Ovo su Benji i Ranja..
Benji je sa Banovog Brda i o njemu su brinuli clanovi ARC-a,a Ranja je iz centra grada koji je spasen od strane clanova iz organizacije SOS.Obojica su u Nemackoj vec 3 meseca i ovo su njihove slike odande...
Ovo je Gracie,spasena iz azila Oaza na Avali,sa 90% pokrivenosti tela demodexom,uspesno je izlecena ovde i poslata u Kanadu,levo vidite kakva je bila kad je dosla kod nas a desno sa novim vlasnikom u Kanadi.Tamo je vec 1.5 godinu.
Ovo je Smiley (kod nas) now Pochi,spasena sa ulice od strane jedne zene,udario je auto i slomio sve 4 noge.Operisana je i izlecena,moze da hoda ali malo cudno zbog svih preloma.Usvojena je u Kanadi od strane hendikepiranog coveka i njegove zene,oni je obozavaju i tamo je vec 1.8 godinu...
Ovo je Irine,ostavljena na ARCovom standu od strane nekog coveka...sva njena braca i sestre su udomljeni u Beogradu ali ona nije imala srece...Poslata je u Kanadu i udomljena od strane jedne divne zene koja nam je poslala i pismo kako joj je sada sa novim ljubimcem...

I've been meaning to write and give you an update on Pickles (Irene) for
some time now.
I adopted her in late July; since then we've become pretty much
I changed her name since my Aunt Irene would have been a bit offended if she
had found out my dog shared her name (She's actually my great-aunt and had
some fuddy-duddy notions). The name Pickles just happened. About 20 minutes
after we got home from the rescue I was opening a jar to snack on and my friend
asked me to "pass the pickles" well Irene cocked her head and jumped
off the couch and came running to her, since then the name stuck!
She's been spoiled rotten since day one. Yummy treats and my grandma's
recipe for homemade dog food (in addition to her kibble) has helped put on about
3 or 4 extra pounds that she needed to thicken up. She's never in need for a
comfy lap or chin scratch. My friends and family come over to visit on a
rotating schedule, so that she's almost always had company (even when
I'm not home to entertain). Her collection of toys is getting a bit out of
hand. She has a few favorites and has to find the chosen few to pile them on the
end of my bed before she can fall asleep.
She's very active and loves nothing more then playing with other dogs at
the local off-leash park. She's good with fetching and will play for hours
on end. She's friendly and gentle. My friend's toddler is smitten with
her and she's careful not to roughhouse with him. The first time they met
she circled him with a questioning look for a few minutes and then lay down to
let him pat her back and rolled over for him to rub her belly.
Pickles has an
insatiable need for belly rubs. I try to indulge but once my arm
gets tired she's likely to get up and find someone else to pick up my slack.
We have a morning ritual where once the alarm clock goes off she nuzzles me
until I wake up enough to rub her tummy and chin.
Our morning walk to the park is always quick. She can't wait to get there
and play with her new friends. I always feel terrible when I have to make her
leave so I can get to work on time. The afternoon walk is a bit more leisurely,
she knows we're not in such a rush and she'll stop and sniff everything
... I'm so thankful for the people who are responsible for
bringing Pickles to me. I can't imagine what I would be like for her to
still be living in Serbia;...
I'm including some photos of Pickles. (I'm no pro, but she's a ham
for the camera!)
Thanks again
Emily Cocarell
Pozdrav svima...prvo da se predstavim, ja sam Tanja i čuvam malu mešankicu boje ćilibara koja uskoro treba da putuje u Francusku. Nadam se da ću ovde moći da ispratim njen odlazak, prijem i oporavak, slikom i rečju...Ona je nepokretna, zadnje noge ne koristi, kreće se teško i u velikim bolovima je. Ako je Mushu osoba za koju mislim da jeste, onda je toplo pozdravljam i šaljem poljupce. Humana žena, svaka joj čast na spašavanju malih, napuštenih, hendikepiranih pasa, koji bi na našim ulicama pronašli sigurnu smrt! Evo slikica Malene Mice.


Goldie kod nas ,sada Maya...sva njena braca i sestre su udomljeni u Beogradu,ona je ostala kao trinesto prase,bila je najsitnija od svih i najsmesnija z:) i poslata je u Nemacku.Sada zivi u Nurnbergu i tamo je vec 2 meseca...prve dve slike su kad smo je nasli u BGu,a ostale slike su od pre mesec dana kod novih vlasnika...

Gremlin,izbacen u Beogradskom parku zajedno sa celim svojim leglom,bili su stari oko 4 meseca istraumirani i plasljivi od ljudi,trebalo nam 3 meseca da ih pripitomimo da nam uopste pridju,sa nama su bili 3 godine,za to vreme socijalizovani,vakcinisani sterilisani,i sad su svi poslati u Nemacku.Za pocetak sad Gremmy-jeva slika a kasnije i ostalih z:)
prva je kod nas a druga u novom domu...
