Da li podržavate Gadafija?

  • Ukupno glasova
  • Anketa je zatvorena .
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
AN SAS unit of up to eight men was last night reported to have been captured by Libyan rebels as they escorted a British diplomat through the east of the country.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/most-p...-his-home-town-115875-22969364/#ixzz1FodEuYlJ
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information

The news came as troops led by one of Colonel Gaddafi’s sons massacred civilians yesterday – while rebels closed in on the Libyan tyrant’s home town.

Militia loyal to the dictator’s son Khamis shelled the rebel-held city of Zawiyah – 30 miles west of capital Tripoli – before moving in with more than 20 tanks.

Witnesses to the Zawiyah massacre said at least 30 people, ­including women and children, were killed as tanks blasted apartments, cars and ­ambulances trying to reach the wounded, and troops dragged people from their homes.

Desperate resident Abu Akeel said: “The tanks are shelling everything in their way, houses, a mosque where ­hundreds of people are hiding. We can’t rescue anyone, the shelling is so heavy.”

But rebels claimed they had captured at least five tanks and other vehicles.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/most-p...-his-home-town-115875-22969364/#ixzz1FodIyVD8
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information


bezni zbog poraza i hvatanja njihovih TERORISTA IZ SAS-a :super:
britanski i americki spijuni u Libiji nude 10 miliona funti za Gadafijevu glavu!

A whopping 10 million pounds bounty has been placed on the head of Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. The reward is being offered by special agents to the Libyan who can deliver them Gaddafi-dead or alive. British and US spies are in Libya with bundles of cash to tempt Gaddafi's closest bo
dyguards and aides to turn hitman or hand him over.

"There is about 10 million pounds from the Brits and Americans to make it happen. They have infiltrated his closest body- guards. With the right people together it could happen in days," the Daily Star quoted a well-placed security source as saying.

"The important thing is this has to be done by Libyans. We cannot have British fingerprints on this. It's up to the Libyans and there is an open cheque book.

"The spooks are spending a fortune out there. It's serious money for serious people who can make this happen. Money is no object," said the source.

Handfuls of notes have also being given out to turn Gaddafi's closest aides -especially his military staff.

The source added, "Gaddafi keeps moving so it is difficult to get close. This plan needs the military on board as they are closest to Gaddafi. They have already signed up people lower down and want more senior people, as many as they can get."


Satro mora da ga ubije Libijac da bi to bilo "demokratski"

britanski i americki spijuni u Libiji nude 10 miliona funti za Gadafijevu glavu!

A whopping 10 million pounds bounty has been placed on the head of Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. The reward is being offered by special agents to the Libyan who can deliver them Gaddafi-dead or alive. British and US spies are in Libya with bundles of cash to tempt Gaddafi's closest bo
dyguards and aides to turn hitman or hand him over.

"There is about 10 million pounds from the Brits and Americans to make it happen. They have infiltrated his closest body- guards. With the right people together it could happen in days," the Daily Star quoted a well-placed security source as saying.

"The important thing is this has to be done by Libyans. We cannot have British fingerprints on this. It's up to the Libyans and there is an open cheque book.

"The spooks are spending a fortune out there. It's serious money for serious people who can make this happen. Money is no object," said the source.

Handfuls of notes have also being given out to turn Gaddafi's closest aides -especially his military staff.

The source added, "Gaddafi keeps moving so it is difficult to get close. This plan needs the military on board as they are closest to Gaddafi. They have already signed up people lower down and want more senior people, as many as they can get."


Satro mora da ga ubije Libijac da bi to bilo "demokratski"


У сунце им калаЈисано - па између њих и Хитлера чак и БУКВАЛНО НЕМА НИКАКВЕ РАЗЛИКЕ ???:dash::dash::dash:
У сунце им калаЈисано - па између њих и Хитлера чак и БУКВАЛНО НЕМА НИКАКВЕ РАЗЛИКЕ ???:dash::dash::dash:

pa ja sam to i napisao.

otvori sam bio temu neoliberalni fasizam u srbiji demokratske stranke

sa sve linkom i tekstom i objasnjenjem

i neki moderator mi obrisa temu

bez reci

sad cu da se zalim tabu503 zbog tog grubog krsenja pravilnika krstarice.

neomascen :super:

Ne ide to tako brate .... Sta ako je kolac nesterilan ..a HIV vreba .. pa dodze do neke infekcije .. :think:

:idea: Libijci nabijanje treba da izvedu civilizovano i uz postovanje najvisih evropskih i ekoloskih standarda ... i da na kolac obavezno stave XXXXXL ku*ton :rtfm:... u suprotnom ce biti izlozeni nevidjenom medijskom klincu ...
Cujem pucalo se u Tripoliju u blizini Gadafijeve rezidencije!
istovremeno i vest o zarobljenim britanskim specijalcima!
verovatno su americke i britanske specijalne jedinice pokusale operaciju ubistva Gadafija pa su potuceni do nogu i u toj bici su zarobljeni ovi SAS-ovci

Штоно написа један "паметан" лик на 94. страници ове теме: "....Ни либијски специјалци и командоси нису балерине него одлично припремљени војници управо за такве ситуације! Ко ће да их (НАТО специјалце) "вади" из гв...на ако се заглибе у Либији..."! И такооо.... сада Пуковник има "ситниш за поткусуривање", ваљаће му они када дође до нагодби и свођења рачуна. А за колац... има посебна тема на историји о томе а и један пост о "Баба Новаку његовим саборцима...". на жалост та времена су прошла а оних који такве казне заслужују, нажалост, има и данас! :rtfm: СТРАШНО!
amerikanci i britanci i dalje zele da nad britanijom uspostave zonu zabranjenog leta

a da bi to uspeli moraju prvo da uniste libijsku protivvazdusnu odbranu

libijski vojni aerodromi su u dubini libijske pustinje daleko od obale

i to predstavlja prepreku

zato za sada - cute :super:
ovo hapsenje SAS-ovaca je zestoka pobeda za Libijsku drzavu

sada treba da ih prikazu na svim televizijama da narod shvati da pobuna nije "spontana" vec organizovana od strane zapada i da za cilj ima otimanje nafte libijskom narodu
Штоно написа један "паметан" лик на 94. страници ове теме: "....Ни либијски специјалци и командоси нису балерине него одлично припремљени војници управо за такве ситуације! Ко ће да их (НАТО специјалце) "вади" из гв...на ако се заглибе у Либији..."! И такооо.... сада Пуковник има "ситниш за поткусуривање", ваљаће му они када дође до нагодби и свођења рачуна. А за колац... има посебна тема на историји о томе а и један пост о "Баба Новаку његовим саборцима...". на жалост та времена су прошла а оних који такве казне заслужују, нажалост, има и данас! :rtfm: СТРАШНО!

Ма нееее, пустиће их он ко Слободан ономад оне Американце!

Gadafijeve snage zarobile odred SAS-ovaca i "mladjeg britanskog diplomatu" !

Opet lažeš Aco?:)

Mada, obzirom da su rusofil, znam da je to jače od tebe.:hahaha:

SAS-ovce i "diplomatu" nisu zarobile Gadafijeve snage već opozicioni borci.

British SAS Unit 'Captured' in Libya by Rebel Forces

LONDON, March 6 (Reuters) - British SAS soldiers and a junior diplomat are in the custody of Libyan rebels, Britain's Sunday Times reported.
The team of up to eight SAS soldiers, were intercepted by Libyan freedom fighters as they escorted the junior diplomat through rebel-held territory, the newspaper said.
The Foreign Office said it could neither "confirm or deny" the report.
The intervention of British SAS soldiers has apparently angered Libyan opposition figures, who fear that Gadaffi will use any hint of Western intervention to rally patriotic support away from their cause.
The soldiers are locked up on a military base, according to the Sunday Times.
Libyan sources, report the Sunday Times, have said the troops were taken by rebels to Benghazi, Libya's second largest city and epicentre of the insurrection.
There they were reportedly taken before one of its senior politicians for questioning.
The paper said the junior diplomat they were escorting was leading the way for a visit by a more senior colleague in an attempt to establish diplomatic relations with the freedom fighters.
The Sunday Times reported that Libyan opposition officials were trying to keep the incident quiet for fear of anger from ordinary Libyans.
Meanwhile, back in England, where the SAS mission was mocked as an embarassement, the point seems to have been missed that the SAS had indeed achieved their mission, which was to make contact with rebels.
Had the highly-trained SAS team wished to resist capture they would have certainly done so, with the result being they would have likely slain the freedom fighters that they had come to help.
Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

December 2010 Import Highlights: Released February 25, 2011
Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in December 2010 has been released and it shows that four countries exported more than 1,000 thousand barrels per day to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 72 percent of United States crude oil imports in December while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 88 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of US crude oil imports for December were Canada (2,064 thousand barrels per day), Mexico (1,223 thousand barrels per day), Saudi Arabia (1,076 thousand barrels per day), Nigeria (1,024 thousand barrels per day), and Venezuela (825 thousand barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (336 thousand barrels per day), Angola (307 thousand barrels per day), Brazil (271 thousand barrels per day), Algeria (262 thousand barrels per day), and Colombia (220 thousand barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 8,631 thousand barrels per day in December, which is an increase of 23 thousand barrels per day from November 2010.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in December, exporting 2,713 thousand barrels per day to the United States, which is an increase from last month (2,510 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Mexico with 1,365 thousand barrels per day.
Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Dec-10 Nov-10 YTD 2010 Dec-09 YTD 2009
CANADA 2,064 1,975 1,972 2,104 1,943
MEXICO 1,223 1,229 1,140 1,063 1,092
SAUDI ARABIA 1,076 1,119 1,080 870 980
NIGERIA 1,024 806 986 1,020 776
VENEZUELA 825 884 912 772 951
IRAQ 336 340 414 325 449
ANGOLA 307 263 380 266 448
BRAZIL 271 188 254 181 295
ALGERIA 262 379 325 336 281
COLOMBIA 220 489 338 179 251
ECUADOR 192 188 195 86 181
RUSSIA 158 85 252 168 230
KUWAIT 125 170 195 160 180

NidDJe Bliskog Istoka - bas kao da su znali ... :whistling:

Prebacili kupovinu na druge lokacije pa im sad lako paliti pozare - ionako ce ceh platiti konkurenti dolara - EU , Kina i Japan ...

Jednim metkom 4 zeca ...
AN SAS unit of up to eight men was last night reported to have been captured by Libyan rebels as they escorted a British diplomat through the east of the country.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/most-p...-his-home-town-115875-22969364/#ixzz1FodEuYlJ
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information

The news came as troops led by one of Colonel Gaddafi’s sons massacred civilians yesterday – while rebels closed in on the Libyan tyrant’s home town.

Militia loyal to the dictator’s son Khamis shelled the rebel-held city of Zawiyah – 30 miles west of capital Tripoli – before moving in with more than 20 tanks.

Witnesses to the Zawiyah massacre said at least 30 people, ­including women and children, were killed as tanks blasted apartments, cars and ­ambulances trying to reach the wounded, and troops dragged people from their homes.

Desperate resident Abu Akeel said: “The tanks are shelling everything in their way, houses, a mosque where ­hundreds of people are hiding. We can’t rescue anyone, the shelling is so heavy.”

But rebels claimed they had captured at least five tanks and other vehicles.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/most-p...-his-home-town-115875-22969364/#ixzz1FodIyVD8
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information


bezni zbog poraza i hvatanja njihovih TERORISTA IZ SAS-a :super:

Jesi li ti Tihi pismen? Zar ne vidiš da u tekstu piše da su ih
uhapsili "pobunjenici"(rebels)?:hahaha:
Poslednja izmena:
Gadafijeve snage zarobile odred SAS-ovaca i "mladjeg britanskog diplomatu" !

Aaaaa... izgleda suprotno : POBUNJENICI SU ZAROBILI SAS-ovce :)

Kažu da Britanska vlada vodi pregovore sa pobunjenicima da ih oslobode( i ne zakolju).

UK negotiating to free captured troops, Libya rebels say

Benghazi, Libya (CNN) -- Negotiations between senior British officials and senior opposition leaders in Libya were underway Sunday to secure the release of eight British special forces troops detained in eastern Libya by opposition forces, two sources close to the opposition told CNN.

In an interview with BBC, British Defense Secretary Liam Fox would not confirm that British troops were detained.

"We have a small British diplomatic team in Benghazi," Fox said. "We are in touch with them. I can't say more."

He refused to elaborate when questioned repeatedly by the BBC's Andrew Marr about the reported capture of the British troops.

The Sunday Times of London reported that the unit of "up to eight men" was being held after "a secret mission to put British diplomats in touch with leading opponents of Moammar Gadhafi ended in humiliation."

British Prime Minister David Cameron said last week his government wanted to contact the opposition to find out who they were and what they wanted.

The newspaper cites unnamed "Libyan sources."
Ouveštaj sa fronta:

Pobunjenici su priznalid a su se povukli iz grada Ben Jawad-a. U Tripoliju, kako javljaju RIA Novosti veliko slavlje jer su oslobodjena dva veća grada i borbe se vode za Ras Lanuf
ovo hapsenje SAS-ovaca je zestoka pobeda za Libijsku drzavu

sada treba da ih prikazu na svim televizijama da narod shvati da pobuna nije "spontana" vec organizovana od strane zapada i da za cilj ima otimanje nafte libijskom narodu

Ахахаха....... бедуин им је *ебо кеву, онако лаганица..... пустињски.....:rotf::rotf::rotf:

Opet ste se ispalili. Ne znam kako vam ne dosadi?:hahaha::rotf:
Pripadnici Al Kaide ubili četiri vojnika u Jemenu
Politika - Pre 26 minuta
SANA - Napadači za koje se veruje da su pripadnici Al Kaide ubili su danas četiri vojnika jemenske republikanske garde, istočno od prestonice Sane, saopštili su lokalni zvaničnici.

Napadači su otvorili vatru na vojnike u kamionu u blizini mesta Marib, oko 170 kilometara istočno od Sane, prenosi AFP.

"Napad je nosio obeležja Al Kaide", naveli su zvaničnici.

U istoj oblasti krajem februara u obračunu sa islamistima ubijeno je pet ljudi, među kojima trojica vojnika, saopštilo je ministarstvo odbrane Jemena.

Zvaničnik Stejt departmenta je prošlog meseca opisao ogranak Al Kaide na Arabijskom poluostrvu, čija je baza u Jemenu, kao "najznačajniju pretnju" po američku bezbednost, podsetio je AFP.

Jel onomad Gadafi optuzivao kaidu.
AN SAS unit of up to eight men was last night reported to have been captured by Libyan rebels as they escorted a British diplomat through the east of the country.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/most-p...-his-home-town-115875-22969364/#ixzz1FodEuYlJ
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information

The news came as troops led by one of Colonel Gaddafi’s sons massacred civilians yesterday – while rebels closed in on the Libyan tyrant’s home town.

Militia loyal to the dictator’s son Khamis shelled the rebel-held city of Zawiyah – 30 miles west of capital Tripoli – before moving in with more than 20 tanks.

Witnesses to the Zawiyah massacre said at least 30 people, ­including women and children, were killed as tanks blasted apartments, cars and ­ambulances trying to reach the wounded, and troops dragged people from their homes.

Desperate resident Abu Akeel said: “The tanks are shelling everything in their way, houses, a mosque where ­hundreds of people are hiding. We can’t rescue anyone, the shelling is so heavy.”

But rebels claimed they had captured at least five tanks and other vehicles.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/most-p...-his-home-town-115875-22969364/#ixzz1FodIyVD8
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information


bezni zbog poraza i hvatanja njihovih TERORISTA IZ SAS-a :super:

E TAKO! Sada tih 8 Engleza i ona 3 Holandjana vezati za 11 potencijalnih meta NATO bombardovanja u Tripoliju i gde vec... pa da vidimo da li ce smeti da gadjaju te mete..
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
