Za tu u Španiji su objavili ko je jer je dotična htela da prezentuje dojke u novinama
Два питања.
Прво, оба пута су албанци нападали кад су чули да службеници амбасаде причају српски језик.
Међутим, како српски језик причају и бошњаци, мило.горци и крвати, како се албанци нису запитали, да ли су можда ти људи, не Срби, већ бошњаци, мило.горци или крвати?
Друго, како баш оба пута службеници министарства иностраних послова?
Изгледа да неко смишља глупу забаву за глуп народ.
Нисмо јер то не постоји.
Служби је лакше да измисли нападе на амбасадорку или познаваоца борилачких вјештина него на обичног грађанина.
Da vas dvojica ne bi ste ovde lupetali bedastoće o “lažnim vestima” - službenik UNMIK ubijen metkom u glavu iz neposredne blizine jer je u Prištini na bugarskom razgovarao mobilnim sa porodicom, Šiptarima se učinilo da je srpski, pa su ga na srpskom pitali koliko je sati, kad im je odgovorio na srpskom prebijen je pa mu je neko pucao u glavu. Čovek je inače par meseci pre toga doktorirao u Americi, garant ih je izazivao, jel da?
Šiptari kad im se učini da govoriš srpski:
Krumov, Bugarin, upucan je u ponedeljak uveče u Ulici Majke Tereze na Kosovu kapitala po dolasku na dužnost ranije u toku dana.
„Izgleda da je govorio srpski, možda bugarski“, rekao je potpukovnik Dmitrij Kapocev. ``Mnoga mještana ga je napala. Uhvatila ga je rulja, pretukla... i upucala.'
U.N. employee killed on his first day in Kosovo was mobbed,
beaten and then shot in the head after enraging a group of ethnic Albanian teenagers by speaking Serbian, international police said Tuesday.
Police officials showed a black silk jacket inscribed with ``United States, New York,' found near the body of 38-year-old Valentin Krumov. They said the garment had traces of blood on it - but could not immediately say whose - and it was left by one of the suspects fleeing the busy main street of Pristina.Krumov, of Bulgaria, was shot Monday evening on Mother Teresa Street in Kosovo's capital after arriving for duty earlier in the day.
`It seems like he was speaking Serbian, maybe Bulgarian,' Lt. Col. Dmitry Kapotsev said. ``A crowd of local citizens assaulted him. He was taken by a mob ... and shot dead.'
Another U.N. police official, Inspector Gilles Moreau, said Krumov was beaten before being shot with a single bullet after a group of teenagers asked for the time - apparently in Serbian. He responded in Serbian.
``One individual proceeded to hit him with his fist, and others kicked him,' Moreau said. ``A large crowd gathered around the altercation. All of a sudden a shot was heard, the crowd dispersed and the body ... was on the ground, lifeless.'
He said the assailants were believed to be about 16 or 17 years old.
Krumov, who in May received his doctorate in political science from the University of Georgia, was shot near the Grand Hotel, the base for many employees of international organizations in Kosovo.