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Што се тиче Зеленског, он је злочинац који гура Украјинце у смрт, за туђ рачун и туђе паре и који планира да запали чим буде дошао крај. Осим ако га не упецају.
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Citirao si hibrid partijskih novina Sane Marin i finske verzije Informera. Vest jeste tačna.Evo vesti.
Dakle, radi se o patki.
Politika kao list je jako propala.
Da li je to nekima žao što je ovaj oduvan?Moja je prva asocijacija na ove medijske informacije izmet; ako ti je možda tako lakše, mogli bismo asocijaciju zameniti zmijskim otrovom.
Da li je to nekima žao što je ovaj oduvan?
Odakle ti ovolika potreba za spinovanjem? Kamalin slom je izazvao i slom nemačke vlade pa da se jedna sila kao što je Finska ne zamisli nad mogućim posledicama svog qoorchenje.Nema veze da li je Politika prenela autentičnu vest?
Odakle ti ovolika potreba za spinovanjem? Kamalin slom je izazvao i slom nemačke vlade pa da se jedna sila kao što je Finska ne zamisli nad mogućim posledicama svog qoorchenje.
Evo ovo, ako baš toliko ne razumeš.
Pogledajte prilog 1638872
Ono što piše u članku je proverivo tačno, ostalo su spinovanja Druge Srbije.Tebi je „spinovanje“ ako se vest u uvodnoj objavi teme proveri kao lažna ili istinita?
Zato što ne znaš finski jezik i namerno tražiš po partijskoj štampi Sane Marin.Ja ne mogu nigde da nađem potvrdu ove vesti?
Ono što piše u članku je proverivo tačno, ostalo su spinovanja Druge Srbije.
Toliko te pogodio Kamalin slom?Moja je prva asocijacija na ove medijske informacije izmet; ako ti je možda tako lakše, mogli bismo asocijaciju zameniti zmijskim otrovom.
Toliko te pogodio Kamalin slom?
Zato što ne znaš finski jezik i namerno tražiš po partijskoj štampi Sane Marin.
Ako je tačno, zašto nijedan Finac niti Rus nisu čuli da se dotično desilo?
Finland invites NATO to deploy reconnaissance drone base on its territory — yleThe media notes that due to the nature of the operations, the reconnaissance base needs strong military protection around it, both from attacks using conventional weapons and from electronic warfareHELSINKI, November 7. /TASS/. Finland has invited NATO to deploy a reconnaissance drone base on its territory to collect information along the border with Russia, the public broadcaster yle reported.According to the broadcaster, Finland has offered NATO one of its bases for this purpose. The Finnish Air Force has four options and Pirkkala is being considered as the most likely location. As the newspaper Iltalehti notes, the base is expected to accommodate the RQ-4D UAV. Such drones can fly at an altitude of 18 km, and they are difficult to detect, according to information on the NATO website.Iltalehti notes that due to the nature of the operations, the reconnaissance base needs strong military protection around it, both from attacks using conventional weapons and from electronic warfare. NATO is in the early stages of planning and there is no political agreement yet among all the countries, a decision is not expected before 2025, the yle report notes. The reconnaissance drones are currently based in Italy.
Ovo je jedina vest za Rusiju što se tiče Finske u ovih par dana.
Finska je ponudila NATO paktu da se podigne baza za dronove koji bi vršili nadzor rusko-finske granice i koje bi Rusija mogla teže da detektuje.
Keyword: “invites”: prihvati činjenicu da ih u Fondkoj ima i koji su svesni koliko je opasno izigravati nekakvu veliku silu vis a vis Rusije kad nisi baš nikakva sila. Digli su ruke od zavođenja graničnog režima kakav je između dve zemlje u ratu. Piše u onoj vesti.Ako je tačno, zašto nijedan Finac niti Rus nisu čuli da se dotično desilo?
Finland invites NATO to deploy reconnaissance drone base on its territory — yleThe media notes that due to the nature of the operations, the reconnaissance base needs strong military protection around it, both from attacks using conventional weapons and from electronic warfareHELSINKI, November 7. /TASS/. Finland has invited NATO to deploy a reconnaissance drone base on its territory to collect information along the border with Russia, the public broadcaster yle reported.According to the broadcaster, Finland has offered NATO one of its bases for this purpose. The Finnish Air Force has four options and Pirkkala is being considered as the most likely location. As the newspaper Iltalehti notes, the base is expected to accommodate the RQ-4D UAV. Such drones can fly at an altitude of 18 km, and they are difficult to detect, according to information on the NATO website.Iltalehti notes that due to the nature of the operations, the reconnaissance base needs strong military protection around it, both from attacks using conventional weapons and from electronic warfare. NATO is in the early stages of planning and there is no political agreement yet among all the countries, a decision is not expected before 2025, the yle report notes. The reconnaissance drones are currently based in Italy.
Ovo je jedina vest za Rusiju što se tiče Finske u ovih par dana.
Finska je ponudila NATO paktu da se podigne baza za dronove koji bi vršili nadzor rusko-finske granice.
Keyword: “invites”: prihvati činjenicu da ih u Fondkoj ima i koji su svesni koliko je opasno izigravati nekakvu veliku silu vis a vis Rusije kad nisi baš nikakva sila. Digli su ruke od zavođenja graničnog režima kakav je između dve zemlje u ratu. Piše u onoj vesti.
A dotični, sad se kaje što nije išao u Kazanj na sastanak BRICS, dok Kamala nije pukla k’o zvečka nisu smeli ni da pisnu, a sad dodvoravanje Trampu na max. A svima je jasno šta bi sve bilo sa Srbima da su Bajdenovi kadrovi imali još 4 godine.Могао би брат Вучлер да помогне Швабове и купи нешто од њих за пар милијарди.
Politico je ultra levi progresivizam sastavljen od destilisana ideologije.Misliš, piše u nepostojećoj vesti za koju nijedan Rus ili Finac nikada nije čuo i koja nema nikakve potvrde van jednog članka jednih novina u Srbiji i bez ikakvog izvora?
Vest koju ruska državna agencija Tass nikada nije čula i za koju niko nikada nije čuo u Russia Today?
Russia’s neighbor rejects idea of Ukrainian neutralityKiev should not abandon its NATO aspirations in exchange for peace with Moscow, the Finnish president has saidFinnish President Alexander Stubb has spoken out against the idea of Ukraine giving up on its NATO aspirations and conceding territory in order to achieve peace with Russia.Politico and Finnish paper Helsingin Sanomat reported on Tuesday that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is now considering the so-called “Finnish model” of settling the Ukraine conflict.The model refers to Helsinki declaring neutrality after the Second World War and following that policy for almost eight decades until it joined NATO in 2023. The Soviet Union and Finland fought the so-called Winter War between November 1939 and March 1940. The conflict ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty, according to which the Finns ceded some border areas to the USSR.During his meeting with foreign journalists later on Tuesday, Stubb said his understanding is that discussions are underway based on the idea that the “Finnish model” and the Moscow Peace Treaty could work for Ukraine.“The answer to all those who put forward these types of ideas is forget about it,” the president said, as cited by Helsingin Sanomat.According to Stubb, historical analogies such as this “do not generally seem to work” and “should be used with great caution.”Finland’s neutrality was merely a “means of survival” for the country, Stubb claimed, adding that “in my opinion, the Cold War and its spheres of interest are a thing of the past.”Ukraine has every right to determine its position in the European security domain, the president insisted, referring to Kiev’s possible accession into NATO.Ukraine has shown no intention of giving up on its ambition to become a member of the US-led bloc. An immediate invitation for Kiev to join NATO and an increase in military support by the West were among the key clauses in the so-called ‘victory plan’ that Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky presented to the public last month. However, Zelensky’s proposals were met with skepticism in the US and EU.Moscow, which views NATO as hostile and vigorously opposes its eastward expansion, highlighted Kiev’s aspirations of joining the bloc among the main reasons for launching its military operation against Ukraine in February 2022.In July, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated that Ukrainian membership in NATO would pose “threats for the security of Russia.” Such a move will not make the situation for Ukraine safer, but will only escalate tensions, the Russian leader added. Every country has the right to assure its security, but there is “one limitation” – it should not be done by creating threats to others, Putin stated.
Ovo je jedino što je Russia Today izvestila.
Da je Finska odbila nemački predlog o tome da Ukrajina odustane od NATO aspiracija ili da dođe do ikakvih teritorijalnih koncesija pred Rusima.
Ima ih i tamo koji bi da mali izigravaju “veliku silu”, a nije da su oni izmislili tu vrstu majmunisanja. Evo šta konstatuje američka istoriografija o onom kraljevstvu iz K und k:Ako je tačno, zašto nijedan Finac niti Rus nisu čuli da se dotično desilo?
Finland invites NATO to deploy reconnaissance drone base on its territory — yleThe media notes that due to the nature of the operations, the reconnaissance base needs strong military protection around it, both from attacks using conventional weapons and from electronic warfareHELSINKI, November 7. /TASS/. Finland has invited NATO to deploy a reconnaissance drone base on its territory to collect information along the border with Russia, the public broadcaster yle reported.According to the broadcaster, Finland has offered NATO one of its bases for this purpose. The Finnish Air Force has four options and Pirkkala is being considered as the most likely location. As the newspaper Iltalehti notes, the base is expected to accommodate the RQ-4D UAV. Such drones can fly at an altitude of 18 km, and they are difficult to detect, according to information on the NATO website.Iltalehti notes that due to the nature of the operations, the reconnaissance base needs strong military protection around it, both from attacks using conventional weapons and from electronic warfare. NATO is in the early stages of planning and there is no political agreement yet among all the countries, a decision is not expected before 2025, the yle report notes. The reconnaissance drones are currently based in Italy.
Ovo je jedina vest za Rusiju što se tiče Finske u ovih par dana.
Finska je ponudila NATO paktu da se podigne baza za dronove koji bi vršili nadzor rusko-finske granice i koje bi Rusija mogla teže da detektuje.
Politico je ultra levi progresivizam sastavljen od destilisana ideologije.
Ovo nema dodirnih tačaka sa temom.Kežual, imaš iznad kompletni članak.
Je li vidiš šta ovde piše?
Ovo nema dodirnih tačaka sa temom.
Tj izaziva transfer blama.Sad se osilio,vidiš da nastupa kao neki mentor sa njegovim glupavim savetima
Nek se emancipuju. Rusija će biti tu gde je sada i kad niko više ne bude zainteresovan za usluge one tri velesile…ali na drugoj strani, kod drugih zemalja blizu Finske dešava se suprotno
recimo tamo gde je letonska prestonica Riga povezana sa evropskom železničkom mrežom, građevinski radnici još uvek raščišćavaju ruševine sovjetske ere. "Rail Baltica" brza linija koja će povezati Finsku sa Poljskom, približiće tri baltičke države zapadnoj Evropi tj i okončati njihovu perifernu situaciju na rubu Rusije. Čak su i šine sada postavljene na udaljenosti od evropskog standardnog koloseka.
EU plaća oko 90 odsto od 7 milijardi evra koliko košta infrastrukturni projekat. brisel želi da ojača integraciju cele Evrope sa "Rail Baltikom"
za same baltike, železnička pruga simbolizuje emancipaciju od Moskve ...