za vreme virusa,ugradjuje se 5g mreza u srbiji

ja mislim da su ovo antene koje emituju 5g signal,siguran sam 90%. ovo je slikano pre par dana bre...u naselju zaguan u arandjelovcu. ako ima neko otud nek proveri...

Sta ovo rade, stavljaju mikrotalasne pecnice na ovako maloj visini i tako blizu zgrada.
Jadna deca .Hoce polako da istrebe narod .

pa vidite koja bolestina,gde ovo sme da stoji ovako blizu? vidite da niko ne vodi racuna,nije ih briga za zracenje. idite nocu i isecite kablove onim velikim klestama. i tako svake noci dok ne odustanu satanisti mrtvi
Jeis li siguran da je ovo predajnik za 5G mrežu?

Ne, brini se, jeste.
U zavisnosti od proizvodjača, neznatno se menja ona kutija, al to je to.
Opusti se, prženje počinje!
I to 200m biće predajnici!

Ovako izgledaju, ima više oblika


The roll out of 5G wireless service is 'a massive health experiment,' public health expert warns as cell companies install 800,000 towers across the US
  • The latest generation of wireless service - 5G - is being rolled out across select cities in the US
  • Networks will transmit data 100 times faster using shorter radiation waves
  • The new network will require 800,000 new 'small cell' towers
  • Some research has suggested that cell phone radiation may be carcinogenic
  • The new millimeter waves used in 5G have hardly been studied and introducing them constitutes an 'experiment,' warns a public health professor

Wireless carriers are constructing cell towers a stronger, faster 5G network, but some experts warn that the updated service's health effects are unknown and potentially dangerous.
Today, there are 154,000 cell towers in the US, according to wireless communication association, CTIA. By 2026, it estimates another 800,000 will be needed to support 5G.
The network update will bring more Americans into closer proximity with milimeter waves, very short-wave radiation.
Research on cell phone radiation has yielded mixed findings, but some studies have linked older wireless service generations to cancers of the heart and reproductive organs, and 5G's health effects have hardly been studied.
Wireless providers have begun installing 800,000 'small cell' towers to support the roll out of the new 5G cellular network, but some public health experts warn they may endanger humans

Wireless providers have begun installing 800,000 'small cell' towers to support the roll out of the new 5G cellular network, but some public health experts warn they may endanger humans
The new network is slated to support at 100 billion devices, connecting to the internet at anywhere between 10 and 100 times the speeds that information travels through the 4G network.

In order to facilitate these speeds, the new network communicates through millimeter waves (MMWs) rather than microwaves, as previous generations have.
The microwave networks are nearly saturated, hence the switch to the virtually untouched, lower frequency MMWs for 5G.
But smaller waves cannot travel as far, or through as many types of materials.
This means that there will need to be far more individual 'small cell towers' closer together - some have suggested they will be on every street corner in the US.
The 5G technology is too new to have been thoroughly tested and studied by many parties outside of cell service providers.

According to Dr Joel Moskowitz, a public health professor at the University of California, Berkeley, MMWs could pose a very real danger.
'The deployment of 5G, or fifth generation cellular technology, constitutes a massive experiment on the health of all species,' he told Daily Mail Online.
Because MMWs are weaker than microwaves, they are predominantly absorbed by the skin, meaning their distribution is quite focused there,
'Since skin contains capillaries and nerve endings, MMW bio-effects may be transmitted through molecular mechanisms by the skin or through the nervous system,' Dr Moskowitz writes on his blog.
He also told Daily Mail Online that he's concerned that '5G will use high-band frequencies, or millimeter waves, that may affect the eyes, the testes, the skin, the peripheral nervous system, and sweat glands.'
'Millimeter waves can also make some pathogens resistant to antibiotics,' he added.
Dr Moskowitz is not alone in aprehensions.
The International Society of Doctors for the Environment, its subsidiaries in 27 countries and more than 200 doctors and scientists are all calling for a stop to be put to the roll out of 5G, 'due to concern that 5G radio frequency radiation will have adverse health effects,' Dr Moskowitz says.
So far, their warnings have gone unheeded.
Verizon began rolling out their 5G small cell towers in 11 cities 2017, and AT&T started installing the new generation of service in Waco and Dallas, Texas, as well as in Atlanta, Georgia this year.
Verizon to deliver 5G service to pilot customers across U.S.
[QUOTE="aleksandarhakler1992, post: 39686059, member: 299301"] ja mislim da su ovo antene koje emituju 5g signal,siguran sam 90%. ovo je slikano pre par dana bre...u naselju zaguan u arandjelovcu. ako ima neko otud nek proveri... pa vidite koja bolestina,gde ovo sme da stoji ovako blizu? vidite da niko ne vodi racuna,nije ih briga za zracenje. idite nocu i isecite kablove onim velikim klestama. i tako svake noci dok ne odustanu satanisti mrtvi [/QUOTE] Хм , још цео Њујорк није покривен 5г мрежом али се већ ради у Аранђеловцу...
Када су се појавили први возови, појединци су сматрали да неће моћи да се дише у задњим вагонима због превелике брзине.
Такође, појединци су сматрали да су Јевреји криви за Бубонску Кугу па су их прогонили широм Европе.

Било је увек глупих људи.
Када су се појавили први возови, појединци су сматрали да неће моћи да се дише у задњим вагонима због превелике брзине.
Такође, појединци су сматрали да су Јевреји криви за Бубонску Кугу па су их прогонили широм Европе.

Било је увек глупих људи.
Jes vala i karranje u bulju je bilo taboo,al fala bogu ostadosmo glupi za to iskustvo
nema skoro ko u Srbiji da radi kao monter mobilne , veoma mali broj je ostao , odavno je vecina zapalila preko .
Samo ako ko nije bas hteo da radi preko ostao je .
I kad bude zavrsen rollout u Srbiji to ce biti za par godina .
ps projektanta sto je projektovao ovaj sajt treba za muda obesiti(ako je zensko ekvivalent a ima ih podosta )
radmnik Roaminga na slici , da 5g tek kao pilot projekti
tako samo su vlazni snovi da je pusten kod nas

da dok kukate na 5g , 2g na 1,8 3g na2,1, i lt na1.8 samo vas prze i prze
ai atelefono koji koristite nista manje ne zrace s obzirom da ih vecina drzi na uvetu dok razgovara
Vip kad mu dolaze iz firme za merenje zracenja obavezno trazi da se najave da bi oborio snagu na anteni da bi rezumtati mogli da prodju kod Ratela
U Belgiji nagli rast prati istovremeno pokretanje satanisticke mreze :eek:


Широм Белгије телкомуникациони оператер Проксимус покренуо 5Г лајт мрежу.

Мрежа покрива више белгијских градова, али не и Брисел, јер та мрежа није у складу са строгим стандардима у области радијације које прописује овај регион.

Из Скупштине Брисела за локалне медије наводе да су стандарди у области радијације у овом граду-региону за 50 одсто строжији у односу на стандарде које прописују ЕУ и Светска здравствена организација.
среда, 01.04.2020. у 23:15
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