2048 godine nestaje riblji svijet..

Istocni Vetar

Ribe ce nestati do 2048 godine-naucnici upozoravaju..
Preveliki lov ribe i zagadjenje mora i okeana ce dovesti do nestanka ribljeg svijeta ako se nastavi sadasnji trend..

The world's ocean fishing grounds may be almost exhausted by 2048 if catches and pollution aren't limited, according to scientists who conducted a four-year study.

The rate at which stocks in the fishing areas have collapsed is accelerating, the scientists led by Boris Worm of Canada's Dalhousie University said today in the journal Science. A seafood species is said to have collapsed when the catch falls below 10 percent of the maximum annual haul. By 2003, 29 percent of seafood species were in that category, the scientists said.

``If the long-term trend continues, all fish and seafood species are projected to collapse within my lifetime -- by 2048,'' Worm said. ``It is a very clear trend.''
Ribe ce nestati do 2048 godine-naucnici upozoravaju..
Preveliki lov ribe i zagadjenje mora i okeana ce dovesti do nestanka ribljeg svijeta ako se nastavi sadasnji trend..

The world's ocean fishing grounds may be almost exhausted by 2048 if catches and pollution aren't limited, according to scientists who conducted a four-year study.

The rate at which stocks in the fishing areas have collapsed is accelerating, the scientists led by Boris Worm of Canada's Dalhousie University said today in the journal Science. A seafood species is said to have collapsed when the catch falls below 10 percent of the maximum annual haul. By 2003, 29 percent of seafood species were in that category, the scientists said.

``If the long-term trend continues, all fish and seafood species are projected to collapse within my lifetime -- by 2048,'' Worm said. ``It is a very clear trend.''

Ovo sto je bold u prevodu znaci rekao je crv;-)

Savin, druze, odakle ti vadis ove stvari? Ti si neki katastrofista? Ti nam dodjes kao pokvaren alarm koji izgleda voli da daje netacne uzbune. Moramo te popraviti mi ovde.;-)
Postoje ljudi medju naucnicima koji na sve moguce nacine pokusavaju da promovisu svoje ime, svoj zivotni nesupeh da pretvore u nesto iznoseci kojekakve senzacionisticke ideje. Krenes ovako, da bi odredio neki dogadjaj u buducnosti treba da poznajes dobro sadasnjost. Da li ti mislis da bilo ko moze da izracuna broj svih vrsta riba koje postoje vodi? Da li mislis da je moguce da se izracuna koliko se u toku jednog dana ulovi riba? Koliko ce riba da se omresti, koliko ce mladji da se odgaji u sledece zenke? Ako je taj Boris Worm ( crv ) uspeo da odredi te velicine koje su i te kako promenljive u osnovnoj jedinici vremena, onda bi taj covek mogao da vidi ispred velikog praska, buducnost naseg svemira... a kvantna mehanika, bila bi decija igra. Nego, jedine ribe koje zaista mogu da nestanu i to pod uticajem razuma jesu one iz horoskopa. ;-)
Ovo je udarna vijest jutros u Americi..
Sve novine prenose...
Vi opet mene napadate-ja samo prenosim sto je interesatno za prijatelje sa foruma..
Mozete vjerovati ili ne-to je Vas izbor..
Vjerovatno nece nestati ribe-ali ce se broj dobro smanjiti..
Inace psenica i kukuruz su skocili preko 50% u Americi protekla 2 mjeseca...
Treba kupovati zemlju po Srbiji dok je jos jeftina-jer hrana ce biti sve skuplja...
Evo nastavka novinskog clanka..

The scientists found that the risk of a species dying out increases when it shares an ecosystem with fewer other creatures. The loss of wildlife also affects the quality of the water, which becomes more polluted, they said.

``The elimination of locally adapted populations and species not only impairs the ability of marine ecosystems to feed a growing human population but also sabotages their stability and recovery potential,'' the scientists said. ``Business as usual would foreshadow serious threats to global food security, coastal water quality, and ecosystem stability.''

Maintaining a variety of fish in an area means the fishing industry can choose from several targets, giving an over-fished species a chance to recover, the scientists said.

Regional Extinctions

Over-fishing has already led to the extinction of species in some regions. These include the bluefin tuna in the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic sturgeon in the U.S. East Coast's Chesapeake Bay, and the gray whale, Atlantic salmon and European oyster in the Wadden Sea off the Netherlands.

``The report appears to ignore all the positive work that has taken place in our industry,'' John Rutherford, chief executive of the U.K.'s Sea Fish Industry Authority, said in an online statement. ``Measures include voluntary closure by the fishing fleet of areas around our coast'' and ``huge growth in certification of sustainable fisheries by the Marine Stewardship Council,'' a global group which assesses fishing practices for sustainability.

Rutherford said ``there is always more to be done,'' and that his authority will commission scientists to analyze the study to see if the industry can learn from it.

Decline in Stocks

The decline in the stocks of fishing grounds can be stopped by the establishment of protected marine reserves, the scientists found after studying 44 such areas. Closing the fisheries and creating reserves led to a 23 percent average increase in species diversity, they said. At the same time, fishing around the reserves became four times more productive.

``We can turn this around,'' Worm said. ``We won't see complete recovery in one year, but in many cases species come back more quickly than people anticipated -- in three to five to 10 years. And where this has been done we see immediate economic benefits.''

Aside from seafood, the ``services'' provided by marine creatures include the filtration and detoxification of water, and the processing of carbon dioxide into food and oxygen. Coastal habitats such as mangroves and marshland also provide a defense against flooding.

The scientists conducted experiments, examined coastal areas and analyzed data from the world's main ocean fishing sites to gauge the effect of species diversity on survival.
Ovo je udarna vijest jutros u Americi..
Sve novine prenose...
Vi opet mene napadate-ja samo prenosim sto je interesatno za prijatelje sa foruma..
Mozete vjerovati ili ne-to je Vas izbor..
Vjerovatno nece nestati ribe-ali ce se broj dobro smanjiti..
Inace psenica i kukuruz su skocili preko 50% u Americi protekla 2 mjeseca...
Treba kupovati zemlju po Srbiji dok je jos jeftina-jer hrana ce biti sve skuplja...
Evo nastavka novinskog clanka..

The scientists found that the risk of a species dying out increases when it shares an ecosystem with fewer other creatures. The loss of wildlife also affects the quality of the water, which becomes more polluted, they said.

``The elimination of locally adapted populations and species not only impairs the ability of marine ecosystems to feed a growing human population but also sabotages their stability and recovery potential,'' the scientists said. ``Business as usual would foreshadow serious threats to global food security, coastal water quality, and ecosystem stability.''

Maintaining a variety of fish in an area means the fishing industry can choose from several targets, giving an over-fished species a chance to recover, the scientists said.

Regional Extinctions

Over-fishing has already led to the extinction of species in some regions. These include the bluefin tuna in the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic sturgeon in the U.S. East Coast's Chesapeake Bay, and the gray whale, Atlantic salmon and European oyster in the Wadden Sea off the Netherlands.

``The report appears to ignore all the positive work that has taken place in our industry,'' John Rutherford, chief executive of the U.K.'s Sea Fish Industry Authority, said in an online statement. ``Measures include voluntary closure by the fishing fleet of areas around our coast'' and ``huge growth in certification of sustainable fisheries by the Marine Stewardship Council,'' a global group which assesses fishing practices for sustainability.

Rutherford said ``there is always more to be done,'' and that his authority will commission scientists to analyze the study to see if the industry can learn from it.

Decline in Stocks

The decline in the stocks of fishing grounds can be stopped by the establishment of protected marine reserves, the scientists found after studying 44 such areas. Closing the fisheries and creating reserves led to a 23 percent average increase in species diversity, they said. At the same time, fishing around the reserves became four times more productive.

``We can turn this around,'' Worm said. ``We won't see complete recovery in one year, but in many cases species come back more quickly than people anticipated -- in three to five to 10 years. And where this has been done we see immediate economic benefits.''

Aside from seafood, the ``services'' provided by marine creatures include the filtration and detoxification of water, and the processing of carbon dioxide into food and oxygen. Coastal habitats such as mangroves and marshland also provide a defense against flooding.

The scientists conducted experiments, examined coastal areas and analyzed data from the world's main ocean fishing sites to gauge the effect of species diversity on survival.

Idem sada do moje Bunny pa cu usput da pogledam novine. Nebude li bilo nista o ribama, savine.....;-)
To je dobro za Srbiju sto ce nestati morske ribe..
Onda ce riba iz Srbije biti skuplja..
Srbija nema more-hrana ce biti skuplja..
Ja inace postim 2 dana godisnje-mogu izdrzati bez ribe..
Sta pricas,kakvo dobro za Srbiju bre?!
U tom slucaju ce se poremetiti lanac ishrane,a to ce povuci probleme koji ni za koga nece biti dobri!
I jedna je stvar 2 dana posta,ajde da te vidim kako bi izdrzao da postis ceo post 6 nedelja...cak i ja koja mrzim da jedem ribu sam pod tim okolnostima posegnula za tunjevinom i giricama.
Sta pricas,kakvo dobro za Srbiju bre?!
U tom slucaju ce se poremetiti lanac ishrane,a to ce povuci probleme koji ni za koga nece biti dobri!
I jedna je stvar 2 dana posta,ajde da te vidim kako bi izdrzao da postis ceo post 6 nedelja...cak i ja koja mrzim da jedem ribu sam pod tim okolnostima posegnula za tunjevinom i giricama.
samo , greska u proracunu , mi cemo nestati pre nego sto nestanu ribe , zato sto ribe zive u najcistijem delu planete ( okeani ) , a ljudi samo zagadjuju i zagadjuju kopno.......
Inace psenica i kukuruz su skocili preko 50%

a kao kod nas nije skocila psenica i kukuruz??
kod nas je vise...bilo super ove godine...jos uvek je...

Vi opet mene napadate

nemoj se osecati tako, mi samo diskutujemo vest

Ribe ce nestati do 2048

znate sta...i nostradamus je predvideo smak sveta tri put' pa se mi jos uvek cvarimo na zemlji...
nece nas ribe toliko osamariti...a ionako uvek ce biti hibrida...to je danasnja glavna zanimacija primetih :lol:
