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E ovako, napravio sam bazu u access-u i u vb formu za tu bazu. Taj program treba da upisuje podatke u tu bazu. Na mom racunaru radi,medjutim kada narezem na cd i iskopiram na drugi racunar kada popunim formu i kliknem da te podatke zapise u bazu izbaci mi gresku " Object variable or with block not set".
Evo i koda pa ako neko zna u cemu je problem neka napise.
Unapred hvala.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
Private Sub datPrimaryRS_Error(ByVal ErrorNumber As Long, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, fCancelDisplay As Boolean)
'This is where you would put error handling code
'If you want to ignore errors, comment out the next line
'If you want to trap them, add code here to handle them
MsgBox "Data error event hit err:" & Description
End Sub
Private Sub datPrimaryRS_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
'This will display the current record position for this recordset
datPrimaryRS.Caption = "Record: " & CStr(datPrimaryRS.Recordset.AbsolutePosition)
End Sub
Private Sub datPrimaryRS_WillChangeRecord(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal cRecords As Long, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
'This is where you put validation code
'This event gets called when the following actions occur
Dim bCancel As Boolean
Select Case adReason
Case adRsnAddNew
Case adRsnClose
Case adRsnDelete
Case adRsnFirstChange
Case adRsnMove
Case adRsnRequery
Case adRsnResynch
Case adRsnUndoAddNew
Case adRsnUndoDelete
Case adRsnUndoUpdate
Case adRsnUpdate
End Select
If bCancel Then adStatus = adStatusCancel
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
On Error GoTo AddErr
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
On Error GoTo DeleteErr
With datPrimaryRS.Recordset
If .EOF Then .MoveLast
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()
'This is only needed for multi user apps
On Error GoTo RefreshErr
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo UpdateErr
datPrimaryRS.Recordset.UpdateBatch adAffectAll
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub
Evo i koda pa ako neko zna u cemu je problem neka napise.
Unapred hvala.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
Private Sub datPrimaryRS_Error(ByVal ErrorNumber As Long, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, fCancelDisplay As Boolean)
'This is where you would put error handling code
'If you want to ignore errors, comment out the next line
'If you want to trap them, add code here to handle them
MsgBox "Data error event hit err:" & Description
End Sub
Private Sub datPrimaryRS_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
'This will display the current record position for this recordset
datPrimaryRS.Caption = "Record: " & CStr(datPrimaryRS.Recordset.AbsolutePosition)
End Sub
Private Sub datPrimaryRS_WillChangeRecord(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal cRecords As Long, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
'This is where you put validation code
'This event gets called when the following actions occur
Dim bCancel As Boolean
Select Case adReason
Case adRsnAddNew
Case adRsnClose
Case adRsnDelete
Case adRsnFirstChange
Case adRsnMove
Case adRsnRequery
Case adRsnResynch
Case adRsnUndoAddNew
Case adRsnUndoDelete
Case adRsnUndoUpdate
Case adRsnUpdate
End Select
If bCancel Then adStatus = adStatusCancel
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
On Error GoTo AddErr
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
On Error GoTo DeleteErr
With datPrimaryRS.Recordset
If .EOF Then .MoveLast
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()
'This is only needed for multi user apps
On Error GoTo RefreshErr
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo UpdateErr
datPrimaryRS.Recordset.UpdateBatch adAffectAll
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub