Vista i greska 0x80300001


Zapoceo sam instalaciju viste na laptopu Acer Aspire 5315 i kada dolazim do koraka kada se bira particija gde ce se instalirati Vista izbacuje mi gresku '' WINOWS IS UNABLE TO INSTALL TO THE SELECTED LOCATION. ERROR 0X80300001...da li neko zna sta trebam da radim???
I manually format my hard drive.

The problem is solved now. I downloaded the ultimate boot cd, checked my HD if it had any errors but it hadn't. I then used one of the partition tools on the CD to create my partitions and than Vista installed like it should!

Strange problem, I guess there was something wrong with my partition table (though I did a chkdsk/fixmbr)

evo vidis resenje,uzmi hirens boot cd i preko partition managera napravi i formatiraj partice i probaj
I manually format my hard drive.

The problem is solved now. I downloaded the ultimate boot cd, checked my HD if it had any errors but it hadn't. I then used one of the partition tools on the CD to create my partitions and than Vista installed like it should!

Strange problem, I guess there was something wrong with my partition table (though I did a chkdsk/fixmbr)

evo vidis resenje,uzmi hirens boot cd i preko partition managera napravi i formatiraj partice i probaj

ok hvala,a sada ajde da mi pomognes kako da formatiram preko hirens cd-a zato sto ga ja skinem sa neta tachnije particion magig pro 8.05 i kako da zapocnem formatiranje?treba da bude boot cd????ne znam.....:rtfm: :besna:
