Red Hot Čili Pepers - tekstovi pesama (Red Hot Chili Peppers lyrics)


Buduća legenda
Red Hot Čili Pepers je kalifornijski rok bend u čijoj muzici se mogu prepoznati različiti aspekti fanka, pank roka, metala i hip-hopa, predvodeći fank metal pokret krajem 80-ih i početkom 90-ih godina dvadesetog veka. Pepersi su napravili korak dalje unevši u svoju muziku elemente džeza, bluza, psihodelije i ska ritmova. Bend je osnovan 1983. godine, a prvobitnu postavu činili su Entoni Kidis(vokal), Majkl Balzari-Fli(bas gitara), Hilel Slovak(gitara), Džek Ajrons(bubanj).

Tokom više od dvadeset godina postojanja ova postavka je menjana više puta, a danas pod imenom Red Hot Čili Pepers predstavljaju se Entoni Kidis, Fli, Džon Frušante i Čed Smit. Do sada su objavili osam studijskih albuma, a deveti Stadium Arcadium se očekuje na proleće 2006. godine. Poslednji album, By the way, prodat je u skoro 50 miliona primeraka širom sveta.

Prvi album The Red Hot Chili Peppers" objavljen je za izdavačku kuću EMI, da bi 1991. potpisali ugovor za Warner Brothers Records i tamo su ostali do danas. Producent njihovog debi albuma bio je Endi Gil. Drugi album (Freaky Styley) producirao je Džordž Klinton, a za naredna dva (The Uplift Mofo Party Plan i Mother's Milk) pobrinuo se Majkl Bajnhorn. Rik Rubin je preducent petog albuma Blood Sugar Sex Magik, i od tada je njihov stalni saradnik.

Filozofija zvuka

Red Hot Čili Pepers su uglavnom poznati po Flijevom snažnom basu i preciznosti.

Stil Flijevih bas deonica ima osnov u pank rok tradiciji, fanku i bluzu,nalik na Bootsy Collins, Parliament-Funkadelic i na Džon Pol Džona (Led Zeppelin). Bas je glavni instrument u bendu i daje ritam svim njihovim pesmama. Tvrde melodije u niskim tonalitetima i jedinstvene tehnike sviranja učinili su Flijeve bas rifove vrednim pamćenja.

U većini slučajeva gitara, iako se stilovi razlikuju kod svakog od četvorice gitarista koji su snimili album za Peperse- Frušante, Slovak, Navaro i Šerman, nije mogla u potpunosti savlada Flijev bas. Kod svakog od njih mogu se prepoznati odlike sviranja Džimi Hendriksa,i to im je ujedno i jedina zajednička karakteristika. Zvuk Šermanove gitare je bio najviše distorziran i suv, nalik Slovakovom stilu, pošto je uglavnom svirao pesme koje je Slovak komponovao. Slovak je svoj zvuk bazirao isključivo na tvrđim aspektima bluza i fanka;Frušante je doneo više melodije, dubine i slojevitosti, a Navarov stil osnovu je imao u hevi metalu i psihodeliji.

Smit, Ajrons i Martinez nisu služili kao klasična ritam sekcija sa basom, nego su diktirali tempo. Njihovo sviranje bilo je svojevrsna kombinacija fanka, panka i metala.

Jedinstvenost benda je u tome što su oni prvi rok bend koji je kombinovao pank, kao pretežno "Beli zvuk", sa fankom, "Crnim zvukom", mnogo pre drugih, iako su već postojali bendovi koji su mešali rep i rok (The Beastie Boys). Još 1987. njihov zvuk su smatrali neobičnim, pa ih marketinški problemi prate od tada. Najvažniji doprinos koji su Pepersi dali rok svetu bilo je prevazilaženje razlika između crne i bele publike, i što su učinili rep muziku bližom beloj publici.



Učenici Ferfeks gimnazije Entoni Kidis, Fli, Hilel Slovak i Džek Ajrons osnovali su bend sa prvobitnim nazivom "Tony Flow and the Miraculously Majestic Masters of Mayhem", nakon čega su 1983. imali svoj prvi nastup. Imali su iznenađujuće brojnu publiku, uzimajući u obzir to da nisu izdali nijedan albuma . Brojna publika može biti posledica njihovih brojnih veza sa zajednicom skejtera Los Anđelesa i neobičnih živih nastupa (često su svirali potpuno goli, samo sa čarapama preko genitalija). Do ugovor za snimanje debi albuma došlo je kasnije 1983. godine, međutim Slovak i Ajrons su imali planove i na drugim projektima jos od ranije (What Is This?), tako da su na debi albumu svirali Klif Martinez (bubanj) i Džek Šerman (gitara). Album je bio loše isproduciran, često su se svađali sa producentom Endijem Gilom, a ni živi nasupi nisu bili dobri kao sa prvobitnom postavkm, što je rezultiralo komercijalnim neuspehom. Turneja nije donela poboljšanje, a sve češće svađe Šermana sa ostalim članovima benda dovele su do njegovog odlaska 1985. godine. Tada, Slovak napušta What Is This?, i vraća se u Peperse. Njihov prvi veliki hit sa ovog albuma je "True Men Don't Kill Coyotes".

Na drugom albumu Freaky Styley producent je bio čuveni Džordž Klinton. Funk svirka, pank brzina, izuzetno izvođenjem pesme If You Want Me To Stay(Sly and the Family Stone) i kultni klasici kao što su Jungle Man i Catholic School Girls Rule, ipak nisu bili dovoljni da skrenu pažnju javnosti. Ubrzo nakon izlaska ovog albuma Martinez napušta bend, i na njegovo mesto dolazi prvobitni gitarista Hilel Slovak. Od pesama izdvojila se jedino "Hollywood (Africa)", koja se vrtelapo radio stanicam širom Evrope, dok u Americi nije imala mnogo uspeha.

Treći album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan izašao je u sptembru 1987. godine. Ovog puta producent je bio Majkl Bajnhorn. Ovo je jedini album u diskografiji Pepersa gde svira originalna postavka. Prvi singl i njihova najprepoznatljivija himna bila je pesma Fight Like A Brave. Ova pesma je 2001. iskorišćena u video igrici Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. Po prvi put album je ušao na listu najboljih 200 pesama. EMI nije činio mnogo da pomogne promociju albuma. Ipak njihov album, mešavina treš fanka, psihodelije i panka, omogućio im je turneju po Evropi. Problemi sa drogom, koji su potresali ovaj bend, i Hilelova odluka da se skine sa heroina, uticale su na njegovo sviranje. U jednom trenutku, Slovaka su ižbacili iž benda, a kada se činilo da su svi problemi rešeni, Slovak se vratio u bend i po povratku u Ameriku 28. juna 1988. Slovak je preminuo. Pronađen je u svom stanu,a u umro je od prevelike doze heroina. Nakon toga Ajrons napusta Peperse.

Entoni i Fli su odlučili da bend treba i dalje da postoji i krenuli su da traže nove članove. Na kratko u bend su došli Peligro(bubnjar) i Dvejn Meknajt(gitara). Njih su zamenili Čed Smit, od tada stalni član, i Džon Frušante. Četvrti po redu, album Mother's Milk, objavljen je avgusta 1989. Mother's Milk je energičan miks fanka, repa, metala i džeza. Jedna od pesam bila je i obrada Hendriksove pesme Fire, koja je ujedno i poslednja pesma koju je snimio Slovak. Knock Me Down je bila njihova prva pesma na top 10 listi,a obrada Vonderove pesmeHigher Ground, in druge uključujući Magic Johnson (posvećena njihovom omiljenom košarkaškom timu Los Angeles Lakers), Stone Cold Bush, i Pretty Little Ditty (koja je kasnije postala poznata kao Butterfly, a obradio ju je CrazyTown), donele su Pepersima ogromnu popularnost. Nakon toga imali su uspešnu turneju po Americi i Evropi.


Pobednički niz nastavljen je i devedesetim sa pesmom Show Me Your Soul(muzika iz filma Pretty Woman). Sledeće godinnj menjaju iždavačku kuću i potpisuju za Warner Brothers Records, a novi producent im je Rik Rubin. Blood Sugar Sex Magik je sniman u leto 1991. a septembra te godine je objavljen. Give It Away je prva pesma koja se nalažila na samom vrhu top lista, a Under The Bridge, Breaking the Girl i Suck My Kiss, doprinele su da se ovaj album proda u sedam miliona primeraka samo u Americi. Ovo je verovatno najbolji album i predstavlja mešavinu fanka, panka, metala, hip-hopa i bluza, pod odličnom produkcijoj Rika Rubina.

1994. EMI izdaje kompilaciju rariteta Out in L.A.

Velika slava koja im se desila,i pritisak koji je donela dovela je do nesuglasica Džona Frušantea sa ostalim članovima, njegovih problema sa drogom, i on donosi odluku da napusti bend i to za vreme turneje 1992. godine. Erik Maršal i Džes Tobijas su na kratko bili na mestu gitariste Red Hot Čili Pepersa, da bi na kraju Dejv Navaro(Jane's Addiction) ostao kao konačna Džonova zamena.

Jedini album sa Navarom bio je One Hot Minute (jesen 1995.). On se nije najbolje slagao sa ostatkom benda. Kao i na prethodnim albumima i ovde se može videti uticaj fanka, metala i džeza, ali se uticaj hevi metala i psihodelije žapaža mnogo više nego ranije. Pesma My Friends je bila na prvom mestu top lista, a dobro su prošle i Warped, Aeroplane,Coffee Shop i Shallow Be Thy Game. Hemije između Navara i ostalih članova nije bilo još od početka, i bilo je očigledno da ovo neće potrajati. Početkom 1998. Dejv Navaro napušta Peperse. One Hot Minute je prodat u više od četiri miliona kopija, što nije bilo loše obžirom na to da snimanje albuma nije išlo brzo, i bilo je prilično iscrpljujuće. Iako ovaj album sadrži neke od najboljljih pesama, on više predstavlja eksperimentalni projekat članova benda, nego pravi Red Hot Čili Pepers album. Pepersi na svojim nastupima ne ižvode često pesme sa ovog albuma, uglavnom zato što pesme ne odgovaraju Frušanteovom stilu, osim pesme Pea koju Fli izvodi ponekad.

Nakon izlečenja od narkomanije, Džon se 1998. vraća u bend, a izdaje i dva solo albuma. Sedmi, i najpoznatiji album Californication izlazi početkom 1999. godine.Sa pesmom Scar Tissue osvojili su Gremi,a Otherside, Californication bile si broj jedan.Odlično je prošle i pesme Around The World, Road Trippin i Parallel Universe(koja nije ni izbačena kao singl, a našla se među na prvom mestu). Turneja koja je pratila ovaj album trajala je skoro dve godine, sa koje se pamte mnogi nastupi(u Moskvi pred 200,000 ljudi),i sa kojeg su objavili prvi dvd cnimak koncerta−Off The Map.

Od 2000.godine do danas

Nakon povratka u studio, u novembru 2001. Pepersi izdaju album By The Way, koji je bio veliko iznenađenje, a za mnoge fanove i veliko razočaranje. Sa ovog, najmekšeg albuma koji su ikada izdali, izdvojile su se samo dve pesme By The Way i Can't Stop. Odlaze na dvogodišnju turneju nakon koje objavljuju još jedno dvd izdanje Live At Slane Castle 2003. godine, a kasnije i Greatest Hits, kompilaciju na kojoj se nalaze dve nove pesme Fortune Faded i Save The Population. 2004. godine izlazi njihov prvi živi audio snimak koncerta Live in Hyde Park, snimljenog tokom njihovog nastupa u londonskom Hajd Parku.

2005. godine završili su snimanje njihovog devetog albuma Stadium Arcadium čiji se izlazak očekuje 9. maja 2006. u Severnoj Americi, a dan ranije u Evropi. Na albumu će se naći 24 pesme, i vraćaju se svojim fank, pank, psihodelik i metal korenima. Neke od pesama su 21st Century, Tell Me Baby, Ready Made, Desecration Smile, Dani California (koja će biti prvi singl), Charlie, Wet Sand, Snow, Animal Farm, Only 18 i , po njihovim rečima, ovo će bit njihov najtvrđi album.

Do sada, Pepersi su prodali preko 40 miliona albuma širom sveta.

Izvor: Wikipedia


True Men Don't Kill Coyotes -1984

Hoo, Lord !

Well, I'm gonna ride a sabertooth horse
Through the Hollywood hills
The farther west, the farther out
Yeah, that's the way I feel
Well, I dig the dirt an' I dig the dust
I barbecue my meals

Ridin' wild on a paisley dragon
Through the Hollywood hills, yeah...
Huh, Hollywood hills

Well, I'm gonna ride a sabertooth horse
Through the Hollywood hills
Just don't show me anything
'cos that's the way I feel
Well, I dig the dirt an' I dig the dust
I barbecue my meals

Ridin' wild on a paisley dragon
Through the Hollywood hills, yeah...
Huh, Hollywood hills

Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes
He can taste his blood
An' blood never lies
Pale face die

True men don't kill coyotes
True men don't kill coyotes

Well, I'm gonna ride a sabertooth horse
Through the Hollywood hills
The farther west, the farther out
Yeah, that's the way I feel
Well, I dig the dirt an' I dig the dust
I barbecue my meals

Ridin' wild on a paisley dragon
Through the Hollywood hills, yeah...
Huh, Hollywood hills

Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes
He can taste his blood
An' blood never lies
Pale face die

True men don't kill coyotes
True men don't...

Well, I'm gonna ride a sabertooth horse
Through the Hollywood hills
Just don't tell me anything
'cos that's the way I feel
Well, I dig the dirt an' I dig the dust
I barbecue my meals

Ridin' wild on a paisley dragon
Through the Hollywood hills, yeah...
Huh, Hollywood hills

Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes
He can taste his blood
An' blood never lies
Pale face die

True men don't kill coyotes
True men don't...
True men don't kill coyotes
True men don't...
True men don't kill coyotes
True men don't...
back to top
Baby Appeal

On the city streets, I got the tunes in my pocket
I'll play the Chili Pepper so the public can rock
Excuse me mister, won't you hear my thought?
I play in a band, yeah, we're called the Red Hots
While I'm away, boy, I'm afraid not
I've got no time to flick and talk
But this baby rocked out on the spot
She was a shakin' and a kickin' and that did a bit of tot
Her pop said no, but I just couldn't stop
The killer had a case of tod the rock

But here's a funky fact that I know is real,
The Red Hots have baby appeal
They dig a funky speil, they'll make some speil
I say the Peppers have baby appeal
The funk mobile is the one we wheel
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
We serve those tots in the funk mobile
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal

We stop the fire, we quench the heat
We groove the buttocks walking out in the street
'cos that's when in the store when who do we meet?
On a hop skip jump up a baby beat
She was a shakin' and a kickin' those itty bitty feet
The next thing you know was she got out of her bleat
Five thousand babies walkin' out in the street
Well, that's a serious sight for me and golly gee wizz!
I just can't tell ya how much we did
Rockin' right out for those itty bitty girls, right out

But here's a funky fact that I know is real,
The Red Hots have baby appeal
They dig a funky speil, they'll make some speil
I say the Peppers have baby appeal
The funk mobile is the one we wheel
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
We serve those tots in the funk mobile
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal, so get down!

Got the tunes in my pocket...
Baby appeal...
Rock out!...
Play the chili, play the chili, play the chili...
Yes, we're called the Red...Hots...

On the city streets, I got the tunes in my pocket
I'll play the Chili Pepper so the public can rock
Excuse me mister, won't you hear my thought?
I play in a band, yeah, we're called the Red Hots
While I'm away, boy, I'm afraid not
I've got no time to flick and talk
But this baby rocked out on the spot
She was a shakin' and a kickin' and that did a bit of tot
Her pop said no, but I just couldn't stop
The killer had a case of tod the rock

But here's a funky fact that I know is real,
The Red Hots have baby appeal
They dig a funky speil, they'll make some speil
I say the Peppers have baby appeal
The funk mobile is the one we wheel
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
We serve those tots in the funk mobile
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
Buckle Down

On the ice
No holdin'
My soul
I want men
Not mice
No stoppin'
My throw

Get this!
Reds are
Back bills
Or play ball
Or just turn me loose

I know what's fight, in life, you better buckle down
Don't give up your fight, in life, you better buckle down
Two days with might, in life, you better buckle down
Leave dreams tonight, in life, you better buckle down
'Cos I know what's right!


I know, I know, I know what's right!
I know, I know, I know what's right!
I know, I know, I know what's right!
I know, I know, I know what's right!
Get Up And Jump
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Get up and jump, get up and jump, get up, get up, get up and jump
Jump on up
Jump on down
Just jump a jump a jump a jump a jump around
Jump the day away
Jump all over town
'cos jumpin' is O.K. in a jumpin' kinda way, hey hey!

Jump a boy
Jump a girl
Jump a rope
Jump for joy
Just don't stop jumpin'
Keep your heart muscle pumpin'
Hillel be jumpin' on that little baby frumpkin
Say what, You got a pumpkin in your pants?

When you're just standing or sitting still
Think about the frogs gettin' a thrill
Take a little lesson from the kangaroos
Don't you know they're jumpin' foos, jump you!

Jump a nun
Jump a Jack
Jump for fun
Jump back
How's about us jumpin' in the sack?
And now, it's time for a jump attack

Get up and jump (X8)

Jam Bob, Jim Bob, Slim Bob Boogie
To the tune of slima Billy
Lookin' like you're mighty silly
Say what, You got a pumpkin in your pants?
Say what, You got a pumpkin in your pants?

Mister Mexican jumpin' bean knows
His fun is skeaky clean
Christ, how'd ya think that he got so clean?
Not from sittin' on his goddamn spleen. Get up!

Oh, I be jumpin' I be jumpin' I be jumpin' alone
I be jumpin' for the phone
I be jumpin' Misses Jones
I really wanna jump on Kinski's bones

Get up and jump (X8)

Get up and jump (X8)

Jam Bob, Jim Bob, Slim Bob Boogie
To the tune of slima Billy
Lookin' like you're mighty silly
Say what, You got a pumpkin in your pants?
Say what, You got a pumpkin in your pants?
Why Don't You Love Me
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Why don't you love me like you used to do?
How come you treat me like a worn out shue
My hair's still curly and my eyes are still blue
So why don't you love me like you used to do?

Why don't you spot me like you used to do?
When you whisper sweet nothings like you used to do
I'm the same old trouble that you've always been through
So why don't you love me like you used to do?

Why don't you be the way you used to be?
How come you fight so many fights with me
Somebody changed, so lemme give you a clue
Why don't you love me like you used to do?

Why don't you say the things you used to say?
How come you treat me like a piece of clay
My hair's still curly and my eyes are still blue
So why don't you love me like you used to do?

You can't keep a lovin' and a huggin' and a kissin' and I don't know why...
We don't get near or further closer land of country mouths

I don't love like a huggin' and a kissin' and I don't know why...
We don't get near or further closer land of country mouths
Take the ball...

Green Heaven

About this planet, there is something I know
There's a very big difference between above and below
A friend foe, or bro, leave your body on the floor
Let your spirit fly away like the soul of a crow

Here, above land, man has laid his plan
And yes, it does include the Ku Klux Klan
We got a government so twisted and bent
Bombs, tanks and guns is how our money is spent
We got V.D., heroin, greed and prostitution
Tension, aggravation, L. Ron Hubbard solution
Not to mention hard-core chemical pollution
If you think you're just away, you're in a mental institution
And that's a heart felt shame
'Cos everyone's crazy, everyone's the same
So, why should only Larry, Curly and Moe be to blame?

Time now to take you to a different place
Where peace lovin' whales flow through liquid outer space
A groovin' and a gliddin' as graceful as lace
A never losing touch with the ocean's embrace
Diviner than the dolphin, that there is none
'Cause dolphins just-a like to have a lot of fun
No one tells 'em how their life is run
And no one points at them with a gun
They have a lot of love for every living creature
The smile of a dolphin is a built in feature
They be movin' in schools but everyone's the teacher
Someday mister dolphin, I know I'm go'n to meet you

Back to the land of the police man
Where he does whatever he says he can
Including hating you because you're a Jew
Or beating black ass, that's nothing new
Trigger happy cops, they just like to brawl
They use guns, clubs, gas, but that's not all
They got puke, ridden prisons and sex sick jails
**** the poor, if you're rich you pay the bail
So support your police, support your local wars
That's the way to open economic doors
Why do we do it? 'Cause the president's a whore
We assume the position to sell the ammunition
What the ****? It's the american tradition
Along with going fishin' apple pies in the kitchen
Isn't it bitchin' seeing dead men in ditches?
Mommy Where's Daddy

Mommy, where's daddy?
Mommy, where's daddy?

Right here, girl...
Sweet thing, you look so sad
Cheer up, don't you know your dad is bad
Give daddy a kiss, girl
Oh, dad

There ain't no problem I can't face, 'cos
Your daddy's got a bigger bag of tricks
Give daddy a kiss, girl
Oh, dad

Mommy, where's daddy?
Mommy, where's daddy?

Come on, sit on your daddy's lap 'cos
I'm the one who pats your back
Give daddy a kiss, girl
Oh, dad

Lemme see now where to begin
Lemme start by tuckin' you in
Give daddy a kiss, girl
Oh, dad

Mommy, where's daddy?
Out In L.A.
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We're all a bunch of brothers livin' in a cool way
Along with six million others in this place called L.A.

L.A. is the place, sets my mind ablaze
For me, it's a race through a cotton pic*in' maze

The town makes me jump, it's got a bunch of bad chicks
Well sure, it's got some chumps but I still get my kicks
My body loves to scrump when I lick the ripe pic*
Like a come on a thumb
Poppin' hump, hump, hump, pop out

The action never stops, I'm as wild as can be
'Cos I'm shooting for the top and my best friend is Flea
Oom Chucka Willy knew the balls to pop
But he never met the Tree so he never be-bopped out hop!

Antwan the Swan, from the pretty fish pond
Was a bad mother jumper, you could tell he was strong
He war a cold paisley jacket and a hellified hat
And between his legs was a sweat young lass

He threw a hundred women up against the wall
And he swore to fear that he'd love 'em all
By the time he got to ninety nine, he had to stop
Because that's when he thought that he heard a phone

Last night and the night before, I heard a
Fop outside, then I came in doors
Freak out!

Now that I told you a little something about the Flea
A little something about the Tree, a little something about me
I can't leave you hangin' but my man Shermzy, he swings the yang, he bangs the yang
And now, it's time to hear him do his playin', you better be burning Sherman!

We're all a bunch of brothers livin' in a cool way
Along with six million others in this place called L.A.

Step out!
1985 Freaky Styley

Jungle Man
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Deep inside the soul hole
Of Mother Earth
Father Time came
With a supersonic supersonic burst
His soul monkey sperm tribes
Racing to be first
Her ruby fruit jungle
Givin' bush baby bush baby birth
The baby was a boy
But I think what stunned her
Is that this bare breasted baby
Was a baby boy boy boy boy wonder
Crackin' from his thumb bone
Came thelonious thunder
Fill the sky with hellfire
From way down down down under

I am a jungle man
I am a jungle man
I am a jungle man
I get all the bush I can

Erupting from the ground
In hollywood he glowed
His jungle turned to concrete
His funk bone bone bone bone to stone
Like a full blown volcano
I must let it be known
That through this boy's vein
Atomic lava blood flows and flows
His soul shocking sounds
They make the mountains moan
This boy's become a man
It's time to take take take
Take the throne

I am a jungle man
I am a jungle man
I am a jungle man
I get all the bush I can
Hollywood (Africa)
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Take me back
Hold my hand
All the way back
To the brotherland
Take me back
I want to go back

Take me back
And my funky ass band
All the way back
To the broherland
Take me back

I want to go
As fast as I can
Slidin' on back
To the brotherland
Now children

I want to get up and go
With my funky ass jams
All the way back
To the broherland
Take me back
I want to go back


Where the women
Is the women
And the man
Is the man

I want to go
As fast as I can
Slidin' on back
To the brotherland
Now children
American Ghost Dance
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Oh give me a home
Where the buffalo roam
And the death of a race is a game
Where seldom is heard
A peacable word
>From the white trash
Who killed as they came
Though these words dig deep
They offer no relief
God save the queen
I am an indian chief
There is a secret I keep
It's called the talking leaf
And you better believe
That he speaks his beliefs
Like a rock that bleeds
A sea of grief
My talking leaf speaks of
A wounded knee creek

American ghost dance...

A new man who is with old ways
He walks the streets of life
But he's in chains
I'm alive he cried
I can feel the flame
Burning red inside
I am an indian brave
There is a memory
That lives in my blood
Of the brand you laid
On all you touched
But the burning flame
Turns to burning pain
Genuine genocide
And that's truly insane
So like a wild hurricane
I will dance on the grave
Of my race that died
When it should have been saved

American ghost dance...
If You Want Me To Stay (Sly Stone)

If you want me to stay
I'll be around today
To be available for you to see
I'm about to go there
Then you'll know
For me to stay here
I've got to be me
You'll never be in doubt
That's what it's all about
You can't take me for granted and smile
Count the days I'm gone
Forget reachin' me by phone
Cause I promise
I'll be gone for a while
And when you see me again
I hope that you have been
The kind of person
That you really are now
You got to get it straight
How could I ever be late
When you're my woman
Taking up my time
Oh how could I ever allow
I guess I wonder how
I could get out a pocket for fun
When you know that
You're never number two
Number one's gonna be number one

I'll be good
I wish I could
Get this message over to you now

When you see me again
I hope that you have been
The kind of person
That you really are now
I'll be so good
I wish I could
Get this message over to you now

Get this message over to you now
I'll be so good
I wish I could

Nevermind the Pac Jam
Nevermind the Gap Band
Nevermind the Zap Band
Nevermind the Funk Scam
Cause we're
The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Nevermind the British bands
Nevermind the Synth Funk bands
Nevermind the Wham Wham band
Nevermind Duran Duran
Cause we're
The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Nevermind the Soft Cell shit
That's strictly for the twits
Nevermind the Men At Work
Those tunes are for the jerks
Cause we're
The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Nevermind Hall and Oates
Those guys are a couple of goats
Nevermind the Culture Club
That jive's just one big flub
Cause we're
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Blackeyed Blonde

Pumpin' the blood through the heart of New Orleans
She's the mystic heat of the Bourbon street dream
She's just made out of flesh and bones
But let me tell you little boy
You better leave her alone

Leroy Brown thought he was bad too
'till she left him floatin' in the old bayou
She's the kind of girl
She's built like a bomb
She's the blackeyed blackeyed
Blackeyed blonde, Get down !

That blackeyed beauty with the golden crotch
French electric sex a cock shocking swamp fox
Heaten queen of sleeze she's hot to box
But let me tell you little boy
She'll clean your clock

A slick and sly spy
Stuck in the muck of the moat
Blew his mind to find a diamond in the boat
Double-o-dooms day for Mr. James Bond
She's the blackeyed blackeyed
Blackeyed blonde, Get down !
The Brothers Cup

Give it up to this planet full of strife
We're the brothers cup cuttin' sharp as a knife
With the pop of a snap and the flip of a flap
The cups went up like a natural fact

It was our shoulder space
That made the perfect place
For the magic of the cup
To style out with grace
With a tight turn twist
And a slight swerve swank
The brothers cup kissed
With a kick ass clank

We are the brothers cup
We like to get it up
We are the brothers cup
We like to get it up

Give it up to this planet full of strife
We're the brothers cup cuttin' sharp as a knife
With the pop of a snap and the flip of a flap
The cups went up like a natural fact

So love all your brothers
And love all your sisters
Love all the misses
And love all the misters
Don't be shy when you're sharin' your kisses
The brothers cup kiss
And we ain't sissies

It is our notion that the perfect peace potion
Can be found in the wake of the green sea's motion
The long rocking swell of the mighty blue ocean
Is the cradle of peace it's the perfect peace motion

Give it up to this planet full of strife
We're the brothers cup cuttin' sharp as a knife

With the power of the cup we are about to astound
All your preconceptions they will come unbound
We are the brothers cup coming to your town
Bringing tubs of love we're going to spread it around
Catholic School Girls Rule

Catholic school girls rule...

In the class she's taking notes
Just how deep deep is my throat
Mother Mary don't you know
She's got eyes like Marylin Monroe

Catholic school girls rule...

From the cross she's raised her head
This is what the sister said
Give no love until you're wed
Live no life until you're dead

The good books says we must suppress
The good books says we must confess
But who cares what the good books says
Cause now she's taking off her dress

Catholic school girls rule...

Lead us into temptation
We are pure divine creation
Talkin' about my generation
Injected with the seed of emaculation
Catholic !
Yertle The Turtle

(lyrics by Dr. Seuss)

On a far away island
of Salamasond
Yertle the turtle
Was king of the pond
A nice little pond
It was clean it was neat
The water was warm
There was plenty to eat
Until one day
The king of them all
Decided the kingdom
He ruled was too small
I'm a ruler of all that I see
But I don't see enough
And that's the trouble with me

With this stone for a throne
I am too low down
I cannot look down
Upon the places beyond
So Yertle the turtle king
Lifted his hand
And Yertle the turtle king
Lifted his hand
He ordered all the turtles
Onto one another's back
He piled them high
Into a ten turtle stack
I'm Yertle the turtle
The things I now rule
I'm king of a cow
I'm king of a mule

Then down from below
In the great turtle stack
Came a burp from a plain
Little turtle named Mack
Just part of the throne
This burpin' little turtle
Looked up and said "I beg
Your pardon king Yertle"
I've pains in my back
My shoulders and my knees
How long must we stand
Here your majesty
"Silence !" the king of the
Turtles barked back
To the bad burpin'
Little turtle named Mack
I'm Yertle the turtle
Oh marvelous me for
I am ruler of all that I see

Yertle, Yertle the turtle...
Yertle, Yertle the turtle...
Good Time Boys

indeed it may seem that we have strange ways
but we do it with compassion and don't believe in age
travel round the world gettin naked on the stage
bustin' people out of their everyday cage
we like to think we make a sad man happy
and we like to make proud our mammy and our pappy
funky young kings we sing of truth and soul
we're the modern day braves with one strong hold
through the world of song our boldness is exposed
i'm talkin' 'bout my buddy's funk it up fishbone
good good time boys make me feel good
give me good times yea yea yea yea
our devotion to emotion is more than evident
to the minds that are open it's you we represent
we hope you have enjoyed the time that you have spent
one day the good time boys that might jest be president
like a pack of mad hatters who come from outer space
our swinging's gonna shatter every stone cold face
now you may not know the exact reason why
a band commands attention from the mountains and the sky
makin' more that money more than money can buy
i stop! and take a listen to the monsters try
good good time boys make me feel good
give me good times yea yea yea yea
if you don't believe me you can ask john doe
'cause his heart is made of glory and his voice is made of gold
he'll tell you in a minute about the men he knows
he'll tell you 'bout the band called fire hose
to those of you who doubt the nature of our spirit
we play it out loud for everyone to hear it
building up our brains with the supernatural powers
we take it from the trees and the mighty watts towers
aim the flame of freedom at the lames and sours
we're the best of the west and the west is ours
good good time boys make me feel good
give me good times yea yea yea yea
Subway To Venus

step right up and listen please
you're gonna get it with the greatest of ease
everybody gather round all aboard the underground
you've got to get in before you get out
and gettin' out is what it's gonna be about
if you find that you are blind
open your bashful mind
let my band step inside
and take you on a cosmic ride
with honest sounds i'll paint your brain
for in this song i do proclaim
that once aboard this moving train
i'll do my best to ease your pain
slinky as my speech may be
on this trip you'll ride for free
this axis bold as love you see comes and goes so easily
space is king or so i sing, subway to venus
once aboard and feeling smooth
like a liquid you will ooze
into a state of mind that soothes
aw be my quest inside my grove
cause what i've got to give to you
is gonna make you wiggle like a wiggley worm
cause you deserve to wiggle and squirm
life's too short to be in a hole
so bust into your funkiest stroll
space is king or so i sing, subway to venus
take your body shake it around
do the dog on the ground
and if i can't make you dance
i guess i'll just have to make you piss your pants
space is king or so i sing, subway to venus
Magic Johnson

l. a. lakers fast break makers
kinds of the court shake and bake all takers
back to back is a bad ass fact a claim that remains in tact
m-a-g-i-c see you on the court
buck has come to play his way and his way is to thwart
m-a-g-i-c magic of the buck
other teams pray for dreams
but he don't give a [****]
penetrating the lane like a bullet train
comes the magic blood a telepathic brain
knucklehead suckers better duck
when the buck comes through like a truck
scott stops pops and drops it in
on his way back gets a little skin
from the hand of a man named a. c. green
slam so hard break your t.v. screen
worthy's hot with his tomahawk
take it to the hole make your mamma talk
i hate to burst your bubble but triple double trouble
is coming to your town and he's going to make rubble
l. a. lakers fast break makers
kings of the court shake and bake all takers
back to back is a bad ass fact a claim that remains in tact
lakers are the team that i watch on the telly
cause they got more moves
that a bowl full of jelly
the buck stops here - pops - then cheers
a roar through the forum
that deafens my ears
the one and only know if his kind
sits in a throne
not for the records that he holds
but for being bald and bold
kareem abdul jabbar
all time great super super star
i hate to burst your bubble but triple double trouble
is coming to your town and he's going to make rubble
does anybody want some magic johnson
l. a. lakers fast break makers
kings of the court shake and bake all takers
back to back is a bad ass fact a claim that remains in tact
