Протест противу 5Г мреже, 25. јануара 2020, у Србији и Београду

Ја вас да питам ГДЕ И КАДА ће се одржати тај протест уопште? Организатор, који постоји, још се није јавно огласио, а ево 25.01 већ стиже полако!
Значи, БИЋЕ, пријављени смо, као земља, ал где и кад?



Protests will take place in many countries on Saturday, January 25, 2020. This is the first Global Day of Protest against 5G. It is only the first of more to come until our voices are heard and the irradiation of the Earth is stopped. In the days leading up to January 25, the 5G Space Appeal, with over 3,300 pages of signatures, will be delivered in person to many governments.

This threat to life on Earth is more immediate than climate change. If we want our children to have enough of a future even to fight climate change, our society must stop pretending that radio waves are harmless and that wireless technology is safe. It is not. It must end. If you want to be able to live a full and vibrant life again, without the aid of sleeping pills, antianxiety medications, or antidepressants; to eat whatever you want without the risk of diabetes or heart disease; to see the great nations of birds and bees recover their populations, you must throw away your cell phones.

You cannot hold a cell phone near your body, even for a few minutes, without damaging your nervous system and your cells. You cannot expect to use a cell phone in an emergency without the entire wireless infrastructure of the world being there, including all the towers and satellites. The demand for wireless communication and the revenue from wireless devices is tremendous; it is what is fueling, and paying for, 5G. If we want to stop 5G, but we won’t give up our cell phones, it is not going to happen, and we will shortly not have a planet to live on.

Public protests are planned for January 25, 2020 in Durban, South Africa; Canberra and Sydney, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; Torino, Bologna, Ravenna and other locations in Italy; London, Edinburgh, Isle of Man and other locations in the United Kingdom; Washington, DC, New York City, Hawaii and other locations in the United States; Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and other locations in Canada; and in Belgium, Bermuda, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and other countries. The list is growing daily. Information about events in your country, including Facebook pages and email contacts, is available on the Stop 5G International website, here: https://stop5ginternational.org/5g-protest-day. You can also contact team@stop5ginternational.org for updates.

60 More Satellites Were Launched Today

This evening at 9:19 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, SpaceX launched another 60 satellites on a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. This brings the number of SpaceX’s “Starlink” satellites orbiting the Earth up to 180. SpaceX plans to continue launching 60 satellites at a time, twice a month, for the foreseeable future. It intends to begin supplying 5G from space as soon as at least 420 satellites are in orbit and the Federal Communications Commission has approved its application to sell one million user devices to the American public. The FCC, to date, has not approved that application.

The Cellular Phone Task Force has posted a summary describing the satellite plans by SpaceX and seven other companies; how the satellites will be integrated into the global wireless network; and the expected effects on health and environment.

125 Cities in Italy Oppose 5G

Alleanza Italiana Stop 5G has published on its website a list of 125 municipalities in Italy that have passed resolutions or ordinances opposing 5G.

Italian astrophysicist Stefano Gallozzi is organizing a protest by Italy's scientific community against SpaceX's Starlink satellites because they will interfere with astronomers' observations of the stars, and will especially interfere with radio astronomy telescopes. Gallozzi is also the co-administrator of Stop 5G Italia, which has more than 10,000 members and is helping to organize events in Italian cities for January 25.

Update on the Federal Lawsuit in New Mexico

From 2016 to 2018, New Mexicans for Utility Safety worked with other organizations to defeat smart meters in much of our state. As a result, there are no smart meters in New Mexico’s major cities and surroundings.

In December 2018, the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety filed a lawsuit against the City of Santa Fe, the State of New Mexico, and the United States of America in federal district court. We are asking the court to declare that city, state and federal laws that effectively mandate 5G and deprive the public of the right to protect themselves from injury to their health, property and environment, are unconstitutional.

Briefing on our motion for preliminary injunction, in which we have asked the court to order that no antennas be built on the sidewalks in Santa Fe before trial, was completed on October 1, 2019. We are waiting to see what the court will do. So are the telecommunications companies. So far, in Santa Fe, there are no antennas on the sidewalks.

Press Release about the Global Day of Protest

A press release about the Global Day of Protest was posted today on the website of Stop 5G International. Please download it, translate it, and send it to local and national newspapers and other media in your country before January 25.

Other News

Green Street Radio interviewed me on Friday for WBAI in New York City. The 45-minute interview about 5G, satellites, and wireless technology will be broadcast on WBAI, 99.5 FM, and streamed live, tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.

My book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, is being published in paperback by Chelsea Green. It will be available for sale by Chelsea Green on March 3, 2020. I still have about 430 copies of the hardcover edition of The Invisible Rainbow left. They can be purchased here: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/buy-the-invisible-rainbow.

The Invisible Rainbow is the first book that tells the history of electricity from an environmental point of view, including chapters on heart disease, diabetes and cancer, as well as a chapter on bees, birds and forests. The book begins in the year 1746 and gives the background that is necessary in order to understand what is happening today. It is an engrossing story, written in the spirit of Silent Spring.
Donations in any amount are welcome and are used where most needed to support the global effort to stop 5G. This includes paying for lawyers, expert witnesses, web designer, web developer, email services, computer time, office supplies, phone bills, printing costs, and other necessary expenses. Sufficient funds would also pay for publicity for our cause and for clerical help, which are much needed. All donations go to Cellular Phone Task Force Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and are tax-deductible for U.S. residents. Our Tax ID Number is 11-3394550.

Arthur Firstenberg, Administrator
International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Tel: +1 505-471-0129
Email: info@cellphonetaskforce.org
Gotovo je, Kina ukida razvoj 5G tehnologija zbog protesta u Beogradu.

Ne samo BGD, već širom sveta

Please email us your event and we will post it on the website. Include: time, location, city, country and email contact.

Send to team@stop5ginternational.org


  1. AUSTRALIA – Canberra | Two events, one in front of the Parliament House and one in the city square | Contact emails: jolanta.gallagher@iinet.net.au and molly.knight@gmail.com.
  2. AUSTRALIA – Sydney | Stop 5G Sydney | Sydney Town Hall, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm | Contact emails: naomicook@hotmail.com and hello@mercywolf.com
  3. BELGIUM – For information about events, contact, ondes.brussels@gmail.com.
  4. BERMUDA – Bermuda Advocates for Safe Technology (BAST) is planning to submit the Appeal to the government on January 25 | Contact email: bastinbermuda@gmail.com.
  5. CANADA – A demonstration is planned in Montreal. Please see, https://www.facebook.com/events/593782944721627/
    If you wish to organize a protest in other Canadian cities, you may contact Jean Hudon at, contact@stopponsla5g.cqlpe.ca
  6. CYPRUS Cyprus – Contact email: info.emfCyprus@gmail.com.
  9. DENMARK – Aarhus: https://www.facebook.com/events/2522158571374123/
  10. DENMARK – Helsingor: https://www.facebook.com/events/2172692383039116/
  11. FINLAND – Contact email: Kaisa Ahokainen, kaisa.ahokainen@gmail.com
  12. GERMANY – Munchen | Burgerinitiative Stopp5G Munchen | Contact email: stopp5gmuenchen@posteo.de
    Also, Contact email: go.h.e@t-online.de.
  14. IRELAND – Dublin | St. Stephens Green – Main entrance
  15. ITALY – Alleanza Italiana Stop 5G | Email contact: stop5meeting@gmail.com.
    Torino | Flyer: https://stop5ginternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/NEW-EVENT-TORINO.jpg
    Bologna | Flyer: https://stop5ginternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/NEW-EVENT-BOLOGNA.png
  16. ITALY – Ravenna | Stop 5G Italia | stop5gitalia@libero.it Flyer: https://stop5ginternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/NEW-EVENT-RAVENNA.jpg More events coming.
  17. JAPAN – Contact emails: pat@khaki.plala.or.jp and voc-emf@mbn.nifty.com.
  18. KENYA – Stop 5G Kenya | Contact email: toshgitonga949@gmail.com.
  19. MALTA – Human Health Alliance (HHA) Contact email: humanhealthalliance@protonmail.com
  20. NORWAY Coordinator: Torleif Dönnestad
  21. NORWAY – Oslo
    For information on events in Norway contact, 5gfritt@gmail.com.
  22. NETHERLANDS – Amsterdam | Contact email: 5gmars@stralingsbewustamsterdam.nl
    March will begin at 1:00 pm at Damsquare, Amsterdam and end at Museum Square about 4:00 pm.
  23. NETHERLANDS – Contact email: design@rheastrik.demon.nl.
  24. NEW ZEALAND – 401 Grey Street, Hamilton Wast Waikato North Island | 10:00 am | Contact email: adamge420@gmail.com
  26. NEW ZEALAND – 5G Free Invercargill and Southland | Meeting at the Fieldwick Memorial Gates of Queens Park, Invercargill Congregating at 10:00 am and departing at 11:00 am. Contact email: 5gfree.southland@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/643844069353518/
  27. POLAND
  30. SOUTH AFRICA – Starting at 11 am at The Skate Park, North Beach, Durban | Contact email: emn8ing@gmail.com.
  31. SPAIN – Island of Tenerife (Canary Islands) | Contact email: conciencia.5g@gmail.com
  32. SPAIN – Canary Islands | Los Llanos, La Palma Island | Contact email: 5glpno@pm.me
  33. SWEDEN – Gothenburg,
  34. SWEDEN – Stockholm | Contact email: info@vagbrytaren.org
  35. SWEDEN – Stockholm | Sergelstorg at 13:30. Contact info: Anna, admin in Swedish Facebook group
  36. UNITED KINGDOM – Planning delivery of Appeal to Scottish Parliament and to 10 Downing Street | Contact email: tankarebel@gmail.com.
  37. UNITED KINGDOM – Isle of Man
  38. UNITED KINGDOM – London | We will be meeting at Hyde Park Corner at 11am there will be speakers and music till 2pm. At 2pm we will March to Parliament Square. We also have pre event informational evenings available on Friday 3rd January and Thursday 16th January. | Flyer : https://stop5ginternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LONDON-EVENT-AMY-scaled.jpg
    For information on any of the above please email Amy at: Londonsaysnoto5g@outlook.com
  39. UNITED STATES – Arkansas
  40. UNITED STATES – Bainbridge Island | Contact email: oliviajoysalamon@gmail.com
  41. UNITED STATES – California | Contact email: AJ4Kids@protonmail.com
    Flyer: https://stop5ginternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ADVOCATING-JUSTICE-4-KIDS-CALI.jpg
  42. UNITED STATES – California, Los Angeles – Topanga | 5G Free California | Contact: Julie A Levine at 5gFreeCalifornia@gmail.com
  43. UNITED STATES – California, Los Angeles – Venice | 5G Free California | Contact: Julie Levine at 5gFreeCalifornia@gmail.com.
  44. UNITED STATES – Hawaii | Multiple events on various islands in the state of Hawaii. All sponsored by KeepYourPower.org | Contact email through the website contact form at www.KeepYourPower.org.
  45. UNITED STATES – New York, Long Island | Contact email: ref04@optonline.net
  46. UNITED STATES – New York, New York City | Rally at 1:00 pm, on the steps of the New York Public Library (main branch) at 5th Avenue and 42nd Street. At 2:00 pm, we will march to the NY Times offices, at 620 8th Avenue (near 42nd Street). We expect to arrive there around 2:30, and stay till around 3:00. | Contact email: nyc5gwake.up@gmail.com | Phone announcement line that people can call, and where they can leave a message: 641-715-3900, 128532#
  47. UNITED STATES – Washington DC | Contact email: roderick_calloway@yahoo.com
  48. UNITED STATES – Washington State, Everett | Contact email: holmanhealth@gmail.com


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Pametno, i globalno zagrevanje obavezno da se poveze sa mobilnom telefonijom

Ko ce da bude nova Greta? :D

Ili novi Isus...
Ја вас да питам ГДЕ И КАДА ће се одржати тај протест уопште? Организатор, који постоји, још се није јавно огласио, а ево 25.01 већ стиже полако!
Значи, БИЋЕ, пријављени смо, као земља, ал где и кад?
Verovatno udruzenje BIOGEN. Ali ne znam koliko smo mi kao nacija sposobni za takav angazman...
Poslednja izmena:
Krajem 19. veka u Beogradu je uvedeno električno osvetljenje u isto vreme kao i Parizu, Londonu i drugim evropskim gradovima. Nepismena rulja je pokušavala to da spreči. Vođena je propaganda protiv sijalica, pričalo se da će ljudi da oslepe kada se upale svetla, da će svi noću morati da se kreću sa zagaravljenim naočarama da ne bi došlo do masovnog slepila i slične budalaštine. Naravno, bilo je pametnog i civilizovanog sveta kao što je profesor Đorđe Stanojević koji su uspeli da na kraju izguraju celu priču.
Očigledno se ništa i danas nije promenilo pa nepismena rulja opet hoće da zaustavi razvoj nauke i tehnologije. Da se oni šta pitaju još uvek bi živeli u kamenom dobu bez struje i telefona. Srećom pa su takvi likovi nebitini, baš kao i luditi za vreme industrijske revolucije, i njhov vrhunac je ostavljanje đubreta iza nekog protesta. Ogromna većina su samo internet ratnici, pa im je i učinak ekvivalentan smeću koje proizvode.
Ajde ti lepo na tvoju temu https://forum.krstarica.com/threads...vetar-u-ledja-organizovanom-kriminalu.900096/
Da nisi neki dokoni operativac BIA koji visi na drustvenim mrezama, misleci da time obavlja radne zadatke? :D Ne bi me cudilo, obzirom na izneti stav o bebama...
Ne znam samo kako si me provalio majstore......... jesi li prirodno tako pametan ili si išao u neku specijalnu školicu da dostigneš ovaj novo inteligencije?

Samo da ne saznaju ovi iz BIA-e da sam provaljen, ima otkaz da mi daju. :huh:
Naravno, bilo je pametnog i civilizovanog sveta kao što je profesor Đorđe Stanojević koji su uspeli da na kraju izguraju celu priču.
Očigledno se ništa i danas nije promenilo pa nepismena rulja opet hoće da zaustavi razvoj nauke i tehnologije.

Ma kakvi, rulja je danas apsolutno na strani pseudotehnologije, a inteligentni ljudi bi to sprecili kad bi mogli.
Eto vidis da nema ni gde da se odrzi ovaj protest, jer je jasno da nece doci vise od 20 ljudi...
Beograd je pun narkomana kao i ranije sto je bio, samo su se droge promenile...
Poslednja izmena:
Gotovo je, Kina ukida razvoj 5G tehnologija zbog protesta u Beogradu.

Ne znam gde je Barisnjikov nasao Srbiju na spisku, ja vidim samo clanice NATO-a, Japan i Keniju :think:

Izgleda da ovi vasi (ako ima anglofila na forumu, nabrojte se sami :lol:) debelo zaostaju tehnoloski, pa bi da zakoce progres koliko mogu...
Kakva ideoloska zbrka, kad bi bar ovde na forumu interno utvrdili ko je protiv cega tacno...
Ogromna većina su samo internet ratnici, pa im je i učinak ekvivalentan smeću koje proizvode.
Poslednja izmena:
Ова прича ме и даље збуњује.
Radi se o antikineskoj kampanji... Kina ih gazi u svakom smislu i logicno je da pomalo sire paniku u javnosti, ali istovremeno bi hteli i da se ta panika ne odrazi na profit... Kompleksna tema sa kontradiktornim pristupom...
Naravno zapadnjacki mediji su strogo kontrolisani kao i nasi...
Znaju oni i od ranije da ce vestacka inteligencija sve da ih pobije, ali ako to uradi americka AI onda se radi o napretku i postbioloskoj evoluciji covecanstva, biznisu vrednom 100 triliona dolara... dok je Kina u ulozi predvodnika neprihvaljitiva...
U Americi su inace te teorije o postbioloskom digitalnom rajhu potpuno legitimne, kao pre 100 godina o moci nadolazece arijevske rase isl.
Necete naci tekst u novinama protiv tih teorija, kao sto ih nije bilo ni za vreme okupacije u WW2
Ова прича ме и даље збуњује. Слушао сам на јутјубу више наших инжењера који тврде да је 5Г мрежа опасност и дају објашњење како загрева течности у телу...коме веровати сад.
Glupost, ti talasi ne mogu da probiju kožu.
Poslednja izmena:
Ова прича ме и даље збуњује. Слушао сам на јутјубу више наших инжењера који тврде да је 5Г мрежа опасност и дају објашњење како загрева течности у телу...коме веровати сад.
нема снаге да загреје скоро ишта.. ради се о томе да на одређеним фреквенцијама резонује са одређеним типом ћелија тако их убија... дела Royala Raifa још из 1922!
баш чудно гугл не даје никакве одговоре на ово... филтрирају ово..!! стока
Koje celije kad ne prolazi kroz kozu. :confused: Te price o termickim efektima su budalastina, izlozite se bilo kom izvoru toplote i koza se greje infracrvenim talasima bez narocitih posledica. Zato sto infracrveni talasi kao i svetlost i UV nemaju zasebnu elektricnu komponentu nego su rojevi cestica - fotona, ne uticu na akupunkturne meridijane itd.
Milimetarski uticu ali sve zavisi od toga koliki je bitna akupunktura. Mi u Srbiji necemo imati priviliegiju da ih koristimo nego sve ostaje po starom, znaci srpski 5G ce biti isto sto i Wi-Fi:
emf.ratel.rs/results/details/cyr/41 Tu su rezultati merenja elektricnog polja stanice na Zvezdari (3,5 GHz...)

Ne znam kakva je situacija u KIni, tamo se verovatno i ne zna koje se frekvencije koriste...
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