Šerijatske zone u Švedskoj


I tako, liberalna i multikulturalna Švedska, gde vladaju feminizam i "ljudska prava" , ima pojedine zone gde vlada šerijatsko pravo i gde se čak ni panduri ne usuđuju da uđu ... :mrgreen::hahaha:

Caliphate In Europe: Sweden Cedes Control Of Muslim Areas

Political Correctness: The perils of multiculturalism and open borders have reached critical mass in Sweden. There are Muslim enclaves where postal, fire and other essential services — even police officers themselves —require police protection.

A police report released last month identifies 55 of these "no-go zones" in Sweden. These zones are similar to others that have popped up in Europe in recent years. They formed as large Muslim populations emigrating to politically correct and tolerant European states refuse to assimilate and set up virtual states within a state where the authorities fear to tread.

Soeren Kern of the Hudson Institute has documented the proliferation of these zones. They are de facto Muslim micro-states under Shariah law that reject Western values, society and legal systems. In these districts non-Muslims are expected to conform to the dictates of fundamentalist Islam or face violent consequences.

"A more precise name for these zones," says Middle Eastern expert Daniel Pipes, "would be Dar al-Islam — the House of Islam or the place where Islam rules."

Muslim immigration to Sweden has been fostered by an open-border asylum policy. In the 1990s, the country welcomed 100,000 refugees fleeing the conflict in the Balkans.

Sweden has also been a haven for refugees from Iraq, and a recent estimate put the number of Iraqi refugees living there at 125,000. Since September 2012, asylum-seekers from the Arab world are emigrating to Sweden at the rate of some 1,250 per week, writes Kern.

According to a report in the Daily Caller, Swedish police officers in May pursued a suspect into one of these zones in the southern city of Landskrona. Their car was rammed, the officers forced out. They were quickly surrounded by roughly 50 "thugs" and called for backup while holding back the threatening mob with drawn weapons.

Other officers who responded were forced to stop a half mile away, just outside the zone. The police commander didn't press the issue fearing an escalation. Only with the help of a few residents whom the cornered police knew were the officers allowed to exit the restricted area.

Swedish police have not seriously tried to contest the zones since the 2013 Stockholm ghetto riots in which hundreds of cars and buildings were burned. The police report that there are now vehicle checkpoints operated by Muslim gangs on the borders of these zones. Instead of confrontation, Swedish authorities occasionally send special "dialogue officers" in a sort of Muslim outreach program.

A new curriculum at the Swedish Police Academy beginning next year will include course on cultural sensitivity designed to achieve "greater understanding of the intercultural perspective."

Needless to say, there will be no profiling in Sweden.

Nor will there be any profiling in the U.S., despite a not-too-dissimilar influx of Muslim immigrants to whom assimilation has its limits. In the Minneapolis neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside there is "Little Mogadishu," home to America's largest concentration of Somali immigrants. This neighborhood has become a bountiful recruiting ground for Islamic terrorists.

CBS News has reported that as many as 40 young men from Minnesota have joined Islamic fighters in Iraq and Syria. Among them was an American named Douglas MacArthur McCain, who died fighting for the Islamic State in Syria.

Fox affiliate KMSP-TV in Minneapolis-St. Paul has reported the case of Abdirahmaan Muhumed. Before going to Syria to fight and die for IS, he worked at Delta Global Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta Air Lines. His job was to clean aircraft, and he had a security clearance that gave him unfettered access to the tarmac and passenger jets.

There are no mini-caliphates in the U.S. quite yet. But perhaps we should keep the Swedish experience in mind as we remember the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

Ma šta da se nerviram kada neću ni biti živ da vidim rasplet između muslimana i evropljana.
Inače, moje predviđanje je da će evropljani u nekom trenutku opet pustiti tamo nekog hitlera koji će pobiti sve muslimane. Osim muslimana, smatram da će i srbi biti meta tada.
Jedino će mesta gde budu vladali anglosaksonci ostati mirna.
Чекај сад, хоћеш да кажеш да мује и ционисти сарађују тј да ционисти имају договор са мујама и да подржавају мује? Зашто онда форумске мује оптужују ционисте и нападају их најстрашније? :huh:
Чекај сад, хоћеш да кажеш да мује и ционисти сарађују тј да ционисти имају договор са мујама и да подржавају мује? Зашто онда форумске мује оптужују ционисте и нападају их најстрашније? :huh:

Ti sinak veze nemaš :mrgreen:

Zašto su cionisti bombardovali Srbe 90-ih i podržavali muslimane ? Zato što su im muslimani u Evropi korisno oruđe . Glavni cilj cionista je stvaranje bezlične izmešane rulje, koeficijenta inteligencije oko 85-90 IQ , pravih poslušnih Goja kojima bi vladali . U tom cilju, vrši se masovno naseljavanje svakojakih Afrikanaca, Arapa, Cigana i.t.d na teritorije svih evropskih država .

Muslimani na Bliskom Istoku su cionistima problem jedino oko Palestine, ali to rešavaju. U ostalim slučajevima, za njih je dobro da se kolju između sebe (Šiti i Suniti, sekularni i ekstremni i.t.d.) . Uostalom , nije slučajno što npr Izrael leči borce al-Nusra fronta i što iako nemaju zvanične diplomatske odnose tesno sarađuje sa Saudijskom Arabijom .

A što se tiče cionističke borbe protiv islama u Evropi, pametnome dovoljno ovo ;)

British Police Arrest Citizens for Criticizing Islam on Social Media

Four men in England have been either arrested or warned after making anti-Muslim comments on Facebook and Twitter in response to the killing of a British soldier.

Benjamin Flatters, 22, was arrested by Lincolnshire Police after authorities were alerted he had made racist or anti-religious statements on Facebook, the Daily Mail reports.

Another man was visited by authorities and warned about his communications on social media, a spokesman for Lincolnshire Police said.

In Bristol, a 23-year-old and a 22-year-old each were held under the Public Order Act, the Daily Mail reported. Both were held under suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. The pair were taken from separate addresses in the middle of the night.

Проблем је само у томе што је текст преузет из neocon, hardcore republican, right wing Southern Baptist IBD-a.

Иако надасве ценим њихове здраве економске погледе на свет, ипак, мора се признати да су мало застранили са погледима на Ислам, јер су јужни баптисти.

Али проблем је у томе што Тоза није био на њиховом сајту да научи како да заради на Берзи, него зато што га је тамо одвео линк са неког параноидно схизофреничног форума.

А ви се, грбави, надате да је то тачно, и да ћете коначно, кад цео свет добије грбу, ви мање да личите на Квазимода.

News flash, my kiddies:

Вечно ћете остати у блату, а Шведска неће пропасти.


Моја сућут.
Poslednja izmena:
Мене си нашао да фарбаш, пре неки дан си изједначио патриотизам са фашизмом, а то је комуно - либералско - нарко - педерска прича :lol:

Fašizam, onako kako ga je zamislio Benito Muslolini, danas ne postoji. Čak mislim da nema ni jednoh ozbiljnijeg pokreta koji se zalaže za taj pravi fašizam .

Fašista, u današnjem svetu , znači onaj ko govori istinu .
Чекај сад, хоћеш да кажеш да мује и ционисти сарађују тј да ционисти имају договор са мујама и да подржавају мује? Зашто онда форумске мује оптужују ционисте и нападају их најстрашније? :huh:

Форумске мује су егземплари телегенције.
Ма неее, ти си Србин који се залаже за фашизам диви се хитлеру и оптужује Јевреје за све невоље :hahaha:

Ае пали на неки хрватски форум, тамо вас има колко хоћеш
