Rusija ne priznaje rezultate izbora na Kosovu


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Niko od naših medija da prenese ovu vest:

"Rezultati izbora su nelegalni jer ih je organizovala vlast samoproklamovane države!"

Russia regards the parliamentary elections in Kosovo as illegal

17.12.2010, 14.05

MOSCOW, December 17 (Itar-Tass) - Moscow regards the parliamentary elections in Kosovo as illegal, Alexei Sazonov, deputy director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, told journalists here on Friday.

“We do not regard as legal the elections to the Kosovo Assembly, held on December 12, 2010, because they were organised by the authorities of the self-proclaimed republic,” Sazonov explained.

According to Sazonov, “the success achieved at the elections by the extremely radical political parties of Kosovo Albanians evokes concern. The observers registered a number of serious violations during the elections.”

“The international organisations avoided the certification of the elections, in which the Serbs living in Kosovo played too small a role,” he said.

Aside from it, machinations with the lists of electors, the use of forged ballot papers and the casting of ballots several times by the same persons were also registered.
