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zastita traje 10 godina!
Ok.Hvala na smirenju..Pracu ruke,pa me valjda nece zakaciti.A kakvi su simptomi i koliko traje sama bolest?
Ne lupaj!
Da, ne lupetaj!
stvarno lupetash!
Postoji i inaktivisana vakcina protiv virusnog hepatitisa A koja se preporučuje osobama koje će duže boraviti u visoko endemskim područjima, odnosno u lošim higijensko- sanitarnim uslovima. Vakcinisana lica su zaštićena od obolevanja nakon 30 dana od aplikacije vakcine.
Sistematska vakcinacija i profilaksa lekovima se ne sprovode.
Deca se ne vakcinisu protiv hepatitisa A nego protiv hepatitisa B.
Immunoglobulin provides short-term (1-2-month) protection from hepatitis A.
http://www.athealth.com/consumer/disorders/hepatitisA.htmlHepatitis A is the only common vaccine-preventable foodborne disease in the United States. Hepatitis A vaccine is an inactivated preparation of a cell-culture adapted virus and was licensed in 1995 for persons aged 2 years. More than 95% of adults and children have seroconversion after a single dose of hepatitis A vaccine, and long-term protection is provided by a second (booster) dose given 6 months later. Protective concentrations of anti-HAV are measurable in 54%-62% of persons by 2 weeks and in 90% by 4 weeks after receipt of a single dose of vaccine. The vaccine's efficacy is 94%-100%, and protection is likely to last for 20 years after vaccination; booster doses after the primary 2-dose series are not currently recommended [10]. Recent vaccination may confuse interpretation of diagnostic test results for hepatitis A, because IgM anti-HAV can be detected in some persons shortly after vaccination [55]. However, when tested 1 month after vaccination, <1% of vaccinated persons had detectable IgM anti-HAV [56].
koliko je prizivias dobices je na kraju...ajde da ti ne baxuziram...kada dobijes prve simptome znaces odmah sta je...