Vlast izaziva glad u Srbiji!


Autorska tema.

Svedoci smo abnormalnih poskupljenja hrane u srbiji zahvaljujući monopolu izvesnih kompanija u srbiji dakle sprema se velika glad jer država podstiče uništavanje seljaka i poljoprivrede a podstiče bogaćenje trgovaca i raznoraznih špekulanata/ prevaranata!

U srbiji je trenutno hrana duplo skuplja nego u zemljama EU!

Autorska tema.

Svedoci smo abnormalnih poskupljenja hrane u srbiji zahvaljujući monopolu izvesnih kompanija u srbiji dakle sprema se velika glad jer država podstiče uništavanje seljaka i poljoprivrede a podstiče bogaćenje trgovaca i raznoraznih špekulanata/ prevaranata!

U srbiji je trenutno hrana duplo skuplja nego u zemljama EU!

Pogledajte prilog 1380692
Pa ne bih rekao..dosta toga je jeftinije nego kod nas.. a Hrvati dolaze kod nas jer je skoro upola dosta toga jeftinije nego kod njih..
Dakle, širiš pogrešne informaccije.:rtfm:
Autorska tema.

Svedoci smo abnormalnih poskupljenja hrane u srbiji zahvaljujući monopolu izvesnih kompanija u srbiji dakle sprema se velika glad jer država podstiče uništavanje seljaka i poljoprivrede a podstiče bogaćenje trgovaca i raznoraznih špekulanata/ prevaranata!

U srbiji je trenutno hrana duplo skuplja nego u zemljama EU!

Pogledajte prilog 1380692
Tako je još od Nemanjića, ali smo opstali.
Kao bubašvabe smo, neuništivi.
13 Nations agree to engineer global FAMINE by destroying agriculture, saying that producing food is BAD for the planet

We are now being told that producing food is bad for the planet. To "save" the planet, globalists insist, farms must be shut down across the globe.

Under the guise of reducing "methane emissions," thirteen nations have signed a pledge to engineer global famine by gutting agricultural production and shutting down farms. Announced earlier this year by the Global Methane Hub -- a cabal of crisis engineers who exploit public panic to destroy the world food supply -- those thirteen nations are:

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru, Spain, the United States, and Uruguay.

Imagine no meat production from Australia, Brazil and the USA. This is the goal of the globalists. And they admit it's all part of the climate fraud which has been thoroughly exposed as a quack science hoax, by the way. As Luis Planas, Spain's Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food says, "I am glad to see the shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals we signed for in the Paris Agreement on climate."

"Food systems are responsible for 60% of methane emissions," warns Marcelo Mena, CEO of the Global Methane Hub. She is saying that farming is destroying the planet. Hence, their demand to shut down farms. Without farms, you have no food. And without food, you get exactly what Kamala Harris called for over the weekend: "Reduced population."
The depopulation agenda is no longer even a secret. They are bragging about it.

And here's their logic: FOOD = GLOBAL WARMING. So they are attacking food and shutting it down.

Ma kakva zimnica i tursija, to samo budale rade.....cena nabije sirovinu da ti se zamraci pred ocima..
Jedino 10 kg nesto sto hoces da je merak...ovako nista...
I tako se i pokazalo....industrijska hrana bila u ponudi za 100 dinara skoro do jula...cena paradajza na kilo u decembru je ista kao u avgustu....sezonca, izem ti sezonac onda...
Paprike se jos uvek provlace, pa profitiraju seljaci i preprodavci, nabiju cenu u nebesa dobro nije u smislu eu 3e, ali nije ni privlacna cena ....

Ono sto ja vidim je cisto muvanje cenama, a tu treba da se objavi indeks i lepo u sekundi regulises sve....npr paradajs je u vrhu sezone 0.8e bio....sad je evro otisao u bezvrednost...objavis kalkulaciju koji je odnos evro nekad i sad i onda sve zadrzi isti odnos...
Ovako se stvaraju vestacke nestasice, ustanovljavanja cena svake godine jovo nanovo....posle kukaju kako nisu prodali krompir...pa ja prvi nisam kupovao krompir....
Da ne pominjem sargarepu da ne kupujem a trosim za razne zdrave sokice po 20 30 kg u cugu....ali necu kad je 200 din kg...

Doplaticu za malinu tih 50 dinara po kg...
Jedne godine u avgustu sam kupio dva džaka paprika od seljaka po 30 din tada je u radnji bila 100+
Od seljaka mislim u vojvodini ispred kuće kada stave par džakova. Ispekao u vikendici u friz i eto salata godinu dana. Normalno tašta me naduvala. Hoće u ideu i maxi da kupuje otrove.

John Kerry says farmers need to stop growing food in order to achieve “net zero” climate goals

Failed presidential candidate and political fossil John Kerry, a Democrat, is back in the news for ominous comments he recently made about how the only way for leftists to achieve their “net zero” climate goals is for farmers all around the world to stop growing food.

The illegitimate Joe Biden regime’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Kerry told an audience at the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) AIM for Climate Summit the other day that “we can’t get to net zero, we won’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”

According to Kerry, he and other world leaders’ “lives depend” on farmers ceasing their operations. This will lower agriculture “emissions,” Kerry added, noting that he does not even call it climate change anymore – “it’s not change; it’s a crisis.”

“Mitigating methane is the fastest way to reduce warming in the short term,” Kerry declared to the audience, referring to the flatulence produced by cattle as they munch on grasses – or in the case of chemical agriculture, the gas these animals pass after eating genetically modified (GMO) corn and other industrial feed.

“Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience,” he further stated. “We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.”

(Related: John Kerry should have been arrested and charged years ago for crimes against humanity, but he is still a free man due to leftist privilege.)

Unless a LOT more people stop eating, the planet will warm another half-degree by 2050, Kerry contends

The only people who should be allowed to eat meat are rich elitists like himself, was the overall message delivered by Kerry. Everyone else needs to stop eating, in essence, for the climate change plan to work.

“Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we’ve been doing,” Kerry proclaimed.

REad more: https://climate.news/2023-05-25-john-kerry-farmers-stop-food-net-zero.html

Autorska tema.

Svedoci smo abnormalnih poskupljenja hrane u srbiji zahvaljujući monopolu izvesnih kompanija u srbiji dakle sprema se velika glad jer država podstiče uništavanje seljaka i poljoprivrede a podstiče bogaćenje trgovaca i raznoraznih špekulanata/ prevaranata!

U srbiji je trenutno hrana duplo skuplja nego u zemljama EU!

Pogledajte prilog 1380692
ajd što je hrana skupa nego što je nekvalitetna pa samim tim i opasna

otud agresija i rasejanost kod naroda kao posledica
a onda kreće bolest
