Tramp udario na BRIKS: dolar ili ništa!


Tramp je na mreži TruthSocial napisao da članice BRIKS moraju da se obavežu da neće stvarati valutu koja će ugroziti dolar ili će se suočiti sa carinom od 100% i mogu da se pozdrave sa prodajom u Americi.

The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.
Tramp je na mreži TruthSocial napisao da članice BRIKS moraju da se obavežu da neće stvarati valutu koja će ugroziti dolar ili će se suočiti sa carinom od 100% i mogu da se pozdrave sa prodajom u Americi.

The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.
Regulacija ekonomije vanekonomskim metodama? Poznato je kako se takvi poduhvati završavaju.
Tramp je na mreži TruthSocial napisao da članice BRIKS moraju da se obavežu da neće stvarati valutu koja će ugroziti dolar ili će se suočiti sa carinom od 100% i mogu da se pozdrave sa prodajom u Americi.

The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.
dobro da se neko u jameriki setio da zastiti dolar.
briks ce im slomiti kicmu ako ne stanu na kraj ekspanziji

bravo tramp, napokon neko ko je spreman da zagrize sa spas jamerike
Tramp je na mreži TruthSocial napisao da članice BRIKS moraju da se obavežu da neće stvarati valutu koja će ugroziti dolar ili će se suočiti sa carinom od 100% i mogu da se pozdrave sa prodajom u Americi.

The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.
fin momenat za sve trampovce u srbiji koji su se busali u grudi kako ce taj baja da svet povede boljim putem :hahaha:

dok je ovaca bice i sisanja. kukace neki za senilnim bajdenom.
fin momenat za sve trampovce u srbiji koji su se busali u grudi kako ce taj baja da svet povede boljim putem :hahaha:

dok je ovaca bice i sisanja. kukace neki za senilnim bajdenom.
Svetu je idealno da ima jednu takvu valutu kao dolar, dok njihove raspad valute nisu vezane za isti.

Ovako i imaju nesto relativno stabilno kao rezervu, a njihove raspade mogu da stampaju koliko god zele.

Bukvalno idealna pozicija za sve svetske parazite i stampace.
Svetu je idealno da ima jednu takvu valutu kao dolar, dok njihove raspad valute nisu vezane za isti.

Ovako i imaju nesto relativno stabilno kao rezervu, a njihove raspade mogu da stampaju koliko god zele.

Bukvalno idealna pozicija za sve svetske parazite i stampace.
ko god je pokusao da izbaci dolar u zvanicnim transakcijama znamo kako je prosao u roku od 72 casa od dana kada je to najavio.

ko ne zna, search sadam i dolar.
Tramp je na mreži TruthSocial napisao da članice BRIKS moraju da se obavežu da neće stvarati valutu koja će ugroziti dolar ili će se suočiti sa carinom od 100% i mogu da se pozdrave sa prodajom u Americi.

The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.
Победиће БРИКС валута.
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1) који дизајн је најшаренији
2) ко ће штампати валуту
