Novi ustaški filim (2009)


Ističe se
Pavelic bez maske (2009)


Prvi ikad snimljeni dokumentarni film o ustaškom poglavniku Anti Paveliću od redatelja Jakova Sedlara.

Film "Pavelić bez maske" prva je biografija, uopće, ustaškog poglavnika dr. Ante Pavelića. U njemu su svi važni podaci za opis Pavelićeva života i djelovanja. Film sadrži i rijetke, nikad viđene snimke koje ilustriraju jedno teško i tragično vrijeme za hrvatski narod. Fotografije i filmovi pronađeni su ne samo u Zagrebu već i u Wiesbadenu, Beogradu, Rimu, Tel Avivu, Washingtonu, Buenos Airesu i Madridu. Pred vama je filmski žurnal o prešućenom i neobjašnjenom dijelu hrvatske povijesti.


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film se može kupiti na kioscima, izašo je u privatnoj Izraelskoj (sic!) ko-produkciji i nema neki glorificirajući karakter osobe Pavelića

doduše, nisu niti nešto negativno se postavili prema njemu, iako su u globalu zaobiđene opće činjenice vezane uz II svj. rat
riječ je više o razdoblju između dva rata i neposredno prije rata

po meni, obzirom da je radio Sedlar, ispalo je još i dobro
Усташка пропаганда, испашће на крају да су усташе били на страни победника у другом светском рату. Израелска продукција? Занимљиво!
Усташка пропаганда, испашће на крају да су усташе били на страни победника у другом светском рату. Израелска продукција? Занимљиво!

neće i ne može ispasti da su ustaše bili na strani pobjednika
ako govorimo o ustašama, naravno?...

ovdje je riječ o nekim detaljima o životu Pavelića koji su opće manje poznati (možda su bili poznati nekim povijesničarima, ali možda čak niti njima)
ne vidim neke bojazni od ovoga, a ja bih bio zadnji koji bi držao stranu Paveliću, ali činjenice su činjenice, i dobro je da su poznate

naravno, i od dobrog brašna ispadne loša pogača, tako da i činjenice se mogu različito interpretirati, jel.....
Film je čista ustaška propaganda. Dakle, smeće. :kafa:

Tobože se priznaju neke činjenice koje same po sebi nisu opterećujuće:
- da je Jozua Frank bio Jevrejin,
- da je Pavelićeva žena bila Jevrejka i sl;

a zatim se, spontano provuku teške laži koje maskiraju stvarne zločine hrvatske države:
- kazuje se da je ustaški pokret bio samo antisrpski, i to u kontekstu koji antisrpstvo opravdava hrvatskom borbom za slobodu (sic!);
- poentira se na tome kako je Hitler kriv za smrt Jevreja u Hrvatskoj i kako je Srbija u ubijanju Jevreja bila mnogo efikasnija.

I niz tipičih propagandnih splačina kojih smo se naslušali tokom 1990-tih, kao i novih fantastičnih bljuvova.

Film je čista ustaška propaganda. Dakle, smeće. :kafa:

Tobože se priznaju něke činjenice koje same po sebi nisu opterećujuće:
- da je Jozua Frank bio Jevrejin,
- da je Pavelićeva žena bila Jevrejka i sl;

a zatim se, spontano provuku teške laži koje maskiraju stvarne zločine hrvatske države:
- kazuje se da je ustaški pokret bio samo antisrpski, i to u kontekstu koji antisrpstvo opravdava hrvatskom borbom za slobodu (sic!);
- poentira se na tome kako je Hitler kriv za smrt Jevreja u Hrvatskoj i kako je Srbija u ubijanju Jevreja bila mnogo efikasnija.

I niz tipičih propagandnih splačina kojih smo se naslušali tokom 1990-tih, kao i novih fantastičnih bljuvova.


ma da obicna ustaska propaganda...
Film je čista ustaška propaganda. Dakle, smeće. :kafa:

Tobože se priznaju něke činjenice koje same po sebi nisu opterećujuće:
- da je Jozua Frank bio Jevrejin,
- da je Pavelićeva žena bila Jevrejka i sl;

a zatim se, spontano provuku teške laži koje maskiraju stvarne zločine hrvatske države:
- kazuje se da je ustaški pokret bio samo antisrpski, i to u kontekstu koji antisrpstvo opravdava hrvatskom borbom za slobodu (sic!);
- poentira se na tome kako je Hitler kriv za smrt Jevreja u Hrvatskoj i kako je Srbija u ubijanju Jevreja bila mnogo efikasnija.

I niz tipičih propagandnih splačina kojih smo se naslušali tokom 1990-tih, kao i novih fantastičnih bljuvova.


Da . Tipicna , ali lukava propaganda .
Film je čista ustaška propaganda. Dakle, smeće. :kafa:

Tobože se priznaju něke činjenice koje same po sebi nisu opterećujuće:
- da je Jozua Frank bio Jevrejin,
- da je Pavelićeva žena bila Jevrejka i sl;

a zatim se, spontano provuku teške laži koje maskiraju stvarne zločine hrvatske države:
- kazuje se da je ustaški pokret bio samo antisrpski, i to u kontekstu koji antisrpstvo opravdava hrvatskom borbom za slobodu (sic!);
- poentira se na tome kako je Hitler kriv za smrt Jevreja u Hrvatskoj i kako je Srbija u ubijanju Jevreja bila mnogo efikasnija.

I niz tipičih propagandnih splačina kojih smo se naslušali tokom 1990-tih, kao i novih fantastičnih bljuvova.


Što se tiče prvoga - činjenice su činjenice. Što se tiče drugoga, stvarno je loše ako se to ističe (naime, ustaški pokret je u svojoj osnovi pronaci-fašistički, demagoški i naklonjen totalitarnom režimu, ali i antisemitski npr.). 'Srbija mnogo efikasnija po ubijanju Jevreja'?
izašo je u privatnoj Izraelskoj (sic!) ko-produkciji i nema neki glorificirajući karakter osobe Pavelića

Da. Poznata je novija tendencija ustaškog pokreta da za pranje zločina (zlo)upotrebljava upravo Jevreje. Vrlo lukavo.

Poznat je nedavni slučaj sa zubarem Filipom Džej Koenom (Philip J. Cohen) i njegovom antisrpskom knjigom:

Izvor: Wikipedija
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
Philip J. Cohen (1953.), američki liječnik i povjesničar

Diplomirao je društvene znanosti na New Collegeu (Sarasota, Florida) i medicinu na University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Yersey (Newark, New Yersey). Vršio istraživanja na Nacionalnom insittutu za rak (Bethesda, Maryland). Obavlja medicinsku praksu.

Cohen piše i drži predavanja o bivšoj Jugoslaviji, u kojima razobličuje velikosrpsku propagandu i povijesni revizionizam koji nastoji opravdati srpske zločine u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini 1990.-1995., te prikazati četnike Draže Mihailovića u Drugom svjetskom ratu kao antifašističke borce.

Vidi članak Tajni rat Srbije.

Djela [uredi]
"Tajni rat Srbije. Propaganda i manipuliranje poviješću", Zagreb: Ceres, 1997.
"Drugi svjetski rat i suvremeni četnici. Njihov povijesno-politički kontinuitet i posljedice po stabilnost na Balkanu", Zagreb: Ceres, 1997. (Dvojezično hrvatsko i englesko izdanje.)

S tim što je prvo napisano "hrvatsko", pa prevedeno na "američki".

Evo šta o toj knjizi JEvreji zaista misle:
Hezekiah Ishmael:
This is a piece of garbage..., April 25 2002

I could not believe that this trash was actually published. I wonder what Mr. Cohen's credential's (being a dentist) are to justify his writing a historical book that prosecutes such claims as he has made. In short, the book skims off that thick sludge of Croat, Muslim, and Albanian crimes in Yugoslavia, in the past and present, and attributes these same crimes to the Serbs, who never committed them. The book is full of inventions and it is an insult to the intelligence of an average human being. The Cetniks were not a ragtag band of fascists, but were rather monarchists. Their beards were long not to mimic Rasputin, but because it is in the tradition of the Orthodox not to shave while mourning (and they were mourning the king). Some of them collaborated with the Germans and massacred several thousand or perhaps even several tens of thousands of Muslims and Croats in WWII; that is true. However, others, notably those under the leadership of Draza Mihajlovic, did not collaborate with the Germans. After the war, they were demonized by the communists. Alternatively, it is worth pointing out that the Partisans were 95% Serbian until the very end of the war, when the numbers slipped to 85% due to Croats, Slovenes, and Muslims "seeing the light" (sic). Now, as to the Jews and Gypsies, they were not killed by Cetniks or Partisans or Serbian civilians, but rather by German occupational forces, and in fact many of the camps where Jews were killed were also places of killing for Serbian POWs (Banjica is a case in point). In fact, all of Yugoslavia was occupied by non-Serbian powers: Germany, Italy (Dalmatia and Montenegro), Independent State of Croatia (Croatia, Bosnia, Srem), Hungary (Backa), Romania (Banat), Albania (Kosovo and western Macedonia), and Bulgaria (eastern Macedonia and southern Serbia). It is thus absurd to accuse Serbs of crimes against Jews in these areas (i.e. all of what was then Yugoslavia) since the authorities were non-Serbian and those who perpetrated the crimes were the occupational forces. As the next point, there is no denying that of the 1,706,000 Yugoslavs killed, 1,300,000 were Serbs. These were numbers issued by the Communists (i.e. Tito) who was a Croat-Slovene himself and had absolutely no reason to expand the number of Serbs killed, as such action would undermine his multiethnic nonnationalistic state. It is believed that 1,000,000 of those were civilians slaughtered by the Croat and Muslim Ustasi and SS Kama, the Muslim SS Handzar, and the Albanian SS Skenderbey. The remaining 300,000 were civilians killed by the other occupying powers, by Cetniks or Partisans, or Cetnik and Partisan losses themselves. Similarly, there is no denying that Croatia, of her own volition, erected 27 death camps in her territories to exterminate Serbs, whereas those on Serbian territory were established exclusively by the Germans and the victims were primarly Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies. These Croat camps go by names like: Jasenovac, Stara Gradiska, Lepoglava, Krusica, Loborgrad, Jadovno, Bozici, etc. Muslims were active collaborators in these crimes, and were the exclusive masterminds of the genocide of Serbs in eastern Bosnia and Hercegovina and Sandzak, where there are no Croats. Cohen's book is a grotesque contortion of the facts and properly belongs in the annals of Holocaust denial literature. It is equivalent to lambasting Jews for killing some Germans in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, or Slavs for killing several tens of thousands of German civilians at the end of WWII after suffering casualties in the millions (in the case of Russia, tens of millions). And so, we have this trashy composition by Mr. Cohen, which is unresearched and based on seedy sources and outright denies evidence presented not by Serbian groups, but by many non-Serbian sources, including German, Italian, Russian, and Jewish archives, that clearly document the genocide the Serbs experienced in WWII at the hands of the Croats, Muslims, and Albanians. The rest of the book is a whitewash, and the cover stamp is a bit silly, in light of the fact that the author assumes his audience is as foolish as he is, so as to believe that a postage stamp could negate the documented extermination of 1,000,000 Serbian Orthodox human beings because of their ethnicity and faith. Needless to say, this fabrication has political underpinnings dating from a much more recent period, the 1990s, which, after the proper amount of time has passed and the lies have been brushed away, will reveal a propaganda war of immense proportions. The facts speak for themselves: there are currently 1.2 million Serbian refugees in Serbia, the largest refugee group in Europe. Who did they flee from? I suppose themselves. And the presence of Muslim- and Croat- run camps, raping brothels, massacres, tortures, and the infamous "ethnic cleansing", all against Serbs, will be revealed in good time as well. Just a few preliminary names: Celebici, Musala, Bradina tunnel, Zetra, Viktor Bubanj, Tusanj, Bihac Stadion (camps); Rostovo Ski center, Relja Lukic's house, Amadeus cafe (raping brothels); Mostar, Sarajevo, Bihac, Tuzla, Zenica, Gorazde Livno (ethnic cleansing); etc., etc...


Krajina tek što je etnički očišćena, a izlazi knjiga o fašizmu Srba. Objavljivanje ove knjige u najširoj javnosti, kao knjige bez zaštićenih autorskih prava, govori ponajviše o njenoj osnovnoj svrsi. Propaganda. :hvala:
Film je čista ustaška propaganda. Dakle, smeće. :kafa:

Tobože se priznaju něke činjenice koje same po sebi nisu opterećujuće:
- da je Jozua Frank bio Jevrejin,
- da je Pavelićeva žena bila Jevrejka i sl;

a zatim se, spontano provuku teške laži koje maskiraju stvarne zločine hrvatske države:
- kazuje se da je ustaški pokret bio samo antisrpski, i to u kontekstu koji antisrpstvo opravdava hrvatskom borbom za slobodu (sic!);
- poentira se na tome kako je Hitler kriv za smrt Jevreja u Hrvatskoj i kako je Srbija u ubijanju Jevreja bila mnogo efikasnija.

I niz tipičih propagandnih splačina kojih smo se naslušali tokom 1990-tih, kao i novih fantastičnih bljuvova.


zar nije?
Da. Poznata je novija tendencija ustaškog pokreta da za pranje zločina (zlo)upotrěbljava upravo Jevreje. Vrlo lukavo.

Poznat je nedavni slučaj sa zubarem Filipom Džej Koenom (Philip J. Cohen) i njegovom antisrpskom knjigom:

Evo šta o toj knjizi JEvreji zaista misle:
Hezekiah Ishmael:
This is a piece of garbage..., April 25 2002

I could not believe that this trash was actually published. I wonder what Mr. Cohen's credential's (being a dentist) are to justify his writing a historical book that prosecutes such claims as he has made. In short, the book skims off that thick sludge of Croat, Muslim, and Albanian crimes in Yugoslavia, in the past and present, and attributes these same crimes to the Serbs, who never committed them. The book is full of inventions and it is an insult to the intelligence of an average human being. The Cetniks were not a ragtag band of fascists, but were rather monarchists. Their beards were long not to mimic Rasputin, but because it is in the tradition of the Orthodox not to shave while mourning (and they were mourning the king). Some of them collaborated with the Germans and massacred several thousand or perhaps even several tens of thousands of Muslims and Croats in WWII; that is true. However, others, notably those under the leadership of Draza Mihajlovic, did not collaborate with the Germans. After the war, they were demonized by the communists. Alternatively, it is worth pointing out that the Partisans were 95% Serbian until the very end of the war, when the numbers slipped to 85% due to Croats, Slovenes, and Muslims "seeing the light" (sic). Now, as to the Jews and Gypsies, they were not killed by Cetniks or Partisans or Serbian civilians, but rather by German occupational forces, and in fact many of the camps where Jews were killed were also places of killing for Serbian POWs (Banjica is a case in point). In fact, all of Yugoslavia was occupied by non-Serbian powers: Germany, Italy (Dalmatia and Montenegro), Independent State of Croatia (Croatia, Bosnia, Srem), Hungary (Backa), Romania (Banat), Albania (Kosovo and western Macedonia), and Bulgaria (eastern Macedonia and southern Serbia). It is thus absurd to accuse Serbs of crimes against Jews in these areas (i.e. all of what was then Yugoslavia) since the authorities were non-Serbian and those who perpetrated the crimes were the occupational forces. As the next point, there is no denying that of the 1,706,000 Yugoslavs killed, 1,300,000 were Serbs. These were numbers issued by the Communists (i.e. Tito) who was a Croat-Slovene himself and had absolutely no reason to expand the number of Serbs killed, as such action would undermine his multiethnic nonnationalistic state. It is believed that 1,000,000 of those were civilians slaughtered by the Croat and Muslim Ustasi and SS Kama, the Muslim SS Handzar, and the Albanian SS Skenderbey. The remaining 300,000 were civilians killed by the other occupying powers, by Cetniks or Partisans, or Cetnik and Partisan losses themselves. Similarly, there is no denying that Croatia, of her own volition, erected 27 death camps in her territories to exterminate Serbs, whereas those on Serbian territory were established exclusively by the Germans and the victims were primarly Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies. These Croat camps go by names like: Jasenovac, Stara Gradiska, Lepoglava, Krusica, Loborgrad, Jadovno, Bozici, etc. Muslims were active collaborators in these crimes, and were the exclusive masterminds of the genocide of Serbs in eastern Bosnia and Hercegovina and Sandzak, where there are no Croats. Cohen's book is a grotesque contortion of the facts and properly belongs in the annals of Holocaust denial literature. It is equivalent to lambasting Jews for killing some Germans in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, or Slavs for killing several tens of thousands of German civilians at the end of WWII after suffering casualties in the millions (in the case of Russia, tens of millions). And so, we have this trashy composition by Mr. Cohen, which is unresearched and based on seedy sources and outright denies evidence presented not by Serbian groups, but by many non-Serbian sources, including German, Italian, Russian, and Jewish archives, that clearly document the genocide the Serbs experienced in WWII at the hands of the Croats, Muslims, and Albanians. The rest of the book is a whitewash, and the cover stamp is a bit silly, in light of the fact that the author assumes his audience is as foolish as he is, so as to believe that a postage stamp could negate the documented extermination of 1,000,000 Serbian Orthodox human beings because of their ethnicity and faith. Needless to say, this fabrication has political underpinnings dating from a much more recent period, the 1990s, which, after the proper amount of time has passed and the lies have been brushed away, will reveal a propaganda war of immense proportions. The facts speak for themselves: there are currently 1.2 million Serbian refugees in Serbia, the largest refugee group in Europe. Who did they flee from? I suppose themselves. And the presence of Muslim- and Croat- run camps, raping brothels, massacres, tortures, and the infamous "ethnic cleansing", all against Serbs, will be revealed in good time as well. Just a few preliminary names: Celebici, Musala, Bradina tunnel, Zetra, Viktor Bubanj, Tusanj, Bihac Stadion (camps); Rostovo Ski center, Relja Lukic's house, Amadeus cafe (raping brothels); Mostar, Sarajevo, Bihac, Tuzla, Zenica, Gorazde Livno (ethnic cleansing); etc., etc...


Krajina tek što je etnički očišćena, a izlazi knjiga o fašizmu Srba. Objavljivanje ove knjige u najširoj javnosti, kao knjige bez zaštićenih autorskih prava, govori ponajviše o njenoj osnovnoj svrsi. Propaganda. :hvala:

najjace misli upravo dolaze od internet filozofa

trebalo je biti u cro 91,92,93... na padinama velebita,u vukovarskom okruzenju,pod granatama u zadru i drugdje,pa da se donese sudbonosni zakljucak o etnickom ciscenju

nek se krajiski srbi zahvale vodjama svojim na danasnjem zivotu u srbiji
Što se tiče prvoga - činjenice su činjenice. Što se tiče drugoga, stvarno je loše ako se to ističe (naime, ustaški pokret je u svojoj osnovi pronaci-fašistički, demagoški i naklonjen totalitarnom režimu, ali i antisemitski npr.). 'Srbija mnogo efikasnija po ubijanju Jevreja'?

Slavene, ne moraš da baješ, imaš to u trejleru dotičnog filma kojeg je postavio Dragan.

U tom trejleru ima još jedna gnuserija, a to je implicitni podatak da je u Jasenovcu ubijeno manje od 50.000 Srba.
ne mislim konkretno na nedica.zar nije beograd prvi grad u evropi judenfrei?


kao i masa logora po srbiji,koja nije zaostajala za onima u cro

Neće biti. Postojao je samo jedan jedini veliki koncentracioni logor na tlu okupirane Srbije, u poređenju sa velikima na tlu NDH, a i zaista daleko zaostaje (identifikovano je 3.500-4.000 ubijenih) sa onima u Hrvatskoj.
