ona bila obična vračara.Ako se i ostvari ovo za 2010,mislim da će u trenutku eksplozije prve nuklearne doći Isus.Ali za svaki slučaj,ako se ostavre ovi događaji što slede pre rata,sukobi u tamo nekoj zemlji(zaboravio sam kako se zove)i atentati na četiri državnika ja sam spreman da sa porodicom pobegnem u Južnu Afriku.Tamo moji roditelji imaju dobre prijatelje,pa bi nam oni pomogli.Naravnno da ne bi voleo da se to desi,ali to je zadnja opcija.:D
Ja kada sam pročitao prvi put njena proročanstva nisam celu noć spavao.Sada sam shvatio da je ona bila obična vračara.Ako se i ostvari ovo za 2010,mislim da će u trenutku eksplozije prve nuklearne doći Isus.Ali za svaki slučaj,ako se ostavre ovi događaji što slede pre rata,sukobi u tamo nekoj zemlji(zaboravio sam kako se zove)i atentati na četiri državnika ja sam spreman da sa porodicom pobegnem u Južnu Afriku.Tamo moji roditelji imaju dobre prijatelje,pa bi nam oni pomogli.Naravnno da ne bi voleo da se to desi,ali to je zadnja opcija.:D

aha, tamo u juznoj africi verovatno nece biti kraj sveta. msm, ono, cak i da planeta eksplodira, ostalo bi to parce juzne afrike da se vrti, el da? :cool:
