Politicari, prepoznajte se

Duse mrzi me da prevodim i trazim za sebe pa ti ovde slobodno predlozi kojoj vrsti ja spadam.

Нема фрке.
Пошто ти је број постова, и стаж, позамашан, а сад ниси много активан - можеш бити:

Troglodyte seems to have emerged from the mists of time untouched by human evolution. Devoid of a single progressive idea and lacking the slightest awareness of social and cultural advances, Troglodyte has developed an incoherent political philosophy that he characterizes as "conservative" or "libertarian", but which could be more accurately described as "bigoted narcissism". His aggressive posturing often frightens off weaker, more timid Warriors. In pitched battle, however, Troglodyte easily loses control and his attack quickly degenerates into a rant. Just for the fun of it, Weenie, Issues. Pinko and Evil Clown will sometimes deliberately goad him into a towering rage.

Ovaj i target su najbolja kombinacija,za flejmovanje...:mrgreen:


Grunter always reponds to discussion forum messages with a single word or a short phrase, and he NEVER edits quoted material. Profundus Maximus, Philosopher, Tireless Rebutter, and other verbose Warriors find Grunter a particularly exasperating opponent because he will answer their lengthy pontifications with a simple "Yeah!". "Get a life.", "Whatever", "I agree." "Wrong.", etc. While Grunter is not a strong Warrior, he is very elusive and difficult to engage in direct battle, and only by his extended silence is there any indication that he has been vanquished.
Да видимо још неке форумске ликове.

МАРЛОН (а и ко би други, молим те)
"Си сењоре ке посо фазере пер леи?"

Forums often contain one or more unacknowledged sub-societies, but everyone except the most clueless know that these groups exist and constantly feel their influence. Such alliances congeal because of similarities in ideas and attitudes, or for the desire for power and influence within the forum. Since human beings are hierarchical creatures each of these these little mafias always have a Godfather who is surrounded by a cadre of loyal henchmen. Unlike Rebel Leader, Issues, Furious Typer and other noisy Warriors, Godfather only occasionally deigns to enter into discussions, but when he does everyone listens to him respectfully and his pronouncements have an air of finality. Though Godfather himself never engages in battle, it is commonly understood that his utterances should not be challenged, and when an unsuspecting Newbie or ambitious wannabe mounts a challenge to his authority Godfather’s henchmen viciously silence or drive away the attacker.

Његова екселенција АМБАСАДОР и сер ШОН

Whether through virtue, contributions, force of personality or sheer longevity certain forum participants will rise to form an aristocracy. While it is generally taboo to openly acknowledge the class distinctions, the hierarchy is well understood by all. While for the most part the Royals rule with magnanimity, they will not tolerate impertinence from the hoi polloi. It is their habit to remain aloof from petty squabbles among their subjects, but when full-scale war breaks out their intervention can be decisive.
ja nikako da izaberem... :D


Though Kung-Fu Masters are powerful Warriors, they generally choose not to fight. Many lesser Warriors delude themselves into thinking that they are masters of war, but few are the genuine article. The true Kung-Fu master fully appreciates his own superiority and is therefore unruffled by petty provocations. When forced to fight, however, he quickly crushes his opponent with devastating blows.
Једини корисник овог форума кога сам ја ставио на листу непожељних и идаље га држим тамо (можда је банован у међувремену)

ALLCAPS attempts to compensate for his limited rhetorical weaponry through the extravagant use of capitalized words - something netizens refer to as SHOUTING. Sure, a sprinkling of capitalized words can add some zip to a thrust, but they should be used sparingly. Even worse from a tactical point of view, too much shouting alerts other Warriors to the opponent's verbal WEAKNESS and emotional EXCITABILITY.
Though Kung-Fu Masters are powerful Warriors, they generally choose not to fight. Many lesser Warriors delude themselves into thinking that they are masters of war, but few are the genuine article. The true Kung-Fu master fully appreciates his own superiority and is therefore unruffled by petty provocations. When forced to fight, however, he quickly crushes his opponent with devastating blows.
Ooooo, Elvine, dubok poklon. ma ja hteo da stavim ali bilo mi neprijatno :D jos bi ga iskombinovao sa onim pesnikom, e to bi onda bilo to :D

Big Cat would rather not fight...she enjoys peacefully observing forum conversations and laconically participates when the moods strikes. She playfully chases interesting threads, and from time to time uses a Newbie or Propellerhead as a convenient scratching post. She enjoys being stroked or petted, and tends to purr loudly. CAUTION: Don't be fooled by her fuzzy, playful exterior. When provoked, Big Cat reacts with lightning speed and almost always lands on her feet after an attack. Big Cat often indulges herselfby toying with her victim before delivering her lethal blows.
Дај, Елвине, нађи и мени неку наказу... кад је бал - нек' је бал :confused:

Ево, пошто је преусмерено на мене, после дугог премишљања.
Овај лик ти је, Мито, можда најсличнији... мада мислим да ти се неће баш свидети.


The most common variants of Ideologue are conservative and liberal. Smug and self satisfied in their certitudes, Ideologue's opinions are merely a loose collection of intellectual conceits, and e is genuinely astonished, bewildered and and indignant that his views are not universally embraced as the Truth. He regards the opposing point of view as a form of cognitive dissonance whose only cure is relentless propagandizing and browbeating. The conservative iteration of Ideologue parades himself as a logical, clear thinker, while the liberal version trumpets his higher level of mental, spiritual and social awareness. Troglodyte is the natural ally of conservative Ideologue, and for liberal Ideologue it is Weenie. Ideologue is a fierce, but very predictable Warrior..

А шта мислите, ко је ово (није га било бећ неко време)

WARNING!!! YOU MUST READ THIS!!! Klaxon, the internet Chicken Little, raises the alarm for each and every paranoid conspiracy theory, Federal Big-Brother scheme, internet hoax, and latest computer virus. No black helicopter alert is so ludicrous, no urban legend so implausible, that he will not pass it along as accepted fact (in ALL CAPS with multiple exclamation marks). Congratulations, you are recipient 16,747 of today's Urban Myth. CAUTION: Evil Clown or even Klaxon himself may sometimes spread false alarms just to stir up trouble.

Pierce Brosnan was not even a year old when his father left his family. His mother needed to find a job, so she left Pierce with his grandparents while she went to London to become a nurse. When he was 6 years old, his grandparents died, leaving him a home with other relatives. He was not able to have a true family for a while but spent much of his time in his aunt's pub. Eventually, he attended school in England where he was made fun for being Irish, but early on, he found that he had a talent for English and art. Afterwards, he carried various jobs such as dishwashing, cab driving, and even eating fire for the circus. When he was 20 years old, he attended the Drama Centre of London where he got formal education as an actor. He then became a stage manager and eventually made his stage debut in Wait Until Dark. In 1981, he got his big break in the television series "The Manions of America" that led to his title role in the popular detective series, "Remington Steele." In 1994, Pierce was given the role of the 5th 007. As James Bond, he became extremely famous. His first four films grossed more than $1.6 billion worldwide. In his spare time, Brosnan enjoys painting and fund-raising for cancer. His most recent movie is Laws of Attraction in which he co-stars with Julianne Moore.

Meni ličite na Pirsa Brosnana.:lol:

Big Cat would rather not fight...she enjoys peacefully observing forum conversations and laconically participates when the moods strikes. She playfully chases interesting threads, and from time to time uses a Newbie or Propellerhead as a convenient scratching post. She enjoys being stroked or petted, and tends to purr loudly. CAUTION: Don't be fooled by her fuzzy, playful exterior. When provoked, Big Cat reacts with lightning speed and almost always lands on her feet after an attack. Big Cat often indulges herselfby toying with her victim before delivering her lethal blows.

:lol: da znas da se i sama prepoznajem u ovome :shock: :lol:
posebno pretposlednja recenica :lol:
