U Francuskoj je zabranjeno DNK testiranje očinstva

Ili sto je socijalisticka zemlja, pa zamisli toliko samohranih mama za salterom.
Pa onda kao: ma tjeraj brate, to je tvoje, kupi patike gatje hranu racune ovo ono i to je to. A keva u fazonu: viva la grande negro.
Manje posla,više vremena za uživanje ,a ko je imao prilike da malo zadje u administrativne zgrade Eu zna koliki je to nerad.
Sad su izbeglice u modi ,čak su i negroni doadili
Јутрос на трафици видим велики наслов "Трамп долази у Србију".

Трамп, бреј, ни у Француску неће да иде, а не у шугаву Србију.
То што је теби твоја земља ,, шугава" довољно говори о теби.

Надам се да кад Трамп дође у Србију да ћеш појести све ,,мудрости" које си овде ...
Da, Francuska je zabranila privatno DNK testiranje očinstva.

Francuska vlada zabranila je privatno DNK testiranje očinstva 1994. da bi očuvala porodični mir i podržala „francuski režim filijala“. Vlada veruje da bi testiranje DNK potencijalno moglo da razbije previše porodica.

Prosto šarmantno. Selite se u Francusku, šta da kažem. :per:
Може ли неко разуман да нам објасни шта је спорно у томе што француски породични закон тражи да се очинство утврђује у судском поступку?
Oće država svoj deo para od sudskih sporova
Delimicno, ocinstvo je jedan od razloga za zabranu.
Mozemo zamisliti sta bi se desavalo i do kakvih manipulacija i haosa bi doslo kada bi samovoljno radili testove ocinstva bez nadzora sudskih organa.
A ovo je legalno ????
Oće država svoj deo para od sudskih sporova

Пореска политика има 2 функције.

1. приходи државе
2. Управљање друштвом (подстицање на одређено понашање).

1. Приходи државе су од ПДВ-а и акциза. У свакој држави је то оснвни и убедљиво највећи приход. Разне таксе и порези су толико мизерни у приходу, да су безначајни.

Зато таксе и порези (укључујући и судске таксе) служе за

2. Управљање друштвом. Држава не жели да се ван судске контроле утврђује очинство. Да се не би свака будала по било ком основу тужакала, постоје судске таксе да неко унапред размисли пре него се обрати суду.

In 1994, France banned DNA testing because it had the potential to break up too many families, meaning paternity tests are illegal.Jun 18, 2024
https://www.instagram.com/dougiesharpe/reel/C8XH4nuypby/?hl=en#:~:text=dougiesharpe-,In 1994, France banned DNA testing because it had the,meaning paternity tests are illegal.

Шта је ту спорно? Шта си овим доказао?


Лепо пише, за писмене, не за тебе, у првом посту да се ради о приватним тестовима очинства (већ мора преко суда).
Како то мислиш "не можеш да тражиш тест очинства"???
Štojaznam, pročitao sam naslov, a ostatak si iskonstruirao u glavi.

:tambalamba: 🐈
Evo ovako - doneli propis kojim je go zabranjeno i kažnjivo. Za testiranje u inostranstvu muškarcu sledi godinu dana zatvora i 15,000€ kazne. Vidiš, kvazilevičari i woke kažu da je očinstvo socijalna a ne biloška kategorija.

Napred u progresivnu EU!

Paternity Testing Ban Upheld in France​

If those samples were found in the post by officials on their way to foreign laboratories, the French men who sent them could theoretically face a year in prison and a 15,000 Euro fine. This year the ban was challenged but the French Government decided to uphold and maintain the anti-paternity testing law.

The reasons for which the Government said the ban should remain were related to the preservation of peace within French families. According to some online articles, Germany, has also banned (or plans to ban) paternity testing for similar reasons. French psychologists suggest that fatherhood is determined by society not by biology. For this reason, the President’s wife Carla Bruni describes her father as the man ‘from whom she takes her name’. She is friends with her biological dad too but she doesn’t refer to him, or think of him as, her father.

In the US, paternity testing kits are sold in pharmacies and they are easily purchased online both there and in the UK. In fact, there are dozens of commercial testing labs out there all offering very competitively priced paternity testing which is virtually 100% accurate (99.99%).​

Peace of Mind Paternity Testing

The argument against allowing paternity testing in France is directly opposed to the argument for allowing it almost everywhere else. While French Authorities believe that paternity testing can cause friction within families, some fathers find that getting rid of any doubt relating to their relationship with their child can help strengthen the bond they have with them, instead.

In cases where their paternity has been verified, the child could actually get to know who their ‘real’ biological father was and many people believe that is important. So, rather than causing disputes, paternity testing in France could actually settle them. Now that the ban has been upheld, French fathers are likely to continue breaking the law in an effort to discover whether children in their care are biologically theirs.​

Peace of mind paternity testing can be carried out with the mother’s sample or even without the mother’s sample.

Read more about our paternity testing with or without the mother.


Evo ovako - doneli propis kojim je go zabranjeno i kažnjivo. Za testiranje u inostranstvu muškarcu sledi godinu dana zatvora i 15,000€ kazne. Vidiš, kvazilevičari i woke kažu da je očinstvo socijalna a ne biloška kategorija.

Napred u progresivnu EU!

Paternity Testing Ban Upheld in France​

If those samples were found in the post by officials on their way to foreign laboratories, the French men who sent them could theoretically face a year in prison and a 15,000 Euro fine. This year the ban was challenged but the French Government decided to uphold and maintain the anti-paternity testing law.

The reasons for which the Government said the ban should remain were related to the preservation of peace within French families. According to some online articles, Germany, has also banned (or plans to ban) paternity testing for similar reasons. French psychologists suggest that fatherhood is determined by society not by biology. For this reason, the President’s wife Carla Bruni describes her father as the man ‘from whom she takes her name’. She is friends with her biological dad too but she doesn’t refer to him, or think of him as, her father.

In the US, paternity testing kits are sold in pharmacies and they are easily purchased online both there and in the UK. In fact, there are dozens of commercial testing labs out there all offering very competitively priced paternity testing which is virtually 100% accurate (99.99%).​

Peace of Mind Paternity Testing

The argument against allowing paternity testing in France is directly opposed to the argument for allowing it almost everywhere else. While French Authorities believe that paternity testing can cause friction within families, some fathers find that getting rid of any doubt relating to their relationship with their child can help strengthen the bond they have with them, instead.

In cases where their paternity has been verified, the child could actually get to know who their ‘real’ biological father was and many people believe that is important. So, rather than causing disputes, paternity testing in France could actually settle them. Now that the ban has been upheld, French fathers are likely to continue breaking the law in an effort to discover whether children in their care are biologically theirs.​

Peace of mind paternity testing can be carried out with the mother’s sample or even without the mother’s sample.

Read more about our paternity testing with or without the mother.


Ништа ново нам ниси рекао, без обзира што си болдовао и бојио делове текста.

Прва реченица у првом посту гласи

Da, Francuska je zabranila privatno DNK testiranje očinstva.

Дакле, забрањено је да се приватно ради ДНК тест очинства. А преко суда може, уредно, да се ради тест очинства. То је сасвим у реду. Тест очинства није забрањен, већ је прописана процедура.
Ништа ново нам ниси рекао, без обзира што си болдовао и бојио делове текста.

Прва реченица у првом посту гласи

Da, Francuska je zabranila privatno DNK testiranje očinstva.

Дакле, забрањено је да се приватно ради ДНК тест очинства. А преко суда може, уредно, да се ради тест очинства. То је сасвим у реду. Тест очинства није забрањен, већ је прописана процедура.
Može, pod uslovom da se mama složi, i bez obzira na sve opet kod njih važi “očinstvo je socijalna a ne biološka kategorija”, tj obaveze prema tuđem detetu ostaju. A tek kad buntovni tinejdžer/tinejdžerka to sazna, e onda dolazi na red ona “sovijana kategorija”.

Odbijaš da prihvatiš?
Ништа ново нам ниси рекао, без обзира што си болдовао и бојио делове текста.

Прва реченица у првом посту гласи

Da, Francuska je zabranila privatno DNK testiranje očinstva.

Дакле, забрањено је да се приватно ради ДНК тест очинства. А преко суда може, уредно, да се ради тест очинства. То је сасвим у реду. Тест очинства није забрањен, већ је прописана процедура.

Peace of Mind Paternity Testing

The argument against allowing paternity testing in France is directly opposed to the argument for allowing it almost everywhere else. While French Authorities believe that paternity testing can cause friction within families, some fathers find that getting rid of any doubt relating to their relationship with their child can help strengthen the bond they have with them, instead.

In cases where their paternity has been verified, the child could actually get to know who their ‘real’ biological father was and many people believe that is important. So, rather than causing disputes, paternity testing in France could actually settle them. Now that the ban has been upheld, French fathers are likely to continue breaking the law in an effort to discover whether children in their care are biologically theirs.​

Peace of mind paternity testing can be carried out with the mother’s sample or even without the mother’s sample.

Read more about our paternity testing with or without the mother.

Foreign Paternity Testing Labs

Some statistics from the Nantes Atlantique Genetic Institute reveal that every year in the region of 15,000 French fathers go online and buy paternity testing kits. Furthermore, a Swiss lab recently said that 60% of the tests it performs are sent there from France. Meanwhile, a Spanish lab confirmed similar figures, saying that French men make up 80% of its customer-base.

While personal paternity testing is illegal in France; court issued, official paternity tests aren’t. Each year in the region of 1,500 tests are performed under strict legal circumstances and by the orders of a judge. That’s a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of testing which is undertaken illegally through foreign parties. According to information to be found in Lancet, a British Medical journal, as many as 1 in 3 children are not actually the biological son or daughter of the man who it is commonly believed fathered them.
Može, pod uslovom da se mama složi,
Где пише да се тражи сагласност мајке?

Ако се покрене судски поступак, мајка је супротна страна на суду. Дакле, суд налаже вештачење и за то му не треба сагласност обе стране у спору.
