Zasto imati decu?-Da li imate/zelite potomstvo?

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.

Obicno zalepe etiketu sebicnosti i samozivosti.

Medjutim kad poslusam razloge dobijanja dece ne cujem nista sto nije, zapravo, parada sebicluka i tashtine.
Cesto cujem da su im deca smisao zivota. Mozda neko ne vidi smisao svog zivota pa ih nadje u deci. To je OK, svako sebi nek bira.
Meni zivot ima smisao i bez dece. Ne znam zasto je to tesko prihvatiti.

Definitivno najgora vrsta su mi ljudi koji izjave da neko ima da im doda casu vode kad ostare. I onda su sebicni oni koji ne zele decu? Pa ovo je sebicno.
Deca nisu smisao života ali daju smisao pogotovo u starosti videlasam lično nekoliko ogorčenih starih ljudi bez dece uđžeš u godine kad primetiš danisi ništa izasebe ostavio idaje kasno daišta menjaš neradise tu o čašivode nego otome dasi srečan kadvidiš tu decui unuke akosam išta uži biti požalila toe šta nisam imala više dece nikako manje
Zasto imate ili zelite potomstvo?

Koji su razlozi vase odluke?
Ne želim biološko potomstvo, osim ako se baš ne desi, u ovim godinama neću abortirati

Ono što želim je da usvojim, i ne da mi je to neka utešna nagrada, nego naprotiv, smatram tu odluku superiornijom od imanja sopstvene dece. Za imanje biološkog potomstva ne vidim ama baš nijedan razlog osim sentimentalnih, a to nisu razlozi.
Rasclanjavati poriv za roditeljstvo, koji spada u osnovne ljudske potrebe, ( u skoli smo jos ucili koje su to primarne i sekundrne potrebe) je, prema mom misljenju, bezveze.
Prva misao, koja mi dodje, je potreba da volim i da se brinem o nekom.
Svakom svoja odluka.
O tome ne treba raspravljati.
Niko nije salter za overu ispravnih odluka u zivotu.
Po mom misljenju, ne treba generalizovati stvari...Ukoliko neko ne zeli da ima dece, ne zeli I to je njegova privatna stvar... Ukoliko neko proceni da nece roditeljske duznosti obavljati kako treba I ne oseca se kao roditelj, bolje je da nema dece...
Niti je oko duzan da razume nasu odluku, niti smo mi duzni da se kome pravdamo.
Neka bude kako ko zeli. Meni je samo zao ljudi, koji zele, a ne mogu. Sto se ljudi, koji ne zele decu, tice, niti se bavim njima, niti ih ikako zigosem u svojoj glavi kojekakvim pridevima.
Zivim i pustam druge da zive.
Evo pitala sam gugl zasto se ljudi odlucuju na potomstvo:

1. They Want to Create a Family​

People who were raised in a positive home environment with a stable family want to create that life with their significant other. They want to create a family that is full of joy and love where they can be affectionate towards their children. Essentially, they have placed a high priority on creating a family of their own like their parents before them.


2. To Carry on the Family Name and Values​

There are plenty of people out there who want to carry on the family name and the family values. Of course, this tends to apply to the father's family name, but the point is that many prospective parents want to continue the historic family lineage. They find joy in knowing that their child will bear their last name and keep the family going. Again, this is all based around societal customs.


3. They Love Babies and Small Children​

The idea of being around babies and young children might disgust some people but others love the notion of raising a little one from birth into adulthood. These people may want to relive the silly and fun parts of their childhood with their child.


4. It's Human Nature​

The simple fact of biology is that we are hardwired to procreate and pass on our genes to the next generation. This biological imperative and drive are strong in many people, who feel the need to have and raise children.

5. To Give and Receive Unconditional Love​

There is a certain type of bond between parent and child that is incredibly powerful. The unconditional love that a parent has for their offspring and vice versa is a motivator for some. They want to feel those strong emotions and share those emotions with their significant other and their children.


6. To Let Their Children (Who Don't Exist Yet) Experience the Joy of Existence​

The idea of bringing another human into the world and the joy of seeing that person go through life is another powerful reason why couples want to have a child. Parents want to see their child grow up and become a productive member of society.


7. To Give Meaning to Their Life​

While it may seem obvious to some, having a child completely changes your life, and it gives new meaning to your life. After having a child you become responsible for their life and because of that, your existence takes on a whole new meaning.


8. To Create and Mold a Life​

Many people love the idea of getting to create and raise a child, one that they can share their love with. This concept is appealing because you get to determine how your child will turn out and what values they will have. Couples can find that type of experience exciting and gratifying.

9. To Fix the Mistakes of Their Parents​

Not everyone gets to grow up in a stable home environment with good parents. Many people grow up with parents who have serious flaws and so they decide that when they become parents they will not make the same mistakes.


10. Social Pressure and Expectations​

There is a lot of pressure on couples to have children, and this has been ingrained in society since the very beginning of time. Their mentality is that they have to have kids just like everyone else and be just like their parents. It has become an expectation that couples have children and start families.

Cemu ovi zeleni smajliji?
Zasto ti osudjujes odluku da se ima dete i ko si ti da cekiras dobre i lose razloge?
Sa druge strane bi zelela da te okolina razume i prihvati, dok ti to isto ne dajes?
Evo pitala sam gugl zasto se ljudi odlucuju na potomstvo:

1. They Want to Create a Family​

People who were raised in a positive home environment with a stable family want to create that life with their significant other. They want to create a family that is full of joy and love where they can be affectionate towards their children. Essentially, they have placed a high priority on creating a family of their own like their parents before them.


2. To Carry on the Family Name and Values​

There are plenty of people out there who want to carry on the family name and the family values. Of course, this tends to apply to the father's family name, but the point is that many prospective parents want to continue the historic family lineage. They find joy in knowing that their child will bear their last name and keep the family going. Again, this is all based around societal customs.


3. They Love Babies and Small Children​

The idea of being around babies and young children might disgust some people but others love the notion of raising a little one from birth into adulthood. These people may want to relive the silly and fun parts of their childhood with their child.


4. It's Human Nature​

The simple fact of biology is that we are hardwired to procreate and pass on our genes to the next generation. This biological imperative and drive are strong in many people, who feel the need to have and raise children.

5. To Give and Receive Unconditional Love​

There is a certain type of bond between parent and child that is incredibly powerful. The unconditional love that a parent has for their offspring and vice versa is a motivator for some. They want to feel those strong emotions and share those emotions with their significant other and their children.


6. To Let Their Children (Who Don't Exist Yet) Experience the Joy of Existence​

The idea of bringing another human into the world and the joy of seeing that person go through life is another powerful reason why couples want to have a child. Parents want to see their child grow up and become a productive member of society.


7. To Give Meaning to Their Life​

While it may seem obvious to some, having a child completely changes your life, and it gives new meaning to your life. After having a child you become responsible for their life and because of that, your existence takes on a whole new meaning.


8. To Create and Mold a Life​

Many people love the idea of getting to create and raise a child, one that they can share their love with. This concept is appealing because you get to determine how your child will turn out and what values they will have. Couples can find that type of experience exciting and gratifying.

9. To Fix the Mistakes of Their Parents​

Not everyone gets to grow up in a stable home environment with good parents. Many people grow up with parents who have serious flaws and so they decide that when they become parents they will not make the same mistakes.


10. Social Pressure and Expectations​

There is a lot of pressure on couples to have children, and this has been ingrained in society since the very beginning of time. Their mentality is that they have to have kids just like everyone else and be just like their parents. It has become an expectation that couples have children and start families.

Cemu ovi zeleni smajliji?
Zasto ti osudjujes odluku da se ima dete i ko si ti da cekiras dobre i lose razloge?
Sa druge strane bi zelela da te okolina razume i prihvati, dok ti to isto ne dajes?
A ko si ti da ti meni postavljas pitanja??

Nikog ja ne "osudjujem" vec iznosim moje misljenje o razlozima za dobijanje dece. Neki razlozi su mi, kao sto rekoh cist sebicluk. Oni koji mi se svidjaju sam cekirala.
Poslednja izmena:
Niti je oko duzan da razume nasu odluku, niti smo mi duzni da se kome pravdamo.
Neka bude kako ko zeli. Meni je samo zao ljudi, koji zele, a ne mogu. Sto se ljudi, koji ne zele decu, tice, niti se bavim njima, niti ih ikako zigosem u svojoj glavi kojekakvim pridevima.
Zivim i pustam druge da zive.
Moj post se nije odnosio ni na koga konkretno, niti ja ocekujem bilo cije pravdanje. Postom sam samo izrekla svoje misljenje da ljude koji ne zele imati dece treba razumeti isto kao I ljude kojima je jedini cilj u zivotu imati dece, sve je to ok
A ko si ti da ti meni postavljas pitanja??

Nikog ja ne "osudjujem" vec iznosim moje misljenje o razlozima za dobijanje dece. Neki razlozi su mi, kao sto rekoh cist sebicluk. Ono koji mi se svidjaju sam cekirala.
To je bas ruzno ponasanje.
Ja se zovem Ljubica. Mogu ti reci jos neke generalije o sebi, ali sa takvim tonom, kojim otvaras temu, nemam zelju.
Zelim ti mir u dusi sa svim tvojim odlukama.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
