

Zainteresovan član
the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

...prevod...Тreason ...Izdaja ...Veleizdaja
Прекршај - свргавање владе државе којој прекршилац дугује оданост или убиство или повреда владара или његове фамилије .


Konferencija za stampu... izvestilac vlade amerike...
Tom Casey ...27 Februar 2008

QUESTION: On Kosovo, Mr. Casey, do you know how long the U.S. troops are going to remain in occupied Kosovo, Serbian territory?

MR. CASEY: What U.S. whats are going to remain?

QUESTION: In Kosovo.

MR. CASEY: Yeah, but U.S.?


MR. CASEY: U.S. troops? Oh, I’m sorry. I just didn’t hear your word.

QUESTION: You said (inaudible) troops, as I understand.

MR. CASEY: Well, more --

QUESTION: (Inaudible.)

MR. CASEY: Well, more importantly, NATO has a mission in Kosovo and that mission, NATO has said, will continue until such time as the security forces in Kosovo are able to take full responsibility for the duties that are required and until they believe they’re in a position to do so. That means that NATO will stay there, in effect, as long as needed. And there will certainly be ongoing discussions between the new Government of Kosovo and NATO over any specifics or terms of that mission.

QUESTION: Since NATO is the case, Mr. Casey, why then in June, 1999, U.S. seized illegally 1,000 acres in Bondsteel, B-o-n-d-s-t-e-e-e-l, Kosovo and built up the largest military base in the U.S. history, which is functioning today, as you are speaking, ready to accept 10,000 U.S. troops? What is the purpose of this base?

MR. CASEY: The purpose of that base was to support the NATO mission in Kosovo, and that’s still the purpose of that base, and that’ll be the purpose of it until it’s dismantled and removed when U.S. forces and NATO forces leave.

QUESTION: Tom, do you think that the Secretary will discuss possible additional NATO troops for Kosovo next week in --

MR. CASEY: As far as I know, there’s no discussion at this point of increasing the strength of the NATO force in Kosovo. I certainly would leave it to the Supreme Allied Commander and the other NATO military authorities to see whether, in light of recent events, they would foresee any reason to change either the composition of those forces or the number. But as far as I know, there’s no sense from the commanders on the ground that they need to increase troop levels there.

Let’s go down here and then we’ll --

QUESTION: Yes. Do the other NATO members --

MR. CASEY: Or let’s not go -- let’s go back to you, Mr. Lambros. Anyway, okay, go ahead.

QUESTION: Do the other NATO members have the right, as you said, to build up bases inside Kosovo today?

MR. CASEY: Mr. Lambros, Kosovo is a newly independent state. It has a sovereign government. Any relations between NATO and the Government of Kosovo will be worked out between them. Any decisions on NATO forces will be left to NATO. Any decisions on how those troops operate or are managed will be handled under the standing agreement. This is nothing new.

QUESTION: One more? The international famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis with statement characterized the so-called independence of Kosovo as treason without prior approval by the United Nations. Any comment on that?

MR. CASEY: Mr. Lambros, you know what? I somehow suspect for the next six or eight months or so, you’re going to come in here every day and you’re going to say some other prominent citizen somewhere in the world has said that they don’t like the fact that Kosovo is now an independent state. And they’re entitled to their opinion. We respect their opinion. But you know our policy, and we and the rest of the international community are moving ahead with it.

QUESTION: But he characterized it as a treason.

MR. CASEY: You know, that’s fine. That’s his characterization of it. Let’s go down here. This guy had a --


Прво и кључно питање новинара ...

До када ће Америчка војска остати на Косову и Метохији , ОКУПИРАНОЈ СРПСКОЈ ЗЕМЉИ .


Питања је постављао Грчки новинар Господин Лаврос .
Pa to je tako sa portparolima, pričaju, a ništa ne kažu. Pogotovo kad su u pitanju važne teme. Stvarno zaslužuju svoju platu. :D ne može svako to.

Po meni je ovo ključ svega
QUESTION: On Kosovo, Mr. Casey, do you know how long the U.S. troops are going to remain in occupied Kosovo, Serbian territory?

MR. CASEY: What U.S. whats are going to remain?

QUESTION: In Kosovo.

Lepo mu čovek postavi pitanje a on se pravi lud politički dok mu ovaj ne preformuliše pitanje i izbaci to occupied Kosovo, Serbian land i preinači samo u Kosovo, ili još bolje u Kosova. Mada najgore bi bilo da ga je vukao da kaže Republika e Kosovës....
Pa to je tako sa portparolima, pričaju, a ništa ne kažu. Pogotovo kad su u pitanju važne teme. Stvarno zaslužuju svoju platu. :D ne može svako to.

Po meni je ovo ključ svega

Lepo mu čovek postavi pitanje a on se pravi lud politički dok mu ovaj ne preformuliše pitanje i izbaci to occupied Kosovo, Serbian land i preinači samo u Kosovo, ili još bolje u Kosova. Mada najgore bi bilo da ga je vukao da kaže Republika e Kosovës....

Sta reci do URA za grckog novinara!...Ponekad su postavljena pitanja vaznija od odgovora:cool:
Aaaa trupe ... :lol:

A ko je dozvolio USA da pravi Bondstil na faktički privremeno okupiranoj teritoriji (1244) ?

Samovolja ili neki dogovor za koji još ne znam ?
Jos da ovi nasi maloumnici na vlasti imaju i malo mozga pa da pozovu Ruse i kazu im da naprave bazu na Kosmetu u blizini Bondstila, pa da se Amerikanci gledaju sa Rusima preko nisana k'o sto se gledaju sa Kubancima u Guantanamu :D :P
