Шиптари највећи дилери дроге и белог робља у Европи


Albanian drug lords are trafficking kids into Britain where they’re forced into slavery in UK’s £5BILLION cocaine market.

In the last few years Albanian mafia was involved more in drug trafficking (Hellbanianz) than in prostitution and they sold more than 500,000 kilograms of drugs in London alone.

Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade:

Colombia of Europe’: How tiny Albania became the continent’s drug trafficking headquarters How Albania became the 'Colombia of Europe' ‘I’m terrified to go back’: Albanian sex trafficking victim tells of despair as Home Office rejects asylum claim

Sara* was training to be a lawyer when she was trafficked from Albania and enslaved for sexual exploitation. A year after escaping her captors, she has been denied asylum in the UK. She tells The Independent about her ordeal and why the idea of going back fills her with dread

DEALING IN DEATH The inside story of how brutal Albanian gangs rose from the UK’s premier sex traffickers to kingpin cocaine dealers

Albanians take over organised crime​

Scotland Yard estimates that Albanian gangs control about 75 per cent of prostitution in Soho. Many of the women and children

Ово није расизам него реалност. Енглеске медије. Зашто не ради ништа Интерпол на овоме? Као фол води борбу против дроге и белог робља, а Шиптарски дилери дроге и белог робља углавном несметано вршљају како хоће. Докле више?
Poslednja izmena:
nije bas the sun poput treceg oka
Pa gde si ubo da prvo staviš The Sun, kad sam to video pomislio sam "fake news, skip"

U je, alah si oštar momak.
A do tad si mislio kako je san svakog mladog Albanca da radi u CERNu :lol:


To su EUropske vrednosti. Nemacka je izrazila podrsku za Kosovo u Savetu Evrope. Iz ovih vesti vidimo kakav doprinos i savet mogu da daju, EUropskim sinovima da pune nos a kcerima im sledi A2M.
Pa nije samo The Sun citirao. Pored toga sto je tabloid, napisu i oni ponesto pametno.
Па он прати The Sun и зна какав је садржај.
Овде прати Треће око и на основу искуства само је упоредио и донео суд.
Да чита неке озбиљније новине (Daily Mail, The Observer, The Guardian...) могао би њих коментарисати.







Ово није расизам него реалност. Енглеске медије. Зашто не ради ништа Интерпол на овоме? Као фол води борбу против дроге и белог робља, а Шиптарски дилери дроге и белог робља углавном несметано вршљају како хоће. Докле више?
Naravno da su svesni svega i namerno dopuštaju Šiptarima ... do jednog trenutka.

Sada se momentalno obračunavaju sa hrišćanima i osnovnim vrednostima hrišćanstva (porodica, tradicionalne vrednosti, moral, etika) a kada budu krenuli na islam onda će pocepati i Šiptare ... brzo i efikasno.

Bolje rečeno, preuzeće im biznis jer se satanistički zapadni svet bazira na biznisu koji sada Šiptari odradjuju.

Ako im treba srce, bubreg, adrenohrom ... to će već odradjivati neke njihove službe.

Za sada im odgovara da to odradjuju Šiptari i slična žgadija ....
The Sun је врло мали део о чињеницама да су шиптари највећи дилери дроге и белог робља у Европи.
Sex Slave Trade Thrives among Kosovo Troops
By James Pringle
London Times

Pristina - The presence of Nato-led troops in Kosovo is supporting a new and sinister white slave trade trade, in which women from impoverished parts of Eastern Europe are being bought and sold into prostitution. The women, some as young as 16, are held captive by gangsters, often Albanian, and sell sexual favours to troops and businessmen in the seedy nightclubs springing up around Kosovo.

Others smuggled into the region from Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania and beyond are moved further on, into Albania, across the Adriatic into Italy and from there to brothels in Western Europe, all the time under the "ownership" of organised crime. Even children are following similar routes, sold for adoption or, some say, for body parts.

Ваде им чак и органе, као најгоре психопате и запад им то дозвољава.
Poslednja izmena:
According to the police, it is mainly Kosovo Albanian rings that organize heroin smuggling into the Nordic area. With their low prices; and lower demands for profits; they have pushed other groups out of competition from portions of the European market. They have been successful, among other reasons, thanks to traditional ties to Turkey and a powerful network across Europe. “Between 80 and 90 percent of what has been seized in Sweden this year can be linked to Kosovo Albanian rings,”
According to Germany’s Federal Criminal Agency: “Ethnic Albanians are now the most prominent group in the distribution of heroin in Western consumer countries.”
The respected Jane’s Intelligence Review recently reported: “Albania has become the crime capital of Europe. The most powerful groups in the country are organized criminals who use Albania to grow, process, and store a large percentage of the illegal drugs destined for Western Europe
