Zasto Britanci razmisljaju umjesto Amerikanaca?

U Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu postoji teza, da su Amerikanci prirodno glupi i veliki seljaci. Oni kazu da Amerika ne bi bila super sila da nije Britanaca odnosno preciznije, Engleza. Gdje god treba da se izvuku "vruci krompiri" tu su Britanci.
Da li postoji rivalitet izmedju Britanaca i Amerikanaca?

Jer Ameriku su stvorili engleski seljaci i robovi. Dok Englesku aristokratija.
Kompleks superiornosti. Amerika je bila britanska kolonija, a sad je Britanija američka. Šta će od besa i ogorčenja nego da ismevaju i omalovažavaju Amerikance od kojih zavise i kojima moraju da se klanjaju i ulizuju da bi preživeli.

Slican je odnos izmedju CG i Srbije. CG su stvorili srpski plemici, a Srbiju seljaci/svinjari. I danas CG sebe smatra aristokratijom pored Srbije, ali je Srbija veca i mocnija pa ima danas veci uticaj.
Slican je odnos izmedju CG i Srbije. CG su stvorili srpski plemici, a Srbiju seljaci/svinjari. I danas CG sebe smatra aristokratijom pored Srbije, ali je Srbija veca i mocnija pa ima danas veci uticaj.
Ne znam šta Crnogorci misle o Srbima, ali koliko vidim većina Srba o Crnogorcima više ni ne razmišlja. Mi od Crnogoraca ni na koji način ne zavisimo i možemo sasvim lepo da živimo bez njih. :)

American Jews Are Starting Wars, Jewish Former CIA Spy Valerie Plame Wilson Retweets

pdated | Valerie Plame Wilson landed herself in hot social media water when she tweeted out a link to a story titled "America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars" on Thursday without any commentary to explain why she was sharing it.

The article, published in The Unz Review, was published Tuesday by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA case officer and Army intelligence officer. Subtitled "Shouldn't they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?," Giraldi argued that American Jews are pushing for war in the Middle East and pointed to Iran in particular, which he said "does not conceivably threaten the United States."

American Jews, according to Giraldi, are faking the threat and dragging politicians and the media down with them. American Jews with an attachment to Israel, he added, should not be allowed anywhere near positions where they might deal with Middle East policy because it would be a "conflict of interest."

So why doesn't anyone say anything? Giraldi has an answer for that too. And it involves a classic anti-Semitic trope about Jews running the media. "Any organization that aspires to be heard on foreign policy knows that to touch the live wire of Israel and American Jews guarantees a quick trip to obscurity," he wrote. "Jewish groups and deep pocket individual donors not only control the politicians, they own and run the media and entertainment industries, meaning that no one will hear about or from the offending party ever again.

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