
Како нема везе? Због вируса људи седе кући и више користе интернет што једе bandwidth.
?? I ranije su 'skoro SVI' naveče, nakon što su došli sa posla visili na internetu pa nije bilo problema? Problem je što sve VIŠE majmuna sve više korisnika sve više ŠPIJUNIRA! :zcepanje:To najbolje vide oni sa sporijim mašinama i internet vezom: Kada otvaraš neku stranicu, dole levo ti izvrti i po 30-ak stranica na koje ti sistem ide i prenosi 'špijunske' podatke! :zcepanje::zcepanje::zcepanje:

No dobro, delimično si u pravu! Radi raznih vremenskih zona je to bilo bolje 'raspoređeno'! Sada je dodatni problem jer je mnogo ljudi na internetu bez obzira na vremensku zonu! Jadni ameri i ostali! Kujče se sa HD-tehnologijom, a ne mogu je osigurati korisnicima! :zcepanje: :zcepanje: :zcepanje:
Poslednja izmena:
Doneo mi drug stari laptop, Lenovo Edge E330. Ima standardni disk od 500GB, 4GB RAM, i Win7 64 bit. Diže se u proseku oko 5 minuta.

Sad kopiram stari sistem na SSD, i staviću mu još 4GB RAM, pa ću da updatujem 7-micu na 10-ku (in place install), pa ćemo da vidimo kako onda stoje stvari.
Evo, eksperiment završen, čovek ne veruje da je to njegov laptop, oduševljen. Diže se odmah, nova desetka 1909, sve radi kao zmaj. Komp je bukvalno 10 puta brži sa SSD-om i 8GB RAM. Upgrade prošao bez problema, sve staje aplikacije rade i dalje na desetki, nijedan fajl nije izglubljen, jedino ne radi Daemon tools.
Znas valjda zenske komplex e ... velike sike , guze ...

ja sam sa muske strane prebrodio one komplexe oko small - big stojko :lol:

Jos samo nas foske da krene da koristi W10 opusteno kao mi. :klap:
A NE! Ostajem na Linuxu i čekam novu arhitekturu koja će imati ROM ( SSDDR) i RAM ( DDR) u istom adresnom prostoru i bootanje će trajati jednu sekundu!
Someone Tried to Use Windows 10 with Just 192MB RAM, and Yes, It Works

Who says Windows 10 can’t used on low-spec PCs?

Apr 8, 2020 07:39 GMT · By Bogdan Popa · Comment ·

Windows 10 with 192MB RAM

Linux is often described as the better way to go for older computers, as there are so many distributions that only require modest hardware specifications, but this doesn’t necessarily mean Windows 10 isn’t a good option.
And someone has just conducted an experiment to determine just how low Windows 10 can get in terms of RAM resources, with Microsoft’s operating system installed on a virtual machine whose resources have been gradually reduced to determine Windows 10’s reliability.
Sakura Nøri on Twitter started with 512MB RAM, which is half the minimum requirements to run Windows 10, and everything worked perfectly in a VirtualBox virtual machine, only to discover that with 192MB RAM, everything runs flawlessly.
Of course, flawlessly doesn’t mean snappy, so the operating system itself feels extremely slow with such a reduced amount of RAM, which means pretty much everything takes more than a few second to load.
On the other hand, if you drop to 128MB RAM to run Windows 10, the operating system fails to load and crashes with a BSOD at boot.
Recommended specs
The experiment was conducted on Windows 10 version 1909, or November 2019 Update, which right now is the most recent stable build of the operating system.
While you obviously can’t use Windows 10 on a daily basis with such an insanely low amount of RAM, this experiment shows that Microsoft has indeed optimized its operating system for a wide array of device configurations, making it a decent choice even for lower-spec PCs.
In the meantime, if you want to run Windows 10 smoothly, you need at least 1GB RAM, according to Microsoft itself, albeit most people agree that 4GB or 8GB is the lowest you can get for a perfectly smooth experience from one end to another.

Foske i ekipa na aparatima :D
Someone Tried to Use Windows 10 with Just 192MB RAM, and Yes, It Works

Who says Windows 10 can’t used on low-spec PCs?

Apr 8, 2020 07:39 GMT · By Bogdan Popa · Comment ·

Windows 10 with 192MB RAM

Linux is often described as the better way to go for older computers, as there are so many distributions that only require modest hardware specifications, but this doesn’t necessarily mean Windows 10 isn’t a good option.
And someone has just conducted an experiment to determine just how low Windows 10 can get in terms of RAM resources, with Microsoft’s operating system installed on a virtual machine whose resources have been gradually reduced to determine Windows 10’s reliability.
Sakura Nøri on Twitter started with 512MB RAM, which is half the minimum requirements to run Windows 10, and everything worked perfectly in a VirtualBox virtual machine, only to discover that with 192MB RAM, everything runs flawlessly.
Of course, flawlessly doesn’t mean snappy, so the operating system itself feels extremely slow with such a reduced amount of RAM, which means pretty much everything takes more than a few second to load.
On the other hand, if you drop to 128MB RAM to run Windows 10, the operating system fails to load and crashes with a BSOD at boot.
Recommended specs
The experiment was conducted on Windows 10 version 1909, or November 2019 Update, which right now is the most recent stable build of the operating system.
While you obviously can’t use Windows 10 on a daily basis with such an insanely low amount of RAM, this experiment shows that Microsoft has indeed optimized its operating system for a wide array of device configurations, making it a decent choice even for lower-spec PCs.
In the meantime, if you want to run Windows 10 smoothly, you need at least 1GB RAM, according to Microsoft itself, albeit most people agree that 4GB or 8GB is the lowest you can get for a perfectly smooth experience from one end to another.

Foske i ekipa na aparatima :D
Odličan eksperiment! Dokazuje moju teoriju da softveraši debilno ( mafijaški?) troše resurse memorije! Čemu trpati više i brže podatke u memoriju, ako to procesor ne stigne da obradi!
Analogni primer je ovo čekanje u redu pred trgovinama radi virusa: Ako svaki kupac treba 2 minute za kupovinu, onda će se stvarati redovi ako dolaze novi većom brzinom! :bravo:
Microsoft Brings Linux Files to Windows 10 with New Update

Linux section now showing up in File Explorer

Apr 9, 2020 06:39 GMT · By Bogdan Popa · Comment ·

Linux files in Windows 10

Microsoft loves Linux is the thing the software giant says on so many occasions, and today, the company just wanted to offer some living proof in this regard with an update shipped as part of the Windows Insider program.
Windows 10 build 19603, which is now available for download in the Fast ring, includes File Explorer integration in the Windows Subsystem for Linux, or WSL.
In other words, if you have already installed WSL on your device, a new Linux drive will show up in File Explorer, letting you browse files normally.
Support for accessing Linux files that you work with in WSL isn’t new in Windows 10, as such capabilities have previously been enabled in an older release. In fact, even production devices can do this starting with Windows 10 version 1903, which was released in the spring of 2019.
Coming to production devices soon
But with this update, Microsoft’s making everything even more straightforward, and this is clearly good news since File Explorer is the file manager of choice for so many Windows 10 users.
“We’ve had the ability to access your Linux files since Windows 1903, but now you can easily get to them from your left-hand navigation pane in File Explorer. Selecting the Linux icon will show you a view of all your distros, and selecting those will place you in the Linux root file system for that distro,” Microsoft explains.
Windows 10 build 19603 is technically a preview version of Windows 10 version 2004, which is projected to roll out to production devices sometime next month.
In other words, everyone should get this new feature rather sooner than later, but given that it lands at this point during the development process, I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if Microsoft decides to hold it back for now and enable it later in a future update.
Linux files in Windows 10

#Microsoft#Linux#Windows 10#WSL
Microsoft Brings Linux Files to Windows 10 with New Update

Linux section now showing up in File Explorer

Apr 9, 2020 06:39 GMT · By Bogdan Popa · Comment ·

Linux files in Windows 10

Microsoft loves Linux is the thing the software giant says on so many occasions, and today, the company just wanted to offer some living proof in this regard with an update shipped as part of the Windows Insider program.
Windows 10 build 19603, which is now available for download in the Fast ring, includes File Explorer integration in the Windows Subsystem for Linux, or WSL.
In other words, if you have already installed WSL on your device, a new Linux drive will show up in File Explorer, letting you browse files normally.
Support for accessing Linux files that you work with in WSL isn’t new in Windows 10, as such capabilities have previously been enabled in an older release. In fact, even production devices can do this starting with Windows 10 version 1903, which was released in the spring of 2019.
Coming to production devices soon
But with this update, Microsoft’s making everything even more straightforward, and this is clearly good news since File Explorer is the file manager of choice for so many Windows 10 users.
“We’ve had the ability to access your Linux files since Windows 1903, but now you can easily get to them from your left-hand navigation pane in File Explorer. Selecting the Linux icon will show you a view of all your distros, and selecting those will place you in the Linux root file system for that distro,” Microsoft explains.
Windows 10 build 19603 is technically a preview version of Windows 10 version 2004, which is projected to roll out to production devices sometime next month.
In other words, everyone should get this new feature rather sooner than later, but given that it lands at this point during the development process, I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if Microsoft decides to hold it back for now and enable it later in a future update.
Linux files in Windows 10

#Microsoft#Linux#Windows 10#WSL
Odlično! I Win10 će radi toga biti teži za još jedan GIGABYTE? Živio napredak IT-tehnologije! :zcepanje:
Palo mi je na pamet i uradio sam cistu instalaciju Win.10 Enterprise i nisam se prevario.radi mnogo bolje nego nadogradjeni na Win.8.1.Valjda nema nikakvih repova od osmice.Hvala Commie jos jednom.Dobra 10-ka.Ne zalim se ni na Ubuntu,a 7-ica nek radi dok radi.
Palo mi je na pamet i uradio sam cistu instalaciju Win.10 Enterprise i nisam se prevario.radi mnogo bolje nego nadogradjeni na Win.8.1.Valjda nema nikakvih repova od osmice.Hvala Commie jos jednom.Dobra 10-ka.Ne zalim se ni na Ubuntu,a 7-ica nek radi dok radi.
Nadograđeni je bio Pro, a ovo je Enterprise? Nešto nam tajiš! :super:
