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molio bih i moderatora da ovu temu zalepi za vrh, iza kantine naravno!
unapred hvala!
In Bangkok, Thailand, the Thai government announced the down-selection of the Saab Gripen new generation fighter, and the Saab Erieye Airborne Early Warning (AEW) system to meet its national defence needs.

The Thai Cabinet has approved a budget of 34,400 billion baht (US$ 1.1 billion) for the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) to procure 12 (twelve) Gripen multi-role fighters, to replace its ageing fleet of F-5 B/E aircraft, and 2 (two) Saab Erieye AEW aircraft, together with associated equipment and services. Negotiations between Thai and Swedish government officials will now commence in order to conclude a formal agreement.

The procurement process is divided into two phases; Phase 1 (one) covers the procurement of 6 (six) Gripen fighters, including spare parts and training, and 1 (one) Saab Erieye AEW system aircraft in the sum of 19,000 billions baht (US$ 600 million), within a 5 (five) year budgetary commitment from 2008 to 2012. In Phase 2 (two), the RTAF intend to procure an additional 6 (six) Gripen fighters together with associated equipment, spare parts and training, and a second Saab Erieye AEW system aircraft in the sum of 15,400 billions baht (US$ 500 million) within a five year budgetary commitment
from 2013 to 2017

tajland kupuje 12 gripena i dva Saab Erieye AEW-avaksa
Oct 22/07: Singapore orders another 12 F-15SGs, bringing its total to 24. Contract terms were not disclosed, but options generally allow the option holder to buy the new weapons at the same price as the original set. That would raise the overall order to about $3 billion by some estimates, though firm costs for the aircraft have not been.

singapur kupuje dodatnih 12 aviona f-15SG!
ok, sve sto budem stavljao dacu i kratak prevod svega st pise... samo ako mozemo da stavljamo informacije, a svaku pojedinacno kroz posebnu temu mozemo da komentarisemo! jer dajte da nesto uspe na ovom podforumu, izgleda ocajno u poredjenju sa slicnima!
India and Russia sign an Intergovernmental Agreement for joint development and joint production of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA). The agreement was signed in Moscow, Russia at the conclusion of the 7th Meeting of the India- Russia Intergovernmental Commission for Military and Technical Cooperation.
DID's Benelux reader David Vandenberghe tips DID to the original RIA-Novosti report that Iran has signed a contract with China for the delivery of two squadrons (24) of its J-10 fighter planes, which are powered by Russian engines and avionics. Representatives of the Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company said China would deliver the jets during the in 2008-2010 time frame. Novosti adds that "Experts, estimating one fighter at $40 million, put the contract's value at $1 billion." Iran's most advanced fighters are currently MiG-29s, many of which once belonged to Saddam Hussein and fled to Iran during the 1991 Desert Storm war, and a handful of F-14 Tomcats that have been ingeniously maintained over the years.

sa ovog sajta ne mogu da ostavim direktan link, jer se on svaki dan update-uje novim vestima!
F-35A head-on
(click to view full)Israel's relationship with the F-35 program has been rocky at times, but its re-admittance restored its Security Cooperative Participant status in the program, and the IAF still plans to buy about 100 F-35s to replace much of its F-16 fleet. Now the Jerusalem Post reports the Pentagon has agreed to supply the F-35A Lightning II variant to Israel as early as 2012, instead of in 2014 or 2015. This would make Israel one of the first nations to receive the aircraft, and very possibly the first foreign nation.
Indija objavila zahtev za nabavku 126 lovca,u vrednosti od 10 milijardi $.Prvih 18 mogu biti proizvedena u zemlji od koje ce kupiti avione,a ostalih 108 se trebaju proizveti u Indiji.U igri su avioni MIG-35,Gripen,Rafale,EF-2000,F-16 i F/A-18 Super Hornet.
to ja malo bajato, koliko ja znam indija na osnovnu porudzbinu planira da dodja jos aviona pa ce konacna cifra biti oko 180-190 letelica! to je takozvani MRCA program... a imas jos i dil sa rusijom koji sam ranije spomenuo gore PAKFA ( FGFA ), koji rade sa rusijom.
Ovo je najnoviji podatak.Po programu Request for Proposal-RFP indija trazi zamenu za mig-21 i 23,27,i moze biti vise pobednika,sto znaci da se mogu kupiti dva razlicita tipa vazduhoplova.Ima i program MRCA koji se odnosi na nabavku aviona MIG-29 M2 MRCA iz 2003 i MIG-29K iz 2001 godine ugovori.
A ovaj MRCA se odnosi na 126 aviona.Imas i nesto linkova o tome,a inace ova informacija nije sa weba vec iz nekih drugih mojih izvora.
Ovde ima tih informacija o MRCA
Е људи,
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