Seksualna zlostavljanja u vjerskim zajednicama


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Evo kako se sotona poigrao sa katolickim 'svestenicima":

There have been many cases of sexual abuse of children by priests, nuns, and other members of religious life in the Catholic Church. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the cases have involved many allegations, investigations, trials, convictions, acknowledgement and apologies by Church authorities, and revelations about decades of instances of abuse and attempts by Church officials to cover them up.[3] The abused include mostly boys but also girls, some as young as three years old, with the majority between the ages of 11 and 14.[4][5][6][7] Criminal cases for the most part do not cover sexual harassment of adults. The accusations of abuse and cover-ups began to receive public attention during the late 1980s.[8] Many of these cases allege decades of abuse, frequently made by adults or older youths years after the abuse occurred. Cases have also been brought against members of the Catholic hierarchy who covered up sex abuse allegations and moved abusive priests to other parishes, where abuse continued.[9][10]

By the 1990s, the cases began to receive significant media and public attention in several countries, including in Canada, United States, Chile, Australia, Ireland, and much of Europe and South America.[11][12][13] Pope John Paul II was criticised by representatives of the victims of clergy sexual abuse for failing to respond quickly enough to the Catholic sex abuse crisis.[14] After decades of inaction, Sinéad O'Connor brought the scandal to a head when she tore up a photo of John Paul II on a 1992 episode of Saturday Night Live. The protest drew praise from critics of the church but also the ire of many Catholics, which greatly damaged her career and had a strong possibility of putting her life in danger. Her protest would see increased positive reappraisal as corruption and suppression efforts by the church related to abuse became more popularly known.

In 2002, an investigation by The Boston Globe, which later inspired the film Spotlight, led to widespread media coverage of the issue in the United States. Widespread abuse has also been exposed in Europe, Australia, and Chile, reflecting worldwide patterns of long-term abuse as well as the Church hierarchy's pattern of regularly covering up reports of abuse.[note 1]

From 2001 to 2010, the Holy See examined sex abuse cases involving about 3,000 priests, some of which dated back fifty years.[15] Diocesan officials and academics knowledgeable about the Catholic Church say that sexual abuse by clergy is generally not discussed, and thus is difficult to measure.[16] Members of the Church's hierarchy have argued that media coverage was excessive and disproportionate, and that such abuse also takes place in other religions and institutions, a stance that dismayed representatives from other religions who saw it as a device to distance the Church from controversy.[17]


In response to the attention, members of the church hierarchy have argued that media coverage has been unfair, excessive, and disproportionate.[who?] According to a Pew Research Center study, in 2002 the media coverage was focused on the US, where a series in The Boston Globe initiated widespread coverage in the region. However, by 2010 the focus had shifted to Europe.[12][13]

In September 2011, a submission was lodged with the International Criminal Court alleging that the Pope, Cardinal Angelo Sodano (Dean of the College of Cardinals), Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone (Cardinal Secretary of State), and Cardinal William Levada (then-current Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) had committed a crime against humanity by failing to prevent or punish perpetrators of rape and sexual violence in a "systematic and widespread" concealment which included failure to co-operate with relevant law enforcement agencies.[59] In a statement to the Associated Press, the Vatican described this as a "ludicrous publicity stunt and a misuse of international judicial processes." Lawyers and law professors emphasized that the case is likely to fall outside the court's jurisdiction.[60]

In 1996, Philip Jenkins, professor at the Department of Religion and History at Penn State University, questioned the theses of increased sexual abuse among priests, saying the percentage of priests accused of molesting minors is 1.8%, much of which is not about pedophilia alone.[61]

On 13 May 2017, the 100th anniversary of the alleged apparition of Mary at Fatima, where three little children were supposedly shown a vision of Hell and told that “The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh,”[62] Pope Francis acknowledged that the Vatican had a backlog of 2000 sex abuse cases.[63]


Kad nekoga đav'o potegne za jezik, pa se ovako izbljuje, red je odgovoriti činjenicama. A činjenice ovako stoje:


1. Katolici

Broj katolika u SAD-u: 75.000.000 (75 milijuna)
Broj zlostavljane djece: 11.000 (11 tisuća)
učestalost zlostavljanja: 11.000 / 75.000.000 = 0.147 promila

2. Adventisti sedmog dana

Broj Adventista u SAD-u: 1.000.000 (1milijun)
Broj zlostavljane djece: 500 (pet stotina)
učestalost zlostavljanja: 500 / 1.000.000 = 0.500 promila
Rekapitulacija: Adventisti (0.500 prom.) / Katolici (0.147 prom.) = 3.4 (340 %)

U institucijama crkve Adventista sedmog u SAD-u, djeca su seksualno zlostavljana 3.4 puta više (340%) nego u institucijama Katoličke crkve.


Stanovništvo Australije: 23.000.000 (23 milijuna)
72% pripadnici neke vjerske zajednice: 0.72 x 23.000.000 = 16.560.000 (vjernika)

Pripadnici crkve ASD u Australiji: 52.000 (0.31% od ukupno 16.560.000 vjernika)
Prijavljeni slučajevi unutar crkve ASD: 60 slučajeva

Pripadnici svih ostalih vj. zajed. u Australiji: 16.560.000 - 52.000 = 16.508.000
Prijavljeno ukupno: 0.59 x 6.700 – 60 = 3953 – 60 = 3893 slučaja

1. Adventisti (učestalost zlostavljanja): 60/52.000 = 0.00115

2. Ostali vjer.(učestalost zlostavljanja): 3893/16.508.000 = 0.000235

Konačni skor zlostavljanja – Adventisti : Svi ostali = 0.00115 : 0.000235 = 4.87 (487%)

: Unutar ustanova crkve ASD u Australiji djeca se seksualno zlostavljaju 487% više nego u svim ostalim zajednicama.
Zamisli samo koliko je zlostavljanja u Aziji i Africi...U USA i Australii se makar kaznjava... U Aziji i Africi imas na milione i milione dogovorenih brakova sa maloletnom decom, prisilnih brakova, odnosa, prodaje dece, pedofilije, zlostavljanja...Sve je to izvan zakova, tradicionalno i dozvoljeno....Kulture se razlikuju...Ali kada bi poredio Aziju i USA to je prosto neuporedivo...To tamo nema ko ni da evidentira, ni da sabere, niti se ko time bavi....
