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Ja sam rodjena na Tajlandu 1325.godine i bila sam zlatar ili casovnicar, a inace sam rodjena glumica. Da sam barem nesto nasledila od toga u ovom zivotu

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zar zaista mislis da je neko od nas ovo shvatio ozbiljno?Jedini ozbiljni smor ovde si tiPerunov Sin:There is only one thing I can say about this site,and it's bull s h i t ? Zasto? Pa ljudi ako zaista verujete u ta praznoglavlja i gluposti onda se zapitajte sta vam to u zivotu skripi!
-Ovo je je jedna obicna glupost,kako to da se samo uz pomoc datuma rodjenja odredi sta smo bili u prethodnom zivotu,ako smo uopste i postojali.
To je obican program koji uz pomoc odredjenog algoritma vama pokazuje vec odredjene rezultate!
Prestanite da se obmanjujete sa horoskopima i ovakvim glupostima! Pozabavite se pravim problemima u nasoj Otazbini! http://www.stormpages.com/belisvet/
nevesela:zar zaista mislis da je neko od nas ovo shvatio ozbiljno?Jedini ozbiljni smor ovde si tiPerunov Sin:There is only one thing I can say about this site,and it's bull s h i t ? Zasto? Pa ljudi ako zaista verujete u ta praznoglavlja i gluposti onda se zapitajte sta vam to u zivotu skripi!
-Ovo je je jedna obicna glupost,kako to da se samo uz pomoc datuma rodjenja odredi sta smo bili u prethodnom zivotu,ako smo uopste i postojali.
To je obican program koji uz pomoc odredjenog algoritma vama pokazuje vec odredjene rezultate!
Prestanite da se obmanjujete sa horoskopima i ovakvim glupostima! Pozabavite se pravim problemima u nasoj Otazbini! http://www.stormpages.com/belisvet/![]()
Evo mog rezultata:
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Hungary around the year 1025.
Your profession was that of a philosopher and thinker.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, which waited until this life to be liberated. Sometimes your environment considered you strange.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your main lesson is to develop magnanimity and a feeling of brotherhood. Try to become less adhered to material property and learn to take only as much, as you can give back.
Do you remember now?
Ne brini se to je sam zajebanclja. Nisi bi zena, bio si trandza.Anonymous:ja sam bio zena(???!!).....i ziveo sam 525 godine u engleskoj.....koja je ovo glupooosttt....
aaa... bio si zensko...Kad_LupimLupim:Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were femalein your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Canadaaround the year 1675.
Your profession was that of a seaman, cook or carpenter.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient books. With a magician's abilities, you could have been a servant of dark forces.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your task is to learn determination and persistency. Youd should not allow to let misfortunes take influence on your strong will.
Do you remember now?
Be afraid, be very afraid of me!
Ma daj ja ni mrava ne bi zgazio![]()
Kad_LupimLupim:Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were femalein your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Canadaaround the year 1675.
Your profession was that of a seaman, cook or carpenter.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient books. With a magician's abilities, you could have been a servant of dark forces.The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your task is to learn determination and persistency. Youd should not allow to let misfortunes take influence on your strong will.
Do you remember now?