Treba li isporuchiti Mladica hagu?

Treba li isporuchiti Mladica Hagu?

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  • Ne

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Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
A fellow named Ratko Mladic together with Dr. Radovan Karadzic is ‘guilty’ of the singularly most evil and heinous ‘crime’ against humanity of wanting their people to have a country of their own. Their chief ‘crime’ was that they protected unarmed Serbian civilians trapped in Bosnia and Krajina and subsequently both of them were made the poster boys of ‘evil incarnate’
The very notion of Serbs defending themselves, and their land while under vicious assault by Islamic thugs and Croatian criminals is described as ‘genocide’.

I propose a toast to the good general Ratko Mladic and Dr. Karadzic and their valiant fighters who fought off the Islamic and Croatians howling, bloodthirsty hordes and their NATO master.

PS. anyone remembers who said/wrote this: “There is no peace or coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions.”
Sudeci po rezultatu ove ankete,ako 55 % gradjana Srbije smatra da Ratka Mladica nikad ne treba isporuciti Hagu onda tesko da cemo sa takvim mentalnim sklopom ikada stici u Evropu.
Stidi se Srbijo i stidi se Beograde zbog one sramote i cirkusa sinoc ispred narodne skupstine na celu sa Cecom Nacionale!
Jel bi ti pristao da se isporuci jedan Misic,Putnik,Stepa Stepanovic.....!Nije Mladic nista manje od njih,osim sto se borio u drugim vremenima......!Nije on izgubio,on je stvorio Srpsku,izgubio je Sloba i drugi politicari......!
Zato ne treba isporuciti Ratka Mladica!!!
da mladica malo boli ONA stvar za srbe kao sto vas boli za NJEGA on bi DAVNO trunuo u hagu. ovako svet ucenjuje 9-10- miliona srba [ i manjine, DA, DA] radi jednog ZLOCINCA [zato sto se ne predaje, zato jeste ZLOCINAC] a on se krije ko patriotska PI**A.
