Smrt u horoskopu

inače kad se smrt približava jupiter dobiva na snazi.

smjesti se na ugao. nerijetki je slučaj da ljudima dođe na jupiter na ac i da umru. a to je nebeska poruka da su završili svoju misiju i da je tako moralo biti.

nesreće i udese često prati minorni aspekt Jupitera - 30 - polusextil , što sam tek u zadnje vrijeme uočio.
Evo moje natalne karte pa ako neko nadje vermena da mi kaze nesto o nacinu smrti i da li mogu da ocekujem dug zivot?


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Nista ovde nije gadno.

Ovom coveku je umrla zena, decembra 2007. Posto su se jako voleli (oba Astrologa, on je plus pisao knjige o Tarotu), bio je toliko zalostan, da je umro 11.2.2009. Umro je zbog ljubavi (imao je kao emboliju).
Verovatno je znao, da ce umreti: legao je u krevet popodne i nije se probudio.

Sinastrija medju njima je idealna. Ona je bila je ljubav njegovog zivota.

Skupa su napisali knjigu: Du bist alles, was mir fehlt! (Ti si sve, sto mi nedostaje).
Pozdrav svima! Evo nesto s interneta...


Here are some myths about death and astrology. And please don't go around using them as death indicators because they really won't work and are just doing the rounds to fool you!!!

People die on a transit.Many think that their 'death' was arriving shortly in the form of a heavy transit from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.No one can die on transit. It has to be backed up in the progressions, firstly. And there may be 'other' indicator present, such as an eclipse, plus a transit. These two or three pieces to the recipe for Death must be in place before something serious and major happens. Nothing major happens on a transit. Everything major occurs with progressions.

Saturn is a death indicator.And no, Saturn isn't the only death planet indicator. It is one of many, as you will see. Any and all the planets, including the Uranian ones, can be involved in a death.

Transits in the 8th house are responsible for deaths. Just because you have a transit, progression or eclipse in your 8th house (known as the house of sex, taxes and death), does not mean you're gonna check out either. Any house in the natal chart, any of the twelve, can be implicated and involved in your death.

Hard aspects can lead to death. No it isn't just hard aspects such as a conjunction, square, inconjunct or opposition that can put you into another dimension. So can soft aspects such as a sextile and trine, too. And there isn't one aspect that is a 'death aspect', either.

Eclipses really kill people. Eclipses are not going to kill you. In and of themselves, they never will. In order to die, you must have progressions set up. An eclipse might be a trigger for this to occur, but that is all.

Lately, Chiron is getting a myth started on this asteroid that it's Death's Door. No, it isn't. A Chiron transit can certainly bring transformation--but it doesn't mean dying physically.

The Moon's Nodes are the major indicators of dying. Not really. They may or may not be implicated in a death. They are found to be 'active' in potential physical death only about 30% of the time--and that's not a very high statistic to count on.
Ovde je Solar:


Jupiter u 9.kuci, u Solaru sam videla dosta puta, kada netko dugo trpi od bolesti ili mnogo trpi (zbog ljubavi) i posle toga umre.
Znaci, za njega je to bilo olaksanje, kao da ce svoju ljubav sresti negde "gore".

Planets can play a part in death and dying. All of them do. You cannot look at just one planet, one aspect or one configuration--it is the culmination of all of them that must be looked at in totality. And even then, if the person decides to utilize this death energy on another plane of expression, they'll keep on living and breathing and being around for some time to come!!


Saturn is often seen as Father Time--when your time's up--you're going. Father Time is here for all of us. We are all going to die some day. However, we move through many "mini-deaths" throughout our lives on the spiritual, emotional and mental level, too. And Time does erode our body so that when we're in our sixties, our body does not function as a twenty-year old's will, too. Its your choice on how you handle Saturn's energy.A Saturn death is a lingering death. It doesn't happen quickly; it happens over time. Sometimes, a long, suffering time. Saturn is one of the planet's of longevity in one's life, also. The good side of Saturn, so to speak. A conjunction, sextile or trine between this planet and your Sun can give you a long, long life, although the whole chart must be taken into consideration for this.


Uranus is implicated in surgery and accidents. Usually accidents of a "weird" or unusual nature--such as sky diving, bungee jumping, while you're skiing you run into and hit a tree and kill yourself--or some other loopy, dumb kind of thing that no one would ever think could happen and create an accident. Uranus also rules airplanes and flight.It also rules over lightning and electricity--so many people get a jolt--either by a cord, by a lightning bolt or zapped through some strange, odd way. Surgery is co-ruled with Uranus along with Mars. With Uranus, you can have a "weird" car accident, or unexpected surgery .A Uranus death is always sudden. There is no lingering on with this planet.


Drug over doses, recreation drug death, death by flesh eating bacteria, by a nasty virus, or by prescription or over-the-counter drugs fall under Neptune's massive coverage. Drowning accidents figure prominently here, as well. Water related deaths or near deaths always find Neptune and Admetos active at the time. Of course, there is death by drowning of having too much fluid in your lungs; drowning by suffocation. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema are Neptune's rulership as well. Anything having to do with water inside or outside the body is Neptune's base of operation. It could be a flood that kills someone. Or a flood of liquid, such as blood in the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart and stops the heart from beating. Deaths or near deaths that have Neptune prominently figured will always have a cloak of mystery about them, too. In some cases, no one will ever really know how it happened or what the person died of or from what. People with an active Neptune at the time of their death will usually die in their sleep. Or, they will die of suffocation. A nice trine from one's Sun to Neptune means a quiet, gentle passing in one's sleep.


Transformation is asked for by this planet. Pluto deaths are usually pretty final and not always pretty. They usually involve massive trauma to the body, or there's little left to identify or its hard to identify.Deaths with Pluto can be violent; and a good example of this is the heart attack, where it comes out of nowhere, hits with the velocity of a Mac truck, is massive and nothing can be done to save the person, no matter what. The heart can literally, explode. Or, a aorta can 'blow' and the person bleeds to death in three to five minutes. Or a massive stroke or hemorrhage will finish them off quickly. There's something to be said for a 'swift' death and Pluto helps make that possible.A good sign of longevity is a conjunction, sextile or trine between one's Pluto and Sun; although the whole chart must be taken into consideration for this.


Mars acts as a "trigger" for death or a near-death experience. It also rules knives, guns and fires. You will see an active Mars in a lot of violent shootings. Mars is about a violent death of some sort -through some kind of sport-related accident or a car accident. Mars rules mechanical things and machinery and often, people slice off a finger, get their arm ripped off in a combine, or are decapitated or lose a leg in an accident. Mars is one of the co-rulers of surgery, so any accident involving Mars can mean minor or major surgery, too. Since Mars rules anger, temper and the male harmone testosterone, these additions can make or break if there will be an accident or death--or not. Deaths are usually violent and sudden and the person may die instantly (as in a bullet to the head) or linger on for a couple of days, and maybe a week--but no more than that. A Mars death is clean and swift.

North and South Nodes

The Moon's Nodes are intimately concerned with the forging of connections and the dissolving of connections. These connections are with other people, places, associations, groups, your company/corporation and possibly, the country you live in.We are constantly cutting ties and making new ones. The North Node is about creating new ties. That can be seen as dying and going to a more ethereal place of existence.

The South Node is about creating old connections with old, familiar places, people or things.They will be active in a marriage, in a divorce, in a birth, in a death, in the creation of a company, or the dissolvement of a corporation or country.


Chiron is the gatekeeper. He is often active when a person takes on a disease in order to move and learn deeper, more enriching enlightenment about one's self or others. Around age 50, many people will take on a disease. This is not to say they are bad people.There are hidden blessings in disease and I've seen Chiron act like a 'fast track' to spiritual evolution for a person when this happens.A Chiron death can be quick and merciful or drag on forever; and much depends upon aspect to it from other planets.


When someone is in the process of dying, Venus or Jupiter would be always around. They are both "guardian angels" of a type; although Jupiter's other side can be heavily involved in a death. Venus promises no suffering, or a very short period of suffering. There is grace with this planet when it comes to dying. It says that the dying will be "easy" or painless or less of something other than it could have been. Venus is sometimes seen in deaths where the person dies in their sleep. Venus around is good because the person sees his journey into death as something beautiful, creative and an opening, not an ending or a closing or a loss.


upiter is involved in aggressive cancers where there is cellular regeneration at optimum, and tumors are present, or an aggressive lymphoma. Ailments involving the liver can also come from this planet, as well. Tumors are Jupiter's "thing." It is also, by co-rulership of the liver, tied into the lymphatic system as well which is why, in many forms of cancer and dying of cancer, the Jupiter is active by transit or progression. On the other hand, Jupiter is also the "guardian angel" provided it is in good, soft aspect at the time. If it is, it means a gentle, non-struggling death. Transit is easy and comes all at once, although the person may linger for days, weeks, or even months. With a good Jupiter aspect around at the time, the person does not suffer as much. They will also have a wonderful, optimistic, open attitude about their passing into the next world.


Sun can be intimately tied into our death time.The two big "triggers" in progressed charts is your Mars and Sun. Many times, in many deaths, the Sun is not prominent. With the Sun involved, it usually means the person has truly fulfilled all there soul desires this time around and it is a natural time to move on.A Sun death can be slow or quick. Usually, there is some beautiful gift of awareness, a deeper soul connection made with the self before passing--a gift is given because these people have earned such grace by working hard, being responsible and shouldering the loads they came in to carry and learn from or give back to humanity in the balance of their unique karma.
Poslednja izmena od moderatora:
Nista ovde nije gadno.

Ovom coveku je umrla zena, decembra 2007. Posto su se jako voleli (oba Astrologa, on je plus pisao knjige o Tarotu), bio je toliko zalostan, da je umro 11.2.2009. Umro je zbog ljubavi (imao je kao emboliju).
Verovatno je znao, da ce umreti: legao je u krevet popodne i nije se probudio.

Sinastrija medju njima je idealna. Ona je bila je ljubav njegovog zivota.

Skupa su napisali knjigu: Du bist alles, was mir fehlt! (Ti si sve, sto mi nedostaje).

pa embolija je dosta gadna stvar. ako ju je dobio u snu imao je dosta sreće. osoba se doslovno guši udiše zrak koji ne ulazi u krv i nakon par minuta živa se uguši.

na brzinu nisam mogao vidjeti da je bio u snu.

a velika tuga prije smrti je isto dosta bolna stvar. zamisli kolika patnja mora biti čovjeka da zbog toga umre.

tako da ja i dalje mislim da je to gadno.

Highly respected astrologer Ivy Jacobson says that, "Any planet or angle in the same degree as the Nodes points to a catastrophe, casualty, fatality or tragedy in a horary or natal chart, the more far-reaching when a malefic is involved." In The Way of Astrology, she further notes that during the year that a progressed angle lines up with a natal or progressed node, there will be some tragedy in the life. I have likewise found this to be quite a reliable prediction tool, however in my experience the term “tragic” is something of an overstatement unless there is substantial back up from other indicators that also points to a tragedy. More commonly, the unpleasant experiences in the life during these years are along the lines of accidents, health problems or surgeries, loosing a job, bad credit, divorce and various “catastrophes” and regrettable situations that often occur as a result of previous poor judgment. One does get through the period but it is more difficult and longer lasting if the progressed angle comes first to the progressed node, soon followed by the angular alignment with the natal node.
- Any astrologer who says they can predict your time of death is dead wrong. Get rid of 'em. Fire 'em. They're on an Ego trip at YOUR expense (literally and figuratively because you're paying money to this person to tell you such things). They are scaring you, manipulating you and you should get good and mad at them, report them to a national astrological organization and leave their services--pronto. No human being can tell you
when you're going to opt out of this bag of bones and skin--only your soul knows that.
- Don't ask any PROFESSIONAL astrologer to tell you when you're going to die. First of all, a professional will tell you up front they can't do it. Secondly, if they have a moral compass and integrity, they wouldn't tell you even if they did know! Why? Because your time of death is in YOUR hands, not the astrologer's. And hopefully, your astrologer has the wisdom and humility to admit this to you up front. and no astrologer is clairvoyant enough to see such things. Clairvoyance is highly dependent upon choices made by the person--not the astrologer. If clairvoyancy was all it was cracked up to be--then a clairvoyant would be accurate a hundred percent of the time, all the time--but they ain't. Why? Because of choice you plugged in, changed or modified through your own soul/sub-conscious.
- You cannot "die" on a transit. I can't tell you how many frightened student astrologers who knew just enough to scare themselves silly, have called me over the years think that their 'death' was arriving shortly in the form of a heavy transit from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.
No one can die on transit. It has to be backed up in the progressions, firstly. And there may be 'other' indicator present, such as an eclipse, plus a transit. These two or three pieces to the recipe for Death must be in place before something serious and major happens. Nothing major happens on a transit. Everything major occurs with progressions...."
Ja sam bila clan njegovog Foruma za Tarot i Astrologiju. Vise sam se igrala sa Tarotom, nego Astrologijom. Svaki dan izvucem karte i svaki dan su drukcije (imam vise "sudbina")
On je bio jako lep muskarac, dosta mlad za svoje godine. Posle smrti njegove zene, videla sam njegovu sliku i uplasila sam se: postarao se za 10 godina, pogled mu je bio, kao da je vec na drugom svetu.
Sada pisu na drugom Forumu, da je bilo isto kao sa parom: Christopher Reeve i njegova zena Dana. Posle njegove smrti Dana je dobila rak na plucima i umrla. On je umro oktobra 2004 a ona marta 2006, nesto slicno kao i ovaj par.

Nazalost nemam njene podatke, da vidim koliko je njihov slucaj slican ovom.

Takve brze smrti dvoje ljudi ne dogadjaju se samo poznatim ljudima. Ovde, gde sam ja jedan muskarac je cuo da mu je zena umrla u bolnici. Od teskog soka covek je umro isti dan, kod kuce.

Mozda su bili blizanci u proslom zivotu?
Imam pluton u VIII kuci retrogradan u znaku vage tu mi je i severni cvor negde sam cula da pluton u VIII donosi svesnu smrt i da znaci mnoge hiruske intervencije, ja se nebojim smrti ali hirurgije se uzasavam negde sam procitala da takodje natus sa ovakvim polozajem plutona moze da utice na smrt i zivot mozeli mi neko to bolje pojasniti jedino sto mogu da kazem da imam izrazenu intuiciju i da sam naprimer znala tacno u cas kada ce mi umreti otac uzas jednostavno sam znala.Molim objasnjenje postavljam svoju kartu
Moj osnovni problem nista nekazen u cugu nego se kasnije setim da imam i sunce i mesec u konjukciji cula sam i to da daje kraci zivotni vek a nadu mi daje samo IV kuca venera blizanci koja navodno daje mirniji kraj zivora

"....Any astrologer who says they can predict your time of death is dead wrong. Get rid of 'em. Fire 'em. They're on an Ego trip at YOUR expense (literally and figuratively because you're paying money to this person to tell you such things). They are scaring you, manipulating you and you should get good and mad at them, report them to a national astrological organization and leave their services--pronto. No human being can tell.... "

evo moje karte. laik, mada mi se cini da necu zavrsiti u krevetu i od neke bolesti.... moguce iznenada, kroz neku nezgodu, mozda u inostranstvu ili na putu... Nebitno. Vise razmisljam naglas nego sto bih zaista zelela "znati"; kao da bi mi to nesto u zivotu koristilo...Uzgred, nemam nekih fobija ali se ne osecam najprijatnije u avionu a i prilicno sam oprezna sa strujom... ocigledno, huh?

Ne znam da li cu uspeti staviti moju kartu ali probacu. Vindex, citam te i postujem sto zboris. Tvoj prijatelj ultimaN kojeg jako postujem mi je vec davno rekao par stvari-znam da necu doziveti da dugo zivim (po sklopu 1 i 7 kuce mozda ne i 40-tu), i ne bojim se smrti, elem, zanima me da li ostajem trudna i da li mi to preti zivotu kad se desi? Hvala.
