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Isusovo rođenje dosta liči na Budino. Tačnije, prepisano je od Bude.
Buda je umro od trihineloze, nakon što se prejeo svinjskog pečenja. I zato ga ne treba slediti. Samo treba uvažiti put koji je trasirao. Ko je čitao „Tri stupa”, pali kanon „Jataka” i „Buddha-charita” zna za neverovatne sličnosti između ova dva čoveka, s tim što je ona o Budi starija između 450 i 500 godina. U budističkim svetim spisima, pali kanonu „Jataka” i „Buda-charita”, kao i u obliku reljefa na zidovima mnogih starih budističkih hramova, od kojih je najpoznatiji onaj u Gandari, u današnjem Pakistanu, nalazi se priča o „božanskom”, odnosno „bespolnom” začeću i rođenju Sidarte Gotame, poznatog kao Buda. Po toj priči, starijoj od Isusa Hrista preko 450 godina, Budinu majku, kraljicu Maha-Maju, u snu „oplođuje” bog, manifestovan u obliku slona - - koji joj „ulazi” u stomak, sa boka. Tu su priču plagirali pisci Novog zaveta, a potvrđivao ju je, još i pre njenog ulaska u Bibliju, i sam Isus Hrist, koji je prema nekim objektivnim istoričarima živeo u Indiji nekih sedamnaest godina, od svoje dvanaeste do dvadeset i devete godine. To je upravo onaj deo njegovog života koji nije prikazan ni u jednom od šezdesetak jevanđelja (bez obzira što većina hrišćana veruje da ih ima samo četiri). Dakle, Isus Hrist je zamenio Budu, a devica Marija kraljicu Maju. U ljudskoj istoriji bilo je puno zemaljskih žena - devica - koje su „bogovima” podarile potomstvo. I, da, Buda propoveda ravnodušnost ka putu ka nirvani, a Isus propoveda ovozemaljski, telesni, životinjski život, debelim i dugačkim lancima vezan za nečiju krv...
Сигуран си да си прочитао оно што сам написао ?
In popular accounts of the birth, Queen Maya, Suddhodana’s wife, had a dream in which a great white elephant descended from on high, pierced her side with his tusk, and entered her womb. The Brahmin priests who were summoned to interpret the dream said she would bear a son who would become either a chakravartin—a wheel-turner, or universal ruler—or a great spiritual teacher. When she was nearing her due date, the queen and her entourage stopped to rest at a park in Lumbini, not far from Kapilavastu. It is said that there, holding on to a flowering branch, she delivered her son. Legend has it that the future Buddha stood up, walked to each of the four directions, and declared, “I am supreme in the world. This is my last birth; henceforth there will be no rebirth for me.” Rebirth is an alien concept to most Westerners today, but in the Buddha’s time, it was a foregone conclusion, and spiritual practitioners strove for a favorable rebirth in one of the heavenly realms. The Buddha, however, was destined for parinirvana—a kind of super-enlightenment after which he would be gone forever, never to be reborn.

When Queen Maya returned to the palace with her son, more seers were called in to foretell the baby’s future. Seven of them said that if he remained a householder, as laypersons were called, he would become a universal leader. The eighth, however, said he would be become a great spiritual teacher “and remove the veils of sin and ignorance from the world.” Queen Maya and King Suddhodana named their son Siddhartha, “one who has accomplished a goal.”
Queen Maya died a week after giving birth, so raising Siddhartha fell to her sister, Mahaprajapati, Suddhodana’s other wife. Years later, Mahaprajapati would become the first nun among the Buddha’s followers and a champion of women’s rights in his sangha.
Овде нема ништа о безгрешном зачећу.
Значи мајка од Буде је имала визију слона који је ушао у њену утробу.
Winter passed, and in the last month of spring, the stars fell in the fourteenth lunar mansion. The time was right. The Bodhisattva saw that the moment had come for him to become the best among the three realms of gods, humans, and subterranean spirits. He saw that the time had come for him to be honored by the world. On the fifteenth day, at midnight during the full moon, in the constellation Pushya, the Bodhisattva transferred from Tushita Heaven into the womb of his mother. At that moment she was undertaking purification rituals, and she imagined a white baby elephant with six gold-covered tusks, the complexion of his head was like a lattice of worms. Her arms and legs, her entire body, and her senses were without pain. The Bodhisattva then entered his mother on the right side. And after entering the womb he stayed on her right side.

The Bodhisattva’s mother beheld the following in a dream. Her body and her mind became suffused with a great feeling of well-being.
A cap of woven gold, a red crown,He had six tusks and was white,Like a shell, or snow, or silver.I felt a great elephant had come to me.He entered me, and my body and mind.Both became enraptured with blissUnheard, unseen, not felt before.And I fell as if into a trance.
She asked the priests about these dream visions.

“A special son will come,” they offered in prophecy, “and if he remains in the kingdom he will become a wheel-turning king. But if he renounces the kingdom, he will become enlightened.”

And all the while the Bodhisattva stayed in his mother’s womb, he remained untouched by impurities, for he lived inside a three-storied palace crafted from snake-essence sandalwood. The palace was called the Jewel Array and was for the enjoyment of the Conqueror’s Child. Inside was a comfortable cushioned throne, and all around this throne the palace was filled with an endless variety of offerings from the gods.
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