Ma sve je bio samo ne ono sto su pricali da jeste...
1. Ne treba biti malo dete i ne prepoznati principe lepljenja etikete teorije zavere (ETZ ili internacionalno: CTE).
2. Drugi princip je kamuflaža zavere, a to najčešće ide puštanjem buva. Kada se istina pojavi u nekom obliku, oni odmah puste nekoliko "buva" ("Tito je iz Belgije", "Tito je iz Španije"), kako bi javnost zaključila "ma, koješta, ljudi svašta izmišljaju", umesto da se drži narodne mudrosti "gde ima dima, tu i vatre ima".
Treba sve informacije obraditi, ali ih treba znati prosejati - iskustvo je presudno.
Uopšte uzev, teza o zaveri kao takva najčešće nikom dobronamernom ne smeta. Ona predstavlja samo jedan predlog za razmišljanje. Međutim, uvek se pojavi neko kome smeta ništa drugo do upravo to - razmišljanje! Zato se lepe etikete i puštaju buve. Uvek razmišlajjte ko bi imao motive da tezu etiketira.
ne znam tko je ovaj čiča sa filma, ali neke stvari je ipak pobrkao.
Kako ne znaš čuvenu legendu srpskog glumišta?
Mogu reći da mu se na brku vidi da uživa u senzacionalizmu, a što se brkanja tiče - normalno je to za istoriju.
Kočo, mora da znaš za ovaj citat:
Ova teorija da je bio Rus definitivno ne pije vodu, kao ni mnoge druge. Prije par godina sam pročitala knjigu "Narodna oslobodilačka borba" od Rodoljuba Čolakovica u kojoj jasno opisuje da je ovu teoriju iznijo Draža Mihajlović poslije jednog sastanka između Tita i Draže Mihajlovića. Naime, njemu je bio čudan akcenat.
To bi bila Čolakovićeva "buva", filmić ga navodi kao Titovog čoveka pre rata.
Još malo:
Tito and his Jews
Below is a section on Yugoslavia from 'The Secret Driving Forces of Communism' by Maurice Pinay, pp 69, 70, that may explain why Jews in positions of power are determined to destroy Serbian pride. You probably know that Jews control the United States and its media, and that since the breakup of Yugoslavia they have used that media to spew lies for Jews in U.S. government to 'justify' passing resolutions for NATO's bombing the Serbs into submission. Will Jews again control Yugoslavia as they did during Tito's regime? Now that they control the the only super power left, will they control the world?
"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own." - Maurice Samuel 'You Gentiles', P. l55 Harcourt, Brace. 1924
Finally, will Jews destroy the United States as they have Russia? Now that there is a heavy flow of technology paid for by the U.S. taxpayer into China will it become the next super power?
1. Marshall Tito, who by his real Jewish name is called Josif Walter Weiss, was born in Poland. He was agent of the Soviet secret service in Kabul, Teheran and Ankara up to 1935. The true Brozovich Tito, in origin a Croat, died during the Spanish civil war in Barcelona, on a communist side.
2. Moses Pijade, general secretary of the Communist Party and in reality the "grey eminence" of the regime, is a Jew of Spanish origin (Sephardite).
3. Kardelj, member of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist Party and Minister for Foreign Affairs, is a Jew of Hungarian origin and is called in reality Kardayl.
4. Rankovic, member of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist Party and Minister for Internal Affairs, is an Austrian Jew and was earlier called Rankau.
5. Alexander Bebler, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and permanent representative of Yugoslavia in the UNO, is an Austrian Jew.
6. Joza Vilfan (Joseph Wilfan), economic advisor of Tito, in reality the economic dictator of Yugoslavia, is a Jew from Serajevo.
Since not so many Jews live in Yugoslavia as in other lands, we find a greater number of natives in the Communist government of this land, however, always in posts of second rank; for the above-mentioned principal leaders, control in real- ity the Yugoslav government completely and absolutely. (37)*.
(37) Traian Romanescu. Ibid. Cited Edition. Pages from 185 to 214.
* Countless Catholic writers have similarly to those quoted in this chapter, made further statistical investigations, which always close with the categorical statement that Bolshevism is a Jewish work. The book "La Guerra Oculta" by Malinsky and De Poncins, Milan, 1961, contains an appendix with a study carried out in this respect, compiled by Msgr. Jouin. A further study worthy of mention is published in the periodical "Civilita Cattolico", the organ of the famous Society of Jesus, in the city of Rome, which began with its publication of this material from the end of the preceding century, and which has published a special work dealing with this theme under the title "La rivoluzione mondiale e gli ebrei," which corresponds to pamphlet 1836 of the year 1922.
Pa još malo:
Tito je bio poljski židov a engleski agnet! kao što je i Stajin otkrio, javno, na valovima radio Moskve 1948... Uostaom, Tito nikada nije savladao hrvatski jezik, niti je isti ikada tečno govorio.
Zanimljivost: na jednu političku školu, više tajnu privatnu, u Beču, u vrijeme pred prvi svjetski rat, zajendo su išli i Tito i još neki koji će poslije drmati Europom... je lit o slučajno? Ili netko sijao sjeme? Ali o ovom treba posebnu temu. kako to da je ejdan "bravar" znao mačevati, jahati konje, i govoriti strane jezike...? To su si mogli priskrbiti samo - BOGATI.
Tko je bio tzv. 'Jospip Broz Titi' od kuda je taj čovjek? Čiji je stvarni agent bio? Očito je da nije bio ni Hrvat ni Slovenac. Liječnik, vojno lice, koji ga je petnaest godina 'dvorio' i brinuo o njegovu zdravlju, u knjizi, objavljenoj 2005. u Beogradu, kaže da Tito nije bio ni Hrvat ni Slovenac. Pa koji je onda vrag?