
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Molio bih nekoga ko se razume u privredno pravo da mi pomogne sa ugovorom o cesiji. Ne znam da li fizicka lica mogu biti potpisnici ugovora sa pravnim licima i da li se i treca strana(duznik) mora saglasiti sa ugovorom. Hvala unapred.
Dužnik se ne mora saglasiti sa ugovorom, ali treba da bude obavešten. A što se prvog pitanja tiče, nisam sigurna da sam razumela- je l' pitaš da li fizičko lice može da ustupi svoje potraživanje ili pravo pravnom licu? Ako je to pitanje, onda je odgovor- da, izuzev prava tj. potraživanja koja su vezana za ličnost poverioca, odnosno koja se svojom pravnom prirodom protive prenošenju na drugo lice. (Mislim, tako mi je nekako logično, ali ipak pitaj još nekog. Za ovo prvo sam 100% sigurna.)
Izvinjavam se na upadu, treba mi odgovor na jedno pitanje. Sta na engleskom ili latinskom znaci IN REM ? Mislim da se odnosi na nekakva prava u odnosu na stvari za razliku od prava prema licima - IN PERSONAM
Kako se to prevodi na srpski?

Evo nekih definicija na engleskom :

A lawsuit against an item of property, not against a person (in personam).

An action in rem is a proceeding that takes no notice of the owner of the property but determines rights in the property that are conclusive against all the world. For example, an action to determine whether certain property illegally imported into the United States ought to be forfeited can be captioned United States v. Thirty-nine Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Cigars. The object of the lawsuit is to determine the disposition of the property, regardless of who the owner is or who else might have an interest in it. Interested parties might appear and make out a case one way or another, but the action is in rem, against the things.

In rem lawsuits can be brought against the property of debtors in order to collect what is owed, and they are begun for the partition of real property, foreclosure of mortgages, and the enforcement of liens. They may be directed against real or personal property. In rem actions are permitted only when the court has control of the property or where its authority extends to cover it. For example, the courts in Kansas may determine rights to a farm in Kansas, but not the ownership of a cannery in Texas. The in rem jurisdiction of a court may be exercised only after parties who are known to have an interest in the property are notified of the proceedings and have been given a chance to present their claim to the court.

Latin: "against the thing." A proceeding against the property directly, as distinguished from a proceeding against a person (used in taking land for nonpayment of taxes, etc.)
Example: Baker cannot collect on his past due loan from Abel. Baker, through court action, secures a Judgment in rem against a building lot owned by Abel, which causes a lien against the lot.

Actions against the res, or thing, rather than against the person. The goal of a proceeding in rem is the disposition of property without reference to the Title of individual claimants. See also In Personam.

Against a thing, such as property, status, or a right, rather than against a person. Used of an action or a judgment.
Da, ''re'' znači stvar, ''res''=stvari (latinski). E sad, ovo in rem zavisi gde koristiš. S obzirom na to da se ovde govori o ''action in rem'' (u ovim definicijama koje si dao), to znači da je reč o suđenju prema stvarima, tj. protiv stvari. Ja ne znam da tako nešto postoji u našem pravnom sistemu, ali očigledno u američkom postoji. Radi se o tome da se utvrdi karakter određenih stvari (da li su ilegalne i sl.), bez obzira na to ko je njihov vlasnik, a zainteresovane strane mogu učestvovati u tom procesu ukoliko za to imaju interesa. Međutim, ni tada se proces (sudski postupak) ne vodi protiv njih (nije action in personam), nego samo ''protiv'' stvari.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
