Zloglasni Gugi stoji iza sabotaže? Kako su ronioci iz Putinove specijalne jedinice mogli da dignu u vazduh gasovod severni tok pred nosom Nato-a

Super pozez! Sada će Rusi biti još izolovaniji, još srećniji i još će se brže razvijati. :hahaha:
Ipak se pod sankcijama i u izolaciji najbrže i najbolje razvija zar ne?

Блумберг: Несташица руског гаса доводи Европу до рекордног одлива капитала

Rusima je valjda u interesu da prodaju gas,Evropa barem još neko vreme mora da kupuje gas od istih tih "zlih"Rusa.
Samo jedna treca strana mi izgleda kao neko ko moze da ima koristi od busnog gasovoda.
Rusima je valjda u interesu da prodaju gas,Evropa barem još neko vreme mora da kupuje gas od istih tih "zlih"Rusa.
Samo jedna treca strana mi izgleda kao neko ko moze da ima koristi od busnog gasovoda.
Svaka loša vest za Rusiju je super vest za čeličnu uniju slobodoljubivih (Amero-Evropa)
Rusima je valjda u interesu da prodaju gas,Evropa barem još neko vreme mora da kupuje gas od istih tih "zlih"Rusa.
Samo jedna treca strana mi izgleda kao neko ko moze da ima koristi od busnog gasovoda.

Nema Evropa šta da ponudi za gas

Sabotage of the pipelines on the Baltic Sea floor, near Bornholm Island, was executed by the Polish Navy and special forces.
(author John Helmer)
It was aided by the Danish and Swedish military; planned and coordinated with US intelligence and technical support; and approved by the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
The operation is a repeat of the Bornholm Bash operation of April 2021, which attempted to sabotage Russian vessels laying the gas pipes, but ended in ignominious retreat by the Polish forces. That was a direct attack on Russia. This time the attack is targeting the Germans, especially the business and union lobby and the East German voters, with a scheme to blame Moscow for the troubles they already have -- and their troubles to come with winter.
typical conspiracy theorists
ruzni, cuti kad ne znas geopolitku, vidi:
The operation is a repeat of the Bornholm Bash operation of April 2021, which attempted to sabotage Russian vessels laying the gas pipes, but ended in ignominious retreat by the Polish forces. That was a direct attack on Russia.

Civic Platform’s former defence and foreign minister Radek Sikorski also celebrated the Bornholm Blow-up. “As we say in Polish, a small thing, but so much joy”. “Thank you USA,” Sikorski added, diverting the credit for the operation, away from domestic rival Morawiecki to President Joseph Biden; he had publicly threatened to sabotage the line in February. Biden’s ambassador in Warsaw is also backing Sikorski’s Civic Platform party to replace Morawiecki next year.

The attack not only escalates the Polish election campaign. It also continues the Morawiecki government’s plan to attack Germany, first by reviving the reparations claim for the invasion and occupation of 1939-45; and second, by targeting alleged German complicity, corruption, and appeasement in the Russian scheme to rule Europe at Poland’s expense. .
ruzni, cuti kad ne znas geopolitku, vidi:
The operation is a repeat of the Bornholm Bash operation of April 2021, which attempted to sabotage Russian vessels laying the gas pipes, but ended in ignominious retreat by the Polish forces. That was a direct attack on Russia.

Civic Platform’s former defence and foreign minister Radek Sikorski also celebrated the Bornholm Blow-up. “As we say in Polish, a small thing, but so much joy”. “Thank you USA,” Sikorski added, diverting the credit for the operation, away from domestic rival Morawiecki to President Joseph Biden; he had publicly threatened to sabotage the line in February. Biden’s ambassador in Warsaw is also backing Sikorski’s Civic Platform party to replace Morawiecki next year.

The attack not only escalates the Polish election campaign. It also continues the Morawiecki government’s plan to attack Germany, first by reviving the reparations claim for the invasion and occupation of 1939-45; and second, by targeting alleged German complicity, corruption, and appeasement in the Russian scheme to rule Europe at Poland’s expense. .
govorim o tekstopiscima ove teme
govorim o tekstopiscima ove teme
ma idioti, pretio bajden, pretila viktorija i sad odjednm izranjaju rusi

i to su bas pretili BUKVALNO

poljaci su bukvalno i pokusali ranije, sada se ovaj zahvaljuje amerima na logistici naravno, sve je jasno samo svabe su ustrojene i da zinu - meni neshvatljivo

“As we say in Polish, a small thing, but so much joy”. “Thank you USA,” Sikorski added,

poljaci se raduju, ali lazu da su ameri, oni su syebali svabe jer ce djoku da dobiju pare za ww2, odstetu - cim su ih svabe odbile, oni su se osvetili njima, rusi u cudu
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glupi poljaci ne znajud da je njihov sledeci - i sad ce rusi da budu 100% krivi:
Inaugurating the 21-year old Baltic Pipe project from the Norwegian and Danish gas networks, Morawiecki announced: “This gas pipeline is the end of the era of dependence on Russian gas. It is also a gas pipeline of security, sovereignty and freedom not only for Polish, but in the future, also for others…[Opposition Civic Platform leader Donald] Tusk’s government preferred Russian gas. They wanted to conclude a deal with the Russians even by 2045…thanks to the Baltic Pipe, extraction from Polish deposits, LNG supply from the USA and Qatar, as well as interconnection with its neighbours, Poland is now secured in terms of gas supplies.
glupi poljaci ne znajud da je njihov sledeci - i sad ce rusi da budu 100% krivi:
Inaugurating the 21-year old Baltic Pipe project from the Norwegian and Danish gas networks, Morawiecki announced: “This gas pipeline is the end of the era of dependence on Russian gas. It is also a gas pipeline of security, sovereignty and freedom not only for Polish, but in the future, also for others…[Opposition Civic Platform leader Donald] Tusk’s government preferred Russian gas. They wanted to conclude a deal with the Russians even by 2045…thanks to the Baltic Pipe, extraction from Polish deposits, LNG supply from the USA and Qatar, as well as interconnection with its neighbours, Poland is now secured in terms of gas supplies.

Neko buši Putinove cevovode...

Too bad, so sad...

Neko buši Putinove cevovode...

Too bad, so sad...

kme-kme, replicirala si na moravickog, koji se hvali probusenim ruskim gasovodom, a sada kmeci stp bi norvezani da se okoriste - jok dace mu za badava. to bad, so sad, mf's stupid

Пољски премијер Матеуш Моравјецки, оптужио је Норвешку да покушава да уновчи извоз гаса у Европу, након пада испоруке из Русије, пише „Вашингтон пост“.​


p,s. a za turski, jos cemo se cerati, ... cika surovi aka armagedon neka se jos sprema i uvezbava -otom potom, nista bez odbora za docek:D
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