Van Rompuy - irska kriza preti EU


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LONDON, BEČ - Finansijska kriza u Portugalu i Irskoj, izaziva sve veću zabrinutost i strah da će i te dve zemlje biti prisiljene da od Evropske unije (EU) zatraže pomoć, kako bi podstakle svoju posrnulu ekonomiju i bankarski sektor, prenosi danas britanski Bi-Bi-Si (BBC) ukazujući da je i Evropska komisija (EK) ocenila da irski fiskalni problemi izazivaju zabrinutost za stabilnost čitave evrozone.

U tekstu pod naslovom "Ugrožen opstanak evrozone?", BBC navodi da je rešavanje fiskalnih problema Irske, kako je istakla EK, važno za obezbeđivanje finansijske stabilnosti čitave evrozone.

The European Union faces a ‘crisis of survival’ over its deepening debt problems, its president warned yesterday.
In an astonishing intervention, Herman Van Rompuy said the financial meltdown engulfing Ireland, Greece and other EU countries could spark the collapse of the entire European project.
Mr Rompuy said: ‘We must all work together in order to survive with the eurozone, because if we do not survive with the eurozone, we will not survive with the European Union.’
His comments came as Chancellor George Osborne travelled to Brussels last night to join deadlocked talks on a possible £70billion bailout for Ireland, which could cost British taxpayers £12billion.
In a sign of the mounting panic in Brussels, Mr Van Rompuy was immediately contradicted by the EU’s economic affairs commissioner Olli Rehn who warned that Europe must ‘resist alarmism’ over the debt crisis.

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