Otidjite na sajt i potpisite peticiju da se Aja Sofiji vrati status pravoslavne crkve.
Ako sakupimo 1,000,000 glasova postoji velika mogućnost da će EU zahtevati od Turske da vrati originalni status Aja Sofije i time usloviti ulazak Turske u EU.
(ako iz nekog razloga link ne radi u ovom prozoru, kopirajte ga u svoj adres bar)
I na engleskom, ako hocete da posaljete svojim prijateljima ili kolegama:
If we collect 1,000,000 signatures there is a strong possibility that the European Union would require Turkey to restore to its original status the Saint Sophia Church in Istanbul which has been used as a mosque for the last 500 years.
Whether you are a Serbian or Greek, or not we have a duty to restore history even after so many years.
I kindly ask you to forward this to any of your contacts you feel would be interested to contribute to this just cause.
Thanking you in advance for your time 1,000,000 SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED - LET US DO IT
Otidjite na sajt i potpisite peticiju da se Aja Sofiji vrati status pravoslavne crkve.
Ako sakupimo 1,000,000 glasova postoji velika mogućnost da će EU zahtevati od Turske da vrati originalni status Aja Sofije i time usloviti ulazak Turske u EU.
(ako iz nekog razloga link ne radi u ovom prozoru, kopirajte ga u svoj adres bar)
I na engleskom, ako hocete da posaljete svojim prijateljima ili kolegama:
If we collect 1,000,000 signatures there is a strong possibility that the European Union would require Turkey to restore to its original status the Saint Sophia Church in Istanbul which has been used as a mosque for the last 500 years.
Whether you are a Serbian or Greek, or not we have a duty to restore history even after so many years.
I kindly ask you to forward this to any of your contacts you feel would be interested to contribute to this just cause.
Thanking you in advance for your time 1,000,000 SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED - LET US DO IT