Source code

1. Odredis koja je platforma
2. Nadjes C kompajler za tu platformu
3. Iskompajlujes source

Skinuo sam taj zip fajl. Otvorio, pogledao README fajl i naisao na instrukcije kako da iskompajlujes source.

Ne znam sta te tu toliko muci.
Readme nema ekstenziju .txt-mozda ga je to mucilo.
Elem tekst readme-a kaze sledece:
Pursuant to the Mozilla Public License, this ZIP file contains instructions and
source code for creating an open source version of the IBM Web Browser 2.0.1.

To build the IBM Web Browser, all the build tools and setup is available on the
internet at

Once you have downloaded all the tools and setup the environment, run:


Run the following commands:

cvs checkout -r MOZILLA_1_3_RELEASE mozilla/
cd mozilla
gmake -f pull_all
cd ..

Then run deletions.cmd from the directory above mozilla

Now you can actually kick off the build.

If you want a debug build, rename .mozconfig.debug to .mozconfig and place it in
the mozilla directory. If you want a retail build, rename .mozconfig.retail to
.mozconfig and place it in the mozilla directory.

cd mozilla
gmake -f build_all

if the build stops in the middle, you can continue it by typing:

gmake -f install

Debugging is done with VACPP IDEBUG.
