Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


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Ово су ствари које је потребно знати. Зато бих замолио модераторе да не затварају тему.

11. Aleksa Djilas – Disintegration and hope. Essays, publishing house Princip, Belgrade. Although majority of essays had already been published in different journals and newspapers, this book of collected essays will enable the academic audience and future potential readers to get acknowledgements with critical analysis of political and socio-economical problems of breakdown of Yugoslavia.
This grant was aimed towards printing costs: $ 2,941.18
12. Srdjan Darmanovic- Realsocialism-Anatomy of Breakdown $ 2,941.18
13. Laslo Sekelj – The Time of Dishonors, Essays about $3,308.82
14. Vladimir Goati – Challenges of Parliamentarism: The Case $ 3,050.36
of Serbia in the Early Nineties, Institute of Social Sciences
(purchase of 100 copies for foreign institutes)
15. Jovica Trkulja – Side Roads of Pluralism, “Politika i drustvo” $ 2,242.94
The Soros Yugoslavia Foundation also participated in twenty projects hosted other foundation in the network:

Dr. Dusan Janjic (Institute
for Social Sciences, Belgrade),
Dr,Vladimir Goati (Institute for Social Sciences, Belgrade),
Dr. Ivan Siber (Faculty of Political Science, Zagreb) and Dr. Tibor Varadi (CEU Budapest) Ethnic Conflicts and their Management.
Host: Soros Yugoslavia Foundation, Belgrade, January 11-15, 1995 and Budapest, February 16-17, 1995.
The project was realized through a series of meetings in Budapest and Belgrade with members of this project research team.
The researchers met to discuss their work, that is a collection of theoretical and empirical papers, with the foreword by Professor Ernest Gallner of CEU Prague. The collection of papers would be study of social and political factors of ethnic conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. The research focused on outstanding issues of crisis and civil war which is inter ethnic in its form and which aim is building of an ethnically pure state, from the point of view of peaceful and democratic conflict management, The research develops a comprehensive theoretical vision of a nation, nationalism and ethnic conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, the Balkans and Central-Eastern Europe, with the termination of the process of national (chauvinist) homogenization as its first priority. $ 7,564.42
Mr. Vuk Draskovic and Mr. Zarko Korac Fascism in Post-totalitarian Society.
Host: Open Society Institute Moscow. Moscow, January 20-22, 1995 $ 1,514.47
Kakvi su to podaci i šta nam govore?

Податке сам ископао ја, лично. Да причам како и одакле... То није толико битно. Аутентични су 100%.
Шта говоре?
Говоре како је Сорош куповао подршку за своје пројекте "Отвореног друштва".
12. Srdjan Darmanovic- Realsocialism-Anatomy of Breakdown $ 2,941.18

Hajde na ovom primeru, molim te.

Срђан Дармановић је професор са Правног факултета у Подгорици, иначе директор нво из Црне Горе - ЦЕДЕМ (Центар за демократију и људска права).
ili na ovom

68. Igor Antić, Travel grant to attend “La Chambre Blanche”-artists residence program, in Quebec, Canada
Award: $1,330.68

ili ovom

4. “History of Comics in Serbia”, support for the research work
Grantee: Slobodan Ivkov, Belgrade
Award: $1,809.71

Зар теби није јасно? То се зове,најблаже речено, незаконита трговина. Ти мени паре ја теби глас, став, пропагирање твојих идеја...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
