Zrtva Gospoda Isusa Hrista iz poslusnosti, podredjenosti... ili neceg treceg?
Tema jeste meni sa starim nikom
vcbccbc vcbcvb otvorena, ali naslov nisam ja birao.
Kada govorimo o zrtvama, jos od vremena KAINA I AVELJA, MOJIH, ADAMOVIH SINOVA,
mi moramo da pravimo razliku izmedju u kojoj funkciji su zrtve, tj. za koju svrhu, a to sam se setio jer smo skoro naisli na
Burnt offering (Judaism) - Wikipedia
zrtve paljenice, koje se prvi put pominju kod noe
mi imamo razne klasifikacije zrtvoprinosenja, npr.
What are the 5 types of sacrifice?
Terms in this set (5)
- Burnt Offering. -Everything goes to God. ...
- Purification Offering. -To cleanse from sin and specifically designed for atonement. ...
- Reparation Offering. -Subcategory of Purification offering. ...
- Fellowship Offering. ...
- Significance: How to live life as a Christian.
zrtvoprinosenja klasifikacije, ali opet se vracamo na kaina i avelja, znajuci da je jedan imao zrtvu, a drugi plodove, jel, tek kasnije mi imamo razjasnjenje kako treba - plod usana nasih... sta to znaci, osim sto vidimo podelu na zrtvu stada, i plod zemljoradnje, podelu na ratare i pastire?
kada kaze rodite rod dostojan pokajanja, mi tu vise ne vidimo zrtvu, van coveka, i kada kaze, skinite okrajak sa srca, to se odnosi na nase srce, a ne na zivotinjsko - dakle otvara se put za prestanak zrtvoprinosenja. ALI, kako i zasto je uopste doslo do zrtvoprinosenja? TO JE VAZNO DA NAUCIMO DA NE BI IMALI HOLOKAUST OPET [a i da naucimo zasto smo ga vec imali].
The Hebrew noun
olah (עֹלָה) occurs 289 times in the
Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible. It means "that which
goes up [in smoke]".
[3] It is formed from the active participle of the
Hiphil form of the verb
alah (עָלָה), "
to cause to ascend." It was sometimes also called
kalil, an associated word found in Leviticus, meaning "entire".
Its traditional name in English is "
[3] and the word
olah has traditionally been translated as "burnt offering.
UGODAN MIRIS se, jel'te uzdizao kao dim u nebo, praveci sponu ovozemaljakog sa nebesnim, sto jeste religija [jedno objasnjenje].
DRUGO OBJASNJENJE je da mi zemljani u interakciji sa BOGOM, trazimo, molimo za nesto, a takodje i nudimo BOGU, PA SE NA KRAJU ZAHVALJUJEMO...
analizirajuci koliko je bilo potrebno da se zrtvuje, da li prvenac iz stada, da li i zasto cela zivotinja, da li se delila
the Burnt Offering, the Grain Offering, the Peace Offering, the Purification Offering, and the Reparation Offering—should not be viewed as legalistic rites one must perform to earn God’s grace. The Prophet Samuel said, “to obey is better than sacrifice,” (1 Sam 15:22) and Jeremiah likewise negates Burnt Offerings for atonement and says that disobedience results in calamity (Jer 44:23). Rather, the sacrificial system in the Old Testament was a means of grace by which one who unintentionally sinned might make reparations for that sin without paying with his or her life, or with the life of his or her child. The system was an outward expression of a person or community’s inward desire to
restore the broken relationships between humanity and God and humanity and the world.